Gluten Free Stout
American Stout
5.5 Gallons |
1.065 |
1.017 |
6.33 |
31.29 |
38.14 °L
2.8K |
1 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.048 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 5/6/2019 3:48 PM |
Notes: Mash with amylase enzymes.
Primary ferment at 64-68 degrees 4 to 7 days.
Rack to secondary and add candi syrup.
Secondary ferment at 67 degrees until FG is achieved (approx 14 days my last brew). |
Cranberry Blonde Ale
Blonde Ale
5.5 Gallons |
1.049 |
1.012 |
4.92 |
27.34 |
6 °L
2.8K |
1 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.036 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 60 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 10/1/2017 8:29 PM |
Notes: I moved the carboy into the kegerator and set it to 60º. I placed the liquid yeast in there as well and waited 4 hours to pitch. I pitched about 1 hour after activating the smack pack. The next morning it appears to not be doing much. Krausen at 24 hours. 36 hours it was fermenting so well it pushed the stopper out of the carboy.
Consider a yeast starter for the next batch- I may have under pitched.
Fermented at 60º, at 5 days increased temp to 70º
Added 2lbs pureed cranberries in a fine mesh hop bag at 8 days.
Added 1/2 tsp sugar at cold crash, next time add more.
I was worried that the cranberries would dye the beer red, but they did not. Cranberry taste is mild not and not at all overwhelming. Cranberries did not make the beer too harsh or bitter.
On 11/29/17 I tapped the second batch of this. I used the same grain and hops bill, but used Wyeast 1056 this time and 3 pounds of pureed cranberries. I preferred the batch I made last year. 3 pounds of cranberries added too much tartness, and left a slight tannin taste . It also died the beer a nice pinkish color. I added 3/4 tsp of granulated sugar to the keg at cold crash again. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't my best. I think I need to refocus my efforts and try making a better base beer next year. Lose the white wheat, and add some more crystal malt. This beer is lacking something to balance the cranberry and hide the tannins, and I'm not sure that I would really enjoy the base beer without the cranberry. It's also worth considering reducing or removing the bittering hops altogether if I continue to use pureed cranberry.
*In reading the Oct/Nov 2017 Beer & Brewing Magazine, they had an idea to use dried and ground Sumac berries for "tart citrus and brilliant red to your beer in much the same way that cranberries do, but without the massive tannin attack that accompanies them". I will try this for next year's batch
Sierra Nevada Tumbler
American Brown Ale
6 Gallons |
1.055 |
1.013 |
5.4 |
36.55 |
26.32 °L
2.8K |
2 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.044 |
Efficiency: 71 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 64 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 11/10/2015 5:56 PM |
Notes: |
Mark's Munich Dunkel Lager
Munich Dunkel
23 Litres |
1.051 |
1.014 |
4.87 |
27.98 |
22.72 °L
2.8K |
2 |
Size: 16 Litres |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.03 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: Partial Mash |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 10 ° C |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 10/13/2013 12:52 AM |
Notes: |
Chocolate Coconut Coffee Stout
Sweet Stout
5.5 Gallons |
1.058 |
1.019 |
5.15 |
33.18 |
50 °L
2.8K |
0 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.043 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: BIAB |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 6/7/2016 3:40 AM |
Notes: This beer turned out extremely awesome. Almost not a beer but a dessert. Not over the top but just pretty perfect |
Stone Ruination Double IPA
Imperial IPA
6 Gallons |
1.07 |
1.017 |
7.07 |
289.36 |
4.75 °L
2.8K |
4 |
Size: 8 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.053 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.25 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.0 |
Temp: 65 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 4/28/2015 2:09 PM |
Notes: - Add corn sugar to boil, not in mash
- Days 1-8 Primary (monitor and increase if necessary)
- Days 9-15 Secondary - add dry hops batch 1
- Days 16-22 add dry hops batch 2
- Day 23-24 Cold crash
- Day 25 Rack to bright keg and add whole leaf hops if desired |
Golden Mosaic SMaSH
American Pale Ale
5 Gallons |
1.052 |
1.012 |
5.19 |
43.83 |
5.1 °L
2.8K |
0 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.035 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.25 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 4/2/2015 2:32 PM |
Notes: |
American Pale Ale
American Pale Ale
5.5 Gallons |
1.055 |
1.013 |
5.49 |
34.71 |
11.06 °L
2.8K |
5 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.04 |
Efficiency: 73 |
Mash Thickness: 1.25 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.75 |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: Force |
Priming Amount: 24 lbs |
Date: 2/15/2014 10:38 PM |
Notes: |
Strong Scottish Oak Aged
Strong Scotch Ale
11.5 Gallons |
1.092 |
1.028 |
8.48 |
33.24 |
26.68 °L
2.8K |
2 |
Size: 14 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.076 |
Efficiency: 77 |
Mash Thickness: 1.3 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.25 |
Temp: 66 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 9/28/2013 4:19 AM |
Notes: Pitch at 63 deg and hold at 64-66 deg. Let ramp up to 66 but do not let it go above 68.
Secondary in oak barrel for 7 days.
Condition for 3 - 6 months. |
Covid Watermelon Wheat
No Profile Selected |
5 Gallons |
1.059 |
1.011 |
6.4 |
13.22 |
4.54 °L
2.8K |
0 |
Size: 7 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.049 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 4/28/2020 1:43 AM |
Notes: The watermelon will add about 1.018 extra gravity. It was added after 5 days of fermentation. |
Citra Simcoe And Chinook IPA
California Common Beer
5.5 Gallons |
1.06 |
1.011 |
6.51 |
49.46 |
7.86 °L
2.8K |
2 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.044 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 70 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 3/19/2015 5:03 PM |
Notes: |
Cusakian Oatmeal Stout
Irish Stout
5 Gallons |
1.062 |
1.018 |
5.76 |
47.16 |
50 °L
2.8K |
0 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.041 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.0 |
Temp: 70 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 1/3/2016 10:06 PM |
Notes: |
BrewUnited English IPA
English IPA
5.5 Gallons |
1.062 |
1.012 |
6.58 |
51.08 |
12.48 °L
2.8K |
0 |
Size: 7 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.049 |
Efficiency: 74 |
Mash Thickness: 1.4 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.75 |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 7/7/2016 5:29 AM |
Notes: |
West Coast Bitter
American Pale Ale
40 Litres |
1.045 |
1.013 |
4.24 |
45.5 |
7.43 °L
2.8K |
1 |
Size: 45 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.04 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 2.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.75 |
Temp: 18 ° C |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 10/19/2013 2:54 PM |
Notes: Brewed Sunday 18th January 2015.
Recipe based on Kelsey McNairs Session IPA with a slightly tweaked grain bill and different hops.
Mashed in with 20L water at strike temp of 78oC. Mash temp of 69oC (target 70oC). Mash pH looks about right from pH strips (perhaps a little more towards 5.2 than 5.5).
Top up with 3L of water at end of the mash to recover 15L of wort
Batch sparge with 2 x 15L water to recover a total volume of 45L for the boil.
Calcium Sulphate (as gypsum): 4g to malt grist and 5g to the boil
Calcium Chloride added to the strike water as 33% solution (not as dihydrate) so scaling / correction factor = 110.98 g/mol (anhydrous) / 147.014 g/mol (dihydrate) * 3 = 2.26. 3.5 x 2.26 = 7.91 mL.
Lactic Acid (88%) added to strike water (5.6 mL) and to sparge water (3.3 mL).
Rehydrated 2 packets US-05 in 2 x 110 mL cooled boiled water at 37oC.
1. Sprinkle yeast onto surface of water in a glass bottle, cover with foil and let stand for 15 mins.
2. Stir yeast with sanitised spoon and let stand for 5 mins.
3. Stir again to form a cream and let stand for 5 mins.
4. Bring down to wort temperature by adding small increments of cooled boiled water.
5. Pitch into beer within 30 mins.
Beer 1 (no clarity ferm / carrier fermentor) 21L at 1.047 (after dilution) yeast pitched at 23oC
Beer 2 yeast (+ clarity ferm / no carrier) pitched at 18oC
Beers fermented in our cellar storage at 15-15.5oC.
Collected 2 samples to run an FFT at ambient in our kitchen (21-25oC).
24/01/15 - FFT results. Beer 1 = 1.014. Beer 2 = 1.013. Did a diacetyl test on each sample and definitely diacetyl after heating the samples and then cooling (repeated 5 days later and much less diacetyl).
25/01/15 (Sun, Day 8) Moved into the boiler room at 21oC for "d-rest" before dry hopping.
28/01/15 (Wed, Day 11) - Dry hops added 34g of each varietal in each beer (so 102g DH in ~20L beer [~5 g/L]). Decided against adding Columbus as planned as the hops just did not smell as good as the others (perhaps a little oxidised as the other packets were all opened fresh for the brewday but the columbus was opened a few brewdays ago). Samples taken for gravity readings. Beer 1 = 1.014. Beer 2 = 1.013. Ran a diacetyl test and a small amount detected.
02/02/15 (Mon, Day 16) - Taken to the attic to crash chill (5 days on DH). Attic temp (1oC).
05/02/15 (Thurs, Day 19) - Kegged both beers in corny kegs that had been CO2 purged by transferring a full keg of Starsan from one keg to another under pressure.
Hydro samples tasted fantastic. Very clear and great hop aroma and low / moderate bitterness. Beer was at 3oC after crash chilling so took a while to warm up.
Kegs hooked up to CO2 and purged again before adding 2 bar (30 psi) pressure.
FG = 1.013 for both beers, so 4.5% ABV. |
Rye Pale Ale
American Pale Ale
5.25 Gallons |
1.051 |
1.01 |
5.37 |
115.44 |
7.93 °L
2.8K |
0 |
Size: 7.25 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.037 |
Efficiency: 35 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: Extract |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 12/17/2016 7:50 PM |
Notes: OK, the ibu's are defiantly beyond the pale, but it's less than the My Rye PA recipe and way less the the Hop Diggity Rye PA recipe.
The LME is Williams Brewing # M14 America Rye blend. This blend includes Pale malt, Rye malt and Crystal malt.
With 15 minutes left in the boil I turned off the burner a n d stopped the timer. I added the DME and Whirlfloc tablet and stirred until dissolved. I added the wort chiller to the kettle, turned on the burner, brought it back to a boil and restarted the timer. |
10 Gallons |
1.053 |
1.013 |
5.22 |
11.56 |
4.84 °L
2.8K |
1 |
Size: 14 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.038 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.25 |
Temp: 66 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 1/18/2015 9:53 PM |
Notes: |
Cream Ale
Cream Ale
5 Gallons |
1.05 |
1.008 |
5.45 |
27.84 |
7.34 °L
2.8K |
1 |
Size: 4 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.056 |
Efficiency: 35 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: Extract |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: 62 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 3/22/2015 7:00 PM |
Notes: added tiny bit of leftover honey and 1lb corn sugar @ 20 min
Turned off burner, let sit 10 mins with 0min hops then brought to 95F
added 1/2 gal of sterile water next morning
added slurry of yeast next morning
ferment @ 68F +/- 2F
OG 1.056
Ferment 10 days
Dry hop 7 days
Cold crash 2 days |
Blind Pig Clone
American IPA
5.5 Gallons |
1.062 |
1.016 |
6.14 |
82.85 |
6.55 °L
2.8K |
1 |
Size: 6.7 Gallons |
Boil Time: 75 |
Boil Gravity: 1.051 |
Efficiency: 65 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.75 |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 1/13/2015 4:43 PM |
Notes: |
David Heath's Verdant IPA
American IPA
5 Gallons |
1.059 |
1.01 |
6.33 |
45.33 |
6.31 °L
2.8K |
0 |
Size: 4 Gallons |
Boil Time: 30 |
Boil Gravity: 1.043 |
Efficiency: 73 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: Partial Mash |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: 67 ° F |
Priming Method: sucrose |
Priming Amount: 4.9 oz |
Date: 2/13/2021 8:19 PM |
Notes: Made 1.5 L starter 3 days prior to pitching, using 150 g of DME, 1/2 tsp of Wyeast nutrient, and 2 drops of olive oil. Pre-boil and original gravities hit, and pitched at 67F. Fermentation began within 3 hours, and 67F was maintained for 1 full day. Fermenter rose to 72F and maintained until day 3 when dry hopped (G=1.014) and flushed fermenter with CO2. |
Hoptic Thunder Hazy IPA
American IPA
5.5 Gallons |
1.072 |
1.019 |
7.06 |
38.31 |
5.21 °L
2.8K |
0 |
Size: 6.78 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.059 |
Efficiency: 72 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: BIAB |
Pitch Rate: 1.25 |
Temp: 70 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 2/16/2018 1:38 AM |
Notes: 2 week primary at 70F. On day 3 of active fermentation, all the first dry hops. On day 7 of active fermentation, add the second dry hops. Between day 10 and 14, package.
Priceless BIAB: 5.5,15.25,4.5,6,60,152,65,168,0.00,0.08,0.040,1,9,14.25,0,0.5,0,95,imperial,2.06,Hoptic Thunder Hazy IPA,IPA,1.072,2-15,36,100,0.00,1.000,1.000 |