Mead - Semi-Sweet Mead (BJCP 2008) - Beer Recipes | Brewer's Friend
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Mead - Semi-Sweet Mead (BJCP 2008)

Top 10 Semi-Sweet Mead (BJCP 2008) Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
Spiced Pear Mead
1 gal 13.61% 0 1.105 1.001
extract 6464
Plum Mead
2 gal 10.34% 0 1.105 1.026
extract 3777
5 gal 14.88% 0 1.151 1.038
extract 3091
Red Barley Mead
3.8 L 16.48% 0 1.153 1.028
Partial Mash 2876
Paradisi Mead
1 gal 12.4% 0 1.126 1.031
All Grain 2867
Agave Mead
3 gal 13.78% 0 1.140 1.035
All Grain 2751
Randy Kobelt's Recipe
5 gal 14.02% 0 1.120 1.013
Partial Mash 2526
Greybeards Ambrosia
5 gal 14.14% 0 1.144 1.036
extract 2314
Cyser (Mulling Spices)
3 gal 13.07% 0 1.133 1.033
extract 2234
Hibiscus Juniper Mead
1 gal 12.34% 0 1.125 1.031
extract 2168

Newest Semi-Sweet Mead (BJCP 2008) Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
Bee Butt Fuzz
5.5 gal 18.09% 0 1.145 1.007
3 gal 13.99% 0 1.123 1.016
extract 34
Cyser, I Hardly Know Her
3 gal 14.99% 11.85 1.143 1.029
All Grain 101
Don't Hide My Honey
4.5 L 9.41% 0 1.110 1.039
All Grain 103
Vanilla Pear Mead
5 gal 10.88% 0 1.111 1.028
All Grain 120
Papas Coffee-mel
5 gal 11.48% 0 1.088 1.000
extract 187
Cu to Chil Ratio
4.7 L 11.07% 0 1.130 1.045
All Grain 136
Ben's High Grav Mead 1A
2.8 gal 20.32% 0 1.180 1.025
extract 175
Basic Mead
3 gal 14.55% 0 1.117 1.006
extract 155
Abeja reina
1 gal 11.22% 0 1.114 1.029
extract 156

Fermentables Used In Semi-Sweet Mead (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
Honey 201 Sugar honey 2°L
35 86% 8% - 100%
Raw Honey 30 Sugar honey 20°L
38 82% 11% - 100%
Raisins (dried) 12 Fruit fruit 0°L
29.25 3% 0% - 9%
Blueberry 8 Fruit fruit 0°L
4.95 30% 2% - 77%
Brown Sugar 7 Sugar sugar 15°L
45 50% 25% - 100%
Cane Sugar 6 Sugar sugar 0°L
46 17% 8% - 42%
Maple Syrup 6 Sugar sugar 35°L
30 34% 15% - 50%
US - Honey - Sweet Clover 5 US Sugar honey 0°L
35 99% 96% - 100%
Orange 5 Fruit fruit 0°L
4.1 25% 9% - 63%
Corn Sugar - Dextrose 5 Sugar sugar 0.5°L
42 30% 6% - 100%

Hops Used In Semi-Sweet Mead (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Average AA Avg. Usage Usage Range
Amarillo 3 8.6 58% 33% - 100%
Cascade 2 7 29% 14% - 33%
Citra 2 11 44% 33% - 50%
Galaxy 2 14.25 67% 33% - 100%
Hallertau Mittelfruh 2 3.75 83% 67% - 100%
Nugget 2 14 75% 50% - 100%
Willamette 2 4.5 75% 50% - 100%

Steeping Grains Used In Semi-Sweet Mead (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range

Yeasts Used In Semi-Sweet Mead (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Laboratory Type Alcohol Tolerance Flocculation Attenuation Min. Temp Max. Temp
Mangrove Jack - Mead M05 27 Mangrove Jack Mead n/a Med-High 97.5% 59°F 86°F
White Labs - Sweet Mead/Wine Yeast WLP720 21 White Labs Wine 0.15 Low 75% 70°F 75°F
Lallemand - Lalvin ICV D-47 15 Lallemand Wine High Medium 95% 59°F 86°F
Lallemand - Lalvin EC-1118 12 Lallemand Champagne High High 65% 59°F 77°F
Wyeast - Dry Mead 4632 11 Wyeast Wine 0.18 Low-Med 95% 55°F 75°F
Wyeast - Sweet Mead 4184 9 Wyeast Wine 0.11 Medium 75% 65°F 75°F
White Labs - Champagne Yeast WLP715 7 White Labs Champagne 0.17 Low 90% 70°F 75°F
Lallemand - Lalvin 71B -1122 7 Lallemand Mead High High 100% 59°F 86°F
Fermentis - Safale - American Ale Yeast US-05 7 Fermentis / Safale Ales Low Medium 81% 54°F 77°F
Lallemand - LALVIN ICV K1-V1116 6 Lallemand Wine Medium High 65% 50°F 95°F

Other Ingredients Used In Semi-Sweet Mead (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Type Use Avg. Usage Usage Range
Yeast Nutrient 10 Fining Primary 28% 3% - 100%
Cinnamon stick 7 Spice Whirlpool 25% 0% - 57%
Irish Moss 6 Fining Boil 48% 1% - 100%
Fermaid K 6 Other Mash 42% 9% - 100%
Go-Ferm 5 Other Other 24% 0% - 46%
Fermaid O 5 Other Mash 19% 1% - 54%
Hibiscus 4 Herb Mash 67% 1% - 100%
Allspice 3 Spice Mash 5% 0% - 9%
Gypsum 3 Water Agt Whirlpool 6% 0% - 17%
Ginger 3 Spice Mash 32% 1% - 75%
