Homebrew Beer Recipes | Page 983 | Browse 305,000+ at Brewer's Friend
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Homebrew Beer Recipes

Page 983 of our growing list of 305,000+ homebrew beer recipes. Sort by beer style, batch size, ABV and more for all-grain, extract or partial mash brewing.

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Title Style Size OG FG ABV IBU Color Views Brewed Rating
Manifesto NE Style IPA American IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.065 1.017 6.33 81.82 5.44 °L
1.2K 0
Winter Warmer British Strong Ale 450 Litres 16.829 4.393 7.15 0 21.5 °L
1.2K 0
Sam Adams Boston Lager American Lager 5.5 Gallons 1.049 1.01 5.12 35.14 6.59 °L
1.2K 1
Czech Pilsner Czech Premium Pale Lager 5 Gallons 1.05 1.012 4.98 39.71 3.55 °L
1.2K 1
Midnight Snack Eisbock 10 Litres 1.089 1.022 8.81 27.43 22.72 °L
1.2K 0
Belgian Wit Witbier 5.5 Gallons 1.05 1.013 4.85 18.9 3.33 °L
1.2K 1
Killer Cascara Collab Flanders Red Ale 930 Gallons 18.334 4.936 7.37 11.76 11.65 °L
1.2K 0
Schwartzbier Von Köstritz (77) Schwarzbier 6.5 Gallons 1.051 1.012 5.14 25.27 26.6 °L
1.2K 0
Dark Lagger Muni Czech Dark Lager 30 Litres 1.046 1.012 4.46 19.43 30.97 °L
1.2K 0
Saison Opener Saison 20.8 Litres 1.065 1.012 6.91 31.02 5.57 °L
1.2K 6
Mint Skidmore American Stout 3 Gallons 1.063 1.015 6.35 68.43 37.95 °L
1.2K 1
Fuck It 2XIPA Imperial IPA 20 Litres 1.076 1.016 7.8 245.44 5.92 °L
1.2K 0
Julöl 2015 Old Ale 110 Litres 12.596 4.384 4.42 69.21 41.42 °L
1.2K 0
Pumpkin Stout American Stout 5.5 Gallons 1.075 1.019 7.34 40.27 50 °L
1.2K 0
Nelson Mandela American Pale Ale 4 Gallons 14.673 3.53 6.02 48.49 11.49 °L
1.2K 0
Smoked Porter Baltic Porter 10.5 Gallons 1.056 1.01 6.1 23.94 23.05 °L
1.2K 0
Maris Otter English-Style PA American Pale Ale 2 Gallons 1.053 1.015 5.03 34.17 5.94 °L
1.2K 4
BitteRed American Amber Ale 5 Gallons 1.076 1.019 7.43 70.42 12.76 °L
1.2K 0
TripelTripelTripel Belgian Tripel 500 Litres 1.076 1.009 8.82 20.54 6.04 °L
1.2K 1
Solvang&Solvang - Cascade IPA American IPA 22 Litres 1.065 1.018 6.19 76.42 6.37 °L
1.2K 0