Belgian and French Ale - Witbier (BJCP 2008) - Beer Recipes | Brewer's Friend
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Belgian and French Ale - Witbier (BJCP 2008)

Top 10 Witbier (BJCP 2008) Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
2015 - Hoegaarden Grand Cru
6 gal 8.67% 33.9 1.088 1.022
All Grain 13967
Kronenbourg blanc 1664 clone
50 L 5.19% 19.2 1.050 1.011
All Grain 6919
Thai Ginger
5.5 gal 5.26% 20.33 1.053 1.013
All Grain 5757
Lemongrass Wit Bier
5.5 gal 4.08% 24.87 1.041 1.010
All Grain 4375
Raspberry Witbier
3 gal 5.89% 28.28 1.059 1.014
All Grain 4215
Coconut wit
5 gal 4.84% 19.14 1.050 1.013
All Grain 3979
Monterey Bay's Summer Witbier
11 gal 5.81% 28.86 1.058 1.014
All Grain 3890
Brasserie Dieu du Ciel! Rosee d'hibiscus
7 gal 5.6% 15.95 1.055 1.012
BIAB 3451
Mandarina Bavaria Belgian Wit
6.5 gal 3.32% 8.69 1.034 1.009
extract 3314
Blanche de Bruges Clone
5 gal 4.71% 24.96 1.050 1.014
extract 3025

Newest Witbier (BJCP 2008) Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
5.5 gal 5.2% 14.69 1.053 1.013
Einstok Olgerd, White Ale Clone
24 L 5.35844% 22.2744 1.050 1.010
All Grain 32
Belgian Wheat
30 gal 5.39% 40.24 1.058 1.016
All Grain 34
Witbier cascaras de citricos
20 L 5.04% 18.47 1.049 1.011
All Grain 45
23 L 5.43% 12.7 1.054 1.012
All Grain 67
Crau magnon grisette
27 L 4.21% 7.36 1.035 1.003
All Grain 56
3bbl belg wit
91 gal 4.59% 12.4 1.046 1.011
All Grain 47
Winnebago Witbier
5.5 gal 6.18% 20.41 1.065 1.017
Christmas Wit
32 L 5.21% 20.73 1.051 1.012
All Grain 68
AMAMI BLUE(ホワイトエール)
211 L 4.56% 10.37 1.043 1.008
extract 125

Fermentables Used In Witbier (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
Flaked Oats 344 Adjunct raw 2.2°L
33 8% 2% - 26%
Flaked Wheat 341 Adjunct raw 2°L
34 25% 2% - 50%
Belgian - Pilsner 189 Belgian Grain base malt 1.6°L
37 47% 9% - 94%
German - Pilsner 145 German Grain base malt 1.6°L
38 48% 5% - 100%
Rice Hulls 125 Adjunct other 0°L
0 5% 1% - 15%
German - Wheat Malt 119 German Grain base malt 2°L
37 36% 3% - 100%
American - White Wheat 118 American Grain base malt 2.8°L
40 34% 5% - 100%
US - Pale 2-Row 113 US Grain base malt 1.8°L
37 48% 4% - 96%
Belgian - Wheat 78 Belgian Grain base malt 1.8°L
38 33% 3% - 69%
American - Pilsner 77 American Grain base malt 1.8°L
37 50% 10% - 100%

Hops Used In Witbier (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Average AA Avg. Usage Usage Range
Saaz 230 3.5 45% 9% - 100%
Hallertau Mittelfruh 82 3.75 56% 4% - 100%
Tettnanger 75 4.5 54% 10% - 100%
Cascade 68 7 42% 5% - 100%
East Kent Goldings 64 5 58% 13% - 100%
Hallertau Hersbrucker 63 4 71% 9% - 100%
Domestic Hallertau 53 3.9 62% 8% - 100%
Citra 45 11 37% 5% - 100%
Styrian Goldings 41 5.5 49% 8% - 100%
Amarillo 39 8.6 28% 5% - 100%

Steeping Grains Used In Witbier (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
Flaked Wheat 21 Adjunct raw 2°L
34 45% 14% - 100%
Flaked Oats 16 Adjunct raw 2.2°L
33 47% 20% - 100%
American - White Wheat 9 American Grain base malt 2.8°L
40 52% 25% - 100%
US - Pale 2-Row 7 US Grain base malt 1.8°L
37 40% 33% - 50%
American - Wheat 4 American Grain base malt 1.8°L
38 50% 25% - 100%
Belgian - Wheat 4 Belgian Grain base malt 1.8°L
38 49% 33% - 86%
American - Carapils (Dextrine Malt) 4 American Grain crystal malt 1.8°L
33 47% 25% - 100%
Rolled Oats 4 Adjunct raw 2.2°L
33 68% 20% - 100%
Caramel / Crystal 60L 3 Grain crystal malt 60°L
34 61% 33% - 100%
Belgian - Biscuit 3 Belgian Grain roasted malt 23°L
35 27% 17% - 40%

Yeasts Used In Witbier (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Laboratory Type Alcohol Tolerance Flocculation Attenuation Min. Temp Max. Temp
White Labs - Belgian Wit Ale Yeast WLP400 171 White Labs Ale Medium Low-Med 76% 67°F 74°F
Wyeast - Belgian Witbier 3944 146 Wyeast Ale 0.12 Med-Low 74% 62°F 75°F
Mangrove Jack - Belgian Wit M21 63 Mangrove Jack Ale n/a Med-Low 72.5% 64°F 77°F
Fermentis - Safbrew - Specialty Ale Yeast T-58 58 Fermentis / Safale Ale 0.115 High 70% 54°F 77°F
Fermentis - Safbrew - Wheat Beer Yeast WB-06 57 Fermentis / Safale Wheat .105 Low 86% 54°F 77°F
Fermentis - Safbrew - General/Belgian Yeast S-33 28 Fermentis / Safale Ale 0.115 High 70% 54°F 77°F
Wyeast - Forbidden Fruit 3463 24 Wyeast Ale 0.12 Low 74% 63°F 76°F
White Labs - Belgian Wit II Ale Yeast WLP410 20 White Labs Ale Medium Low-Med 72.5% 67°F 74°F
Fermentis - Safale - American Ale Yeast US-05 20 Fermentis / Safale Ales Low Medium 81% 54°F 77°F
Lallemand - LALBREW® WIT BELGIAN WIT-STYLE ALE YEAST 15 Lallemand Wheat Medium Low 70% 63°F 72°F

Other Ingredients Used In Witbier (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Type Use Avg. Usage Usage Range
Coriander Seed 87 Spice Mash 32% 0% - 100%
Gypsum 68 Water Agt Mash 10% 0% - 80%
Irish Moss 57 Fining Boil 43% 0% - 100%
Bitter Orange Peel 45 Flavor Boil 32% 0% - 100%
Calcium Chloride (dihydrate) 41 Water Agt Mash 3% 0% - 33%
Lactic acid 40 Water Agt Mash 58% 0% - 100%
Whirlfloc 30 Fining Boil 58% 2% - 100%
Sweet Orange Peel 23 Flavor Boil 34% 1% - 74%
Epsom Salt 21 Water Agt Mash 3% 0% - 26%
Orange Zest 15 Spice Boil 46% 1% - 100%
