Spiced Beer - Winter Seasonal Beer - Beer Recipes | Brewer's Friend
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Spiced Beer - Winter Seasonal Beer

A stronger, darker, spiced beer that often has a rich body and warming finish suggesting a good accompaniment for the cold winter season.

Flavor Profile: Many interpretations are possible; allow for brewer creativity as long as the resulting product is balanced and provides some spice presentation. Spices associated with the holiday season are typical (as mentioned in the Aroma section). The spices and opt

Ingredients: Generally ales, although some dark strong lagers exist. Spices are required, and often include those evocative of the Christmas season (e.g., allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, ginger) but any combination is possible and creativity is encouraged. Fruit p

BJCP Style Guide

Top 10 Winter Seasonal Beer Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
35 L 6.75% 16.63 1.072 1.021
All Grain 4430
Christmas Explosion
6 gal 7.97% 44.21 1.079 1.018
extract 3681
Better Not Pout Stout
5 gal 6.63% 27.4 1.067 1.016
All Grain 3188
Hoppy Christmas
20 L 7.71% 85.91 1.081 1.022
All Grain 3146
Christmas Ale
5 gal 9.7% 54.87 1.096 1.022
All Grain 3088
23 L 7.04% 41.13 1.069 1.016
All Grain 2231
Belgian Christmas Ale
5 gal 8.18% 41.2 1.078 1.016
extract 2047
Christmas Ale
10 L 7.69% 0 1.078 1.020
BIAB 1865
Chocolate Cherry Xmas Stout
1 gal 5.62% 24.9 1.060 1.017
BIAB 1737
Sling (Coquito Ale)
5 gal 6.31% 37.56 1.070 1.022
All Grain 1580

Newest Winter Seasonal Beer Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
Gouden Carolus Christmas Clone
24 L 10.42% 30.74 1.091 1.012
All Grain 55
Superior Christmas Ale
5.5 gal 5.97% 35.88 1.064 1.019
S’mores Stout recipe
5.5 gal 5.92% 35.62 1.061 1.015
All Grain 44
Superior Christmas Ale
5 gal 7.42% 36.45 1.076 1.019
Witnery Wit 202412
5 gal 16.42% 44.51 1.167 1.042
All Grain 56
Winter Seasonal
3.5 gal 7.7% 30.28 1.073 1.014
All Grain 186
New Years Beers
5 gal 6.03% 29.09 1.068 1.022
All Grain 57
Hawks Landing Prelude Ale
15 gal 6.8% 23.78 1.063 1.011
All Grain 52
40 L 5.25% 0 1.054 1.014
All Grain 54
Christmas brew 1.0
5.5 gal 8.33% 6.99 1.092 1.028
BIAB 384

Fermentables Used In Winter Seasonal Beer Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
US - Pale 2-Row 147 US Grain base malt 1.8°L
37 70% 4% - 100%
United Kingdom - Maris Otter Pale 142 United Kingdom Grain base malt 3.75°L
38 65% 3% - 100%
American - Chocolate 103 American Grain roasted malt 350°L
29 3% 0% - 28%
Caramel / Crystal 60L 98 Grain crystal malt 60°L
34 8% 1% - 67%
Honey 98 Sugar honey 2°L
35 8% 2% - 29%
American - Caramel / Crystal 40L 91 American Grain crystal malt 40°L
34 7% 1% - 24%
American - Roasted Barley 65 American Grain roasted malt 300°L
33 2% 0% - 10%
Flaked Oats 58 Adjunct raw 2.2°L
33 7% 2% - 16%
Special B 56 Grain crystal malt 115°L
34 4% 1% - 12%
Brown Sugar 54 Sugar sugar 15°L
45 6% 0% - 19%

Hops Used In Winter Seasonal Beer Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Average AA Avg. Usage Usage Range
Cascade 126 7 39% 4% - 100%
East Kent Goldings 90 5 46% 6% - 100%
Fuggles 65 4.5 38% 6% - 100%
Magnum 63 15 47% 8% - 100%
Saaz 53 3.5 35% 6% - 100%
Willamette 46 4.5 49% 10% - 100%
Northern Brewer 41 7.8 46% 15% - 100%
Mount Hood 37 4.8 33% 2% - 67%
Columbus 35 15 47% 14% - 100%
Styrian Goldings 33 5.5 40% 9% - 100%

Steeping Grains Used In Winter Seasonal Beer Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
Caramel / Crystal 60L 12 Grain crystal malt 60°L
34 34% 15% - 80%
Special B 11 Grain crystal malt 115°L
34 30% 7% - 50%
American - Caramel / Crystal 120L 11 American Grain crystal malt 120°L
33 37% 13% - 100%
American - Chocolate 11 American Grain roasted malt 350°L
29 30% 13% - 50%
American - Caramel / Crystal 80L 10 American Grain crystal malt 80°L
33 57% 25% - 100%
American - Carapils (Dextrine Malt) 8 American Grain crystal malt 1.8°L
33 25% 13% - 50%
American - Caramel / Crystal 40L 7 American Grain crystal malt 40°L
34 42% 15% - 67%
American - Roasted Barley 7 American Grain roasted malt 300°L
33 21% 4% - 50%
Belgian - Biscuit 6 Belgian Grain roasted malt 23°L
35 31% 5% - 73%
United Kingdom - Black Patent 5 United Kingdom Grain roasted malt 525°L
27 32% 17% - 75%

Yeasts Used In Winter Seasonal Beer Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Laboratory Type Alcohol Tolerance Flocculation Attenuation Min. Temp Max. Temp
Fermentis - Safale - English Ale Yeast S-04 86 Fermentis / Safale Ale .0975 High 75% 54°F 77°F
Fermentis - Safale - American Ale Yeast US-05 83 Fermentis / Safale Ales Low Medium 81% 54°F 77°F
Wyeast - London Ale 1028 41 Wyeast Ale 0.1 Med-Low 75% 60°F 72°F
White Labs - English Ale Yeast WLP002 23 White Labs Ale Medium Very High 66.5% 65°F 68°F
Danstar - Nottingham Ale Yeast 19 Danstar Ale Med-High High 77% 57°F 70°F
Fermentis - Safbrew - Specialty Ale Yeast T-58 14 Fermentis / Safale Ale 0.115 High 70% 54°F 77°F
Lallemand - LALBREW® NOTTINGHAM HIGH PERFORMANCE ALE YEAST 13 Lallemand Ales Medium High 80% 50°F 72°F
White Labs - California Ale Yeast WLP001 12 White Labs Ale High Medium 76.5% 68°F 73°F
Imperial Yeast - A09 Pub 11 Imperial Yeast Ale Very High 69% 64°F 70°F
Wyeast - London ESB Ale 1968 10 Wyeast Ale 0.1 Very High 69% 64°F 72°F

Other Ingredients Used In Winter Seasonal Beer Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Type Use Avg. Usage Usage Range
Gypsum 110 Water Agt Mash 6% 0% - 52%
Cinnamon stick 81 Spice Mash 38% 0% - 100%
Ginger 69 Spice Boil 14% 0% - 100%
Nutmeg 68 Spice Boil 12% 0% - 50%
Calcium Chloride (dihydrate) 67 Water Agt Mash 5% 0% - 50%
Cinnamon 64 Spice Mash 29% 0% - 95%
Whirlfloc 58 Water Agt Boil 36% 0% - 100%
Epsom Salt 47 Water Agt Mash 3% 0% - 60%
Irish Moss 46 Fining Mash 31% 0% - 100%
Allspice 43 Spice Mash 13% 0% - 100%
