Nomadic Brewing's - 252 Windhop Drive
American IPA
5.7 Gallons |
1.051 |
1.011 |
5.24 |
56.54 |
6.36 °L
1.5K |
0 |
Size: 3 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: N/A |
Efficiency: 35 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: Extract |
Pitch Rate: 0.5 |
Temp: 64 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 2/18/2013 11:05 PM |
Notes: |
21 Litres |
1.052 |
1.01 |
5.58 |
22.91 |
10.69 °L
1.5K |
2 |
Size: 26 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.042 |
Efficiency: 83 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: BIAB |
Pitch Rate: 1.5 |
Temp: 10 ° C |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 6/22/2017 9:48 AM |
Notes: |
Pink Peppercorn Saison
4 Gallons |
1.051 |
1.006 |
5.97 |
24.44 |
3.41 °L
1.5K |
1 |
Size: 6 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.034 |
Efficiency: 72 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: BIAB |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 1/30/2017 2:46 AM |
Notes: Equivalent hop times with conventional chilling: FWH, 20-25 minutes.
Pitch yeast around 68, let rise, keep in mid 70s for a couple of weeks.
This beer received a silver medal as a standard saison at the MN State Fair Homebrew Competition (Belgian and French Ales Category): |
Dark Amber Ale
American Amber Ale
5 Gallons |
1.046 |
1.009 |
4.82 |
53.86 |
15.8 °L
1.5K |
0 |
Size: 3 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.077 |
Efficiency: N/A |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: Partial Mash |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 3/29/2015 4:59 PM |
Notes: |
Beer Hates Astronauts Clone
American IPA
5 Gallons |
1.071 |
1.017 |
7.04 |
70.55 |
11.08 °L
1.5K |
1 |
Size: 7 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.051 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: BIAB |
Pitch Rate: 0.75 |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 6/11/2015 2:03 AM |
Notes: |
Citra/Sydra IPA
Imperial IPA
5 Gallons |
1.08 |
1.019 |
8 |
91.38 |
9.56 °L
1.5K |
0 |
Size: 3.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: N/A |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: Extract |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 4/6/2012 3:52 PM |
Notes: Is actually a four gallon boil that was topped up to 5.5 gallons in the carboy. O.G. Topped out at 1.064- steeping grains turned into a brick in my bag and I missed out on some utilization. |
Boose's Breakfast Brew
Imperial Stout
5 Gallons |
1.072 |
1.019 |
6.99 |
30.82 |
39.39 °L
1.5K |
1 |
Size: 3 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.121 |
Efficiency: 90 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: Partial Mash |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: 69 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 1/18/2016 4:26 PM |
Notes: *Ground coffee was 1.65oz or 45g by weight or .75 cups. Same amount was used in French press to brew coffee for primary addition. |
Stangabogan Emigrant Stout
American Stout
55 Litres |
1.065 |
1.011 |
7.08 |
75.4 |
36.28 °L
1.5K |
0 |
Size: 57 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.063 |
Efficiency: 55 |
Mash Thickness: 3 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.0 |
Temp: 20 ° C |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 7/13/2015 12:31 PM |
Notes: Dårlig mesking på første brygg, kun 55% effektivitet |
2018 09 15 - English Bitter - Golden Promise
Best Bitter
5.5 Gallons |
1.046 |
1.01 |
4.71 |
36.1 |
14.19 °L
1.5K |
0 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.033 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 7/6/2018 1:08 AM |
Notes: BYO Sep 2017
OG 1.041 13.7°P pH 5.6 20.3°C
chill 1355 - 1435
aeration 1444 - 1550
7/26/2018 - transferred to 2°
FG 1.009 5.4°P pH 4.3 22.9°C
8/4/2018 - kegged and carbonated - 12 psi at 35°F
8/8/2018 - added 1 oz UK Fuggles |
GF Red Ale (Extract)
Alternative Grain Beer
7 Gallons |
1.056 |
1.012 |
5.81 |
101.79 |
10.12 °L
1.5K |
0 |
Size: 8 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.049 |
Efficiency: 55 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: Partial Mash |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 65 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 9/6/2017 8:53 PM |
Notes: Millet malt is actually Crystal Rice Malt.
Gas Hog Rice and Crystal Rice can be found at
Grains were heated to 185 for 30 min to gelatanize. Then Temp was dropped to 155f. Added amylase enzymes to convert starch to sugars. Rested 90 min. for conversion.
Calling Extract Clone
American IPA
5 Gallons |
1.076 |
1.014 |
8.04 |
76.02 |
5.78 °L
1.5K |
0 |
Size: 7 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.054 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.0 |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 10/28/2016 8:36 PM |
Notes: Extract Version of Blvd Calling IPA, |
Dry Stout
20 Litres |
1.048 |
1.011 |
4.86 |
44.03 |
31.64 °L
1.5K |
0 |
Size: 25 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.038 |
Efficiency: 65 |
Mash Thickness: 2.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: Açúcar Mascavo |
Priming Amount: 6gr/litro |
Date: 8/9/2016 4:31 PM |
Notes: Aveia em Flocos - Rolled oats
Centeio Torrado - Cristal Rye
Galena, Magnum
Guinness - precisa resaltar o gosto de café.
10,00 gm - Sulfato de Calcio para 20L de aguá (Sulfato de Cálcio - Gypsum)
Cerveja de corpo baixo e final seco.
==== Descrição do estilo =====
13A. Dry Stout
Stout Seca
Aroma: Aromas proeminentes de café, cevada tostada e malte torrado; pode haver leve aroma de chocolate, cacau e/ou cereais como notas secundárias. Ésteres de médio-baixo a nenhum. Nenhum diacetil. Aroma de lúpulo de baixo a nenhum.
Aparência: Coloração de preto a marrom profundo com reflexos de cor granada. Pode ser opaca (caso contrário deve ser translúcida). Colarinho de bege a marrom, espesso, cremoso, e persistente.
Sabor: Moderadamente tostado, sabor nítido dos cereais, com acidez moderada opcional e amargor de lúpulo de médio a alto. Final seco proveniente dos cereais tostados lembrando café. Pode apresentar um caráter de chocolate meio-amargo ou doce-amargo no paladar que persiste até o final. Fatores de equilíbrio podem incluir cremosidade, frutado de médio-baixo a nenhum e aroma de lúpulo variando de médio a nenhum. Nenhum diacetil.
Sensação de Boca: Corpo de médio-baixo a médio-alto com caráter cremoso. Carbonatação de baixa a moderada. Em vista do alto amargor de lúpulo e significativa proporção de cereais escuros presentes, essa cerveja é notavelmente macia. A percepção do corpo pode ser afetada pela densidade com as cervejas mais fracas apresentando corpo mais leve. Pode apresentar uma leve adstringência devido aos cereais torrados, embora aspereza seja indesejável.
Impressão Geral: Uma ale muito escura, torrada, amarga e cremosa
História: Este estilo evoluiu de tentativas de se aproveitar do sucesso das London Porters, mas originalmente exprimia um corpo mais cheio, cremoso e forte (“stout”). Quando uma cervejaria oferecia uma Porter ou uma Stout, a Stout era sempre a cerveja mais forte (originalmente chamada de “Stout Porter”). Versões modernas são produzidas com uma OG mais baixa e não são mais fortes que Porters.
Comentários: Esta é a versão em barril do que é conhecida como Irish Stout ou Irish Dry Stout. Versões engarrafadas são tipicamente produzidas a partir de OGs mais altas e podem ser chamadas de Foreign Extra Stout (se suficientemente fortes). Enquanto a maior parte das versões comerciais depende primariamente de cevada torrada como grão escuro, outras usam malte chocolate, malte black ou combinações dos três. O nível de amargor é um tanto variável, assim como o caráter torrado e a secura do final; permitindo interpretação dos cervejeiros.
Ingredientes: A secura provém do uso de cevada torrada não maltada em adição ao malte pale, amargor de lúpulo de moderado a alto e boa atenuação. Flocos de cevada não maltada também poderão ser usados para adicionar cremosidade. Uma porcentagem pequena (em torno de 3%) de cerveja azedada é adicionada para dar complexidade (geralmente só pela Guinness). A água normalmente apresenta teor de carbonatos moderado, embora teores mais altos não proporcionarão o clássico final seco.
Estatísticas: OG: 1,036 – 1,050
IBUs: 30 – 45 FG: 1,007 – 1,011
SRM: 25 – 40 ABV: 4 – 5%
Exemplos Comerciais: Guinness Draught Stout (também em lata), Murphy's Stout, Beamish Stout, O’Hara’s Celtic Stout, Russian River O.V.L. Stout, Three Floyd’s Black Sun Stout, Dorothy Goodbody’s Wholesome Stout, Orkney Dragonhead Stout, Old Dominion Stout, Goose Island Dublin Stout, Brooklyn Dry Stout |
Scottish Bourbon Barrel Elderberry Ale
Strong Scotch Ale
5.5 Gallons |
1.087 |
1.02 |
8.91 |
31.91 |
23.09 °L
1.5K |
0 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.064 |
Efficiency: 78 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.25 |
Temp: 72 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 8/1/2016 2:45 PM |
Notes: elderberries: 2 lb. fresh or 1 lb. dried
For first try I am using 1 lb. dried, soaked in Bourbon to add to secondary (filled qt. Jar covered with Whiskey) |
RUD Pale Ale
American Pale Ale
25 Litres |
1.072 |
1.014 |
7.65 |
30.43 |
12.81 °L
1.5K |
1 |
Size: 28.5 Litres |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.063 |
Efficiency: 85 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 20 ° C |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 11/29/2015 3:47 PM |
Notes: |
Stone Pale Ale V1
American Pale Ale
5 Gallons |
1.058 |
1.016 |
5.56 |
35.28 |
12.12 °L
1.5K |
0 |
Size: 6 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.049 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: 72 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 5/9/2015 2:09 PM |
Notes: Mashing
In a 10-galloln insulated cooler, combine the crushed malts with 3 gallons plus 12 cups of 172°F water. The water should cool slightly when mixed with the grain. Hold the mash at 156°F for 20 minutes.
Add 2 gallons plus 2 cups of 184°F water. The mixture should come up to 165°F.
Lautering & Sparging
Lauter the mash. Once the liquid is lower than the level of the grain, begin to slowly sprinkle 3 gallons plus 1 cup of 168°F water over the grains to start the sparge. Continue sparging.
The Boil
Set the brew kettle of wort on top of a propane burner and add water to bring the wort level up to about 6 gallons plus 12 cups, if needed. Bring the wort to a rapid, rolling boil. As it begins to come to a boil, a layer of foam and scum may develop at the surface. Skim it off and discard. Once the wort is at a full boil, put a hops bag containing the Columbus hops in the kettle and set a timer for 90 minutes. Stir the wort frequently during the boil and be watchful to avoid boil-overs.
At 15 minutes before the end of the boil, stir in the Irish moss. At 10 minutes before the end of the boil, put a hops bag containing the 0.77 ounce of Ahtanum hops in the kettle. When the boiling time is over, turn off the heat and put a hops bag containing the remaining Ahtanum hops in the kettle. Cover the kettle and immediately begin cooling the wort as quickly as possible.
Pitching Yeast & Fermentation
Once the wort has cooled to 72°F, discard the spent hops and check the specific gravity of the wort with a hydrometer. The target starting gravity is 1.057 (14 Plato).
Transfer the wort to the primary fermentation bucket. Pitch the yeast (or prepare a yeast starter).
Allow the wort to ferment through primary and secondary fermentation at 72°F until it reaches a specific gravity of 1.014 (3.5 Plato).
German Blonde Ale
American Wheat or Rye Beer
20 Litres |
1.049 |
1.011 |
4.97 |
16.85 |
3.91 °L
1.5K |
0 |
Size: 24.5 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.04 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 3 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.75 |
Temp: 14 ° C |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 3/18/2015 2:11 PM |
Notes: |
1823 Devenish Porter
Robust Porter
0.8 Gallons |
1.056 |
1.013 |
5.58 |
77.6 |
29.69 °L
1.5K |
0 |
Size: 1.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 75 |
Boil Gravity: 1.03 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: BIAB |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 1/16/2015 6:36 PM |
Notes: Black malt added with second hop addition to copper (boil) definitely resulting in higher SRM than recipe states (target is 38 SRM.)
Mash in 2 gallon Igloo with paint strainer, adding 3/4 quart boiling water midway through mash. Boiled in Leyse 6 quart kettle. Target OG was 1.052, efficiency was higher than anticipated so actual was 1.056 / 70%. Next batch will need to be modified for closer OG to original.
Cooled to 63F, pitched 2 grams Safale S-04. Ferment at 63F for one week. |
Darker Lord's Imperial Stout
American Stout
5 Gallons |
1.095 |
1.026 |
8.93 |
235.38 |
39.64 °L
1.5K |
1 |
Size: 6.3 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.075 |
Efficiency: 35 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: Extract |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: 67 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 12/26/2014 6:22 PM |
Notes: |
008. OBK Hefeweizen
3.4 Gallons |
1.05 |
1.012 |
4.95 |
12.71 |
3.3 °L
1.5K |
1 |
Size: 4 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.042 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: BIAB |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 65 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 6/20/2014 1:16 PM |
Notes: 11L for strike water accounting for 2.2L of grain absorption. (Rule-0.6G for 6 lbs of grain). Assuming 8.8L after.
After grains were placed in strike water, it was 158F - way too high. Added cold water from tap to get it down to 151.3 @ 52 minutes. Then, 151.0 @ 40, 150.8 @ 30, 149.0 @ 20, 147.9 @ 10, 146.3 @ 5. Mashed out for 10 minutes @ 168. Dunk sparge for 10 minutes @ 170.
Estimated 6.2L for dunk sparge, but actually got 8L. This made 16.8 (4.4G) in pre-boil Wort. SG was 1.034 @ 126F which equates to 1.044 actual SG. Apparently this is 86.83% pre-boil efficiency. Really high if it is true. On second thought, maybe my grain absorption was much higher. If I correct my pre-boil wort to 4.0 gallons, I get 78.22% - pretty much spot on with post-boil efficiency.
Assuming typical boil off rate is 14% it makes more sense. 14% of 4 gallons is 0.56 gallons, which roughly comes to 3.5 gallons in the fermenter.
Post-boil OG was 1.050! Pitched yeast @ 22C @ 9pm and will begin adding ice bottles at 7am in the morning. Reading in the ice bath is 20C, so will assume +2 for the fermenter, plus the traditional 3C for 1.050 OG and for the increased temps from ferm.
With 3.5G (maybe 3.4) of post-boil wort @ 1.050 OG, I have a brewhouse efficiency of 77.78% (or 75.56%). Why is it less than pre-boil efficiency?
First bottle on 07/28. Lots of head, although it dissipates after some sips. First impression is that it is very carbonated and sweet. Aroma has huge banana notes which will hopefully die down with age. This is probably because of the high and variable ferm temps. Does this mainly affect the aroma and not the flavour? I should also check my carbing process next time...
Side-by-side: 08/03 (Granville Island Hefe)
App: Mine is a straw gold colour, GI has a distinct orange hue. Both have same level of haziness and mine shows greater signs of carbonation.
Smell: Mine smells predominately like rotten bananas with a little bubblegum. I can chalk this up to the higher and variable ferm temps. GI is much more pleasent - citrus and banana, also with bubblegum.
Taste: Mine tastes better than it smells. Sweet and carbonated. Light banana notes. Gi is also very sweet but less carbonated. Much more of a bubblegum taste. Both are quite different but good in their own ways.
MF: Both have light body with medium high levels of carbonation. However, GI is a little bit heavier on the tounge.
Overall: I have to side with GI, mainly because of the aroma, given everything else equal. |
5-star Ale
Extra Special/Strong Bitter (ESB)
12 Litres |
1.055 |
1.016 |
5.12 |
35.39 |
10 °L
1.5K |
0 |
Size: 12 Litres |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: N/A |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 12/27/2012 11:38 AM |
Notes: irish moss and hp-stabilation
2 gram sugar /bottle
I got a little higher OG ~ 1.061