Homebrew Beer Recipes | Page 413 | Browse 305,000+ at Brewer's Friend
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Homebrew Beer Recipes

Page 413 of our growing list of 305,000+ homebrew beer recipes. Sort by beer style, batch size, ABV and more for all-grain, extract or partial mash brewing.

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Title Style Size OG FG ABV IBU Color Views Brewed Rating
Trial Braggot 1 Braggot 4 Gallons 1.141 1.007 17.57 0 24.03 °L
2.1K 1
Vanilla Brown Ale - Madura Clone Mild 5 Gallons 1.059 1.02 5.15 27.74 17.31 °L
2.1K 2
Horopito Zest Spicy Summer Ale American Pale Ale 22 Litres 1.049 1.014 4.61 36.26 7.98 °L
2.1K 0
Traditional Spring Maibock Maibock/Helles Bock 4.5 Gallons 1.067 1.017 6.61 31.19 6.16 °L
2.1K 1
CDQ Lab Session Spiced Ale Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer 90 Litres 1.047 1.007 5.25 28.13 6.07 °L
2.1K 1
Chocolate Cherry Stout Imperial Stout 5.5 Gallons 1.056 1.014 5.52 37.37 41.48 °L
2.1K 1
Spring Saison Saison 25 Litres 1.057 1.012 5.97 28.26 10.16 °L
2.1K 0
#71 Bochet Sweet Mead 11 Litres 1.119 1.036 10.89 0 4.89 °L
2.1K 0
Raw Ale Experimental Beer 4.5 Gallons 1.06 1.005 7.23 5.1 3.86 °L
2.1K 0
Emily's Pumpkin Ale Dunkelweizen 5.5 Gallons 1.054 1.014 5.32 16.98 9.27 °L
2.1K 2
Morgan's Nuptial IPA American IPA 5.75 Gallons 1.058 1.011 6.27 73.65 6.37 °L
2.1K 0
Lazy Lager American Lager 5 Gallons 1.045 1.007 5.04 12.3 2.56 °L
2.1K 1
Norwegian Pale Ale Experimental Beer 6 Gallons 1.054 1.007 6.17 52.47 3.7 °L
2.1K 0
#25 Imperial Stout With Cacao Nibs Imperial Stout 5.5 Gallons 1.103 1.027 10.01 47.71 50 °L
2.1K 0
Tiny Rebel Urban IPA (15l) American IPA 15 Litres 1.044 1.007 4.86 55.13 8.57 °L
2.1K 5
Castle Clone Light American Lager 19.5 Litres 1.037 1.006 4.1 8.96 4.13 °L
2.1K 0
Here Gose Nuther Gose 5.5 Gallons 1.045 1.009 4.72 11.55 3.7 °L
2.1K 1
Hail Saison Saison 11 Gallons 1.062 1.01 6.81 29.5 3.93 °L
2.1K 3
Belgian Tripel Belgian Tripel 9 Litres 1.082 1.016 8.55 35.24 5.8 °L
2.1K 2
Djevelens Oye (Devils Eye, Duvel Clone) Belgian Blond Ale 24 Litres 1.079 1.01 9.14 25.01 4.49 °L
2.1K 3