Homebrew Beer Recipes | Page 575 | Browse 305,000+ at Brewer's Friend
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Homebrew Beer Recipes

Page 575 of our growing list of 305,000+ homebrew beer recipes. Sort by beer style, batch size, ABV and more for all-grain, extract or partial mash brewing.

Browse All Recipes or explore by brewing method: All-grain | Extract | BIAB | Partial Mash

Title Style Size OG FG ABV IBU Color Views Brewed Rating
Frozen Rope IPA American IPA 5 Gallons 1.057 1.016 5.37 52.34 9.89 °L
1.7K 0
Pater-ade Patersbier Belgian Specialty Ale 5.5 Gallons 1.044 1.011 4.29 17.38 3.76 °L
1.7K 0
Amarillo Blonde Blonde Ale 5.5 Gallons 1.041 1.008 4.25 16.35 3.24 °L
1.7K 1
Another Blonde Barleywine American Barleywine 6 Gallons 1.08 1.018 8.11 98.44 8.73 °L
1.7K 0
Colorado Cream Cream Ale 24 Litres 12.645 2.616 5.36 14.97 4.84 °L
1.7K 0
Velvet Rooster Clone American Light Lager 5.5 Gallons 1.077 1.012 8.48 35.39 6.5 °L
1.7K 1
Citra IPA English IPA 26 Litres 1.072 1.018 7.01 43.54 8.03 °L
1.7K 0
Triple IPA Imperial IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.102 1.018 10.98 101.62 9.81 °L
1.7K 1
Gambler Amber American Amber Ale 5.5 Gallons 1.055 1.013 5.48 34.65 13.48 °L
1.7K 2
Vienna Hefeweizen Weissbier 6 Gallons 1.047 1.012 4.71 11.16 4.33 °L
1.7K 2
Puppy Imperial Porter American Porter 15 Litres 1.087 1.015 9.56 65.14 50 °L
1.7K 1
Fruited Gose American Light Lager 46 Gallons 1.051 1.008 5.58 0 3.74 °L
1.7K 0
Holiday Brown Ale American Brown Ale 5.5 Gallons 1.051 1.014 4.89 30.24 16.09 °L
1.7K 0
Dubeltowe Belgian Dubbel 21 Litres 17.222 4.678 6.87 23.97 13.03 °L
1.7K 1
Ond Og Død Rød American Amber Ale 25 Litres 1.058 1.011 6.08 60.21 15.99 °L
1.7K 0
Pumpkin Rye Saison Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer 2 Gallons 1.06 1.018 5.56 50.79 17.21 °L
1.7K 0
Sol Oriens Spei .2 Other Specialty Cider or Perry 6 Gallons 1.094 1.009 11.06 0 1.49 °L
1.7K 0
Ale Lalas Irish Red Ale 14 Litres 1.061 1.015 6 34.47 20.97 °L
1.7K 0
Heimweh IPA (Partial Mash) Imperial IPA 12 Litres 1.084 1.019 8.52 89.82 14.48 °L
1.7K 0
Maple Amber American Amber Ale 1 Gallons 1.06 1.015 5.95 26.33 12.7 °L
1.7K 1