Homebrew Beer Recipes | Page 2741 | Browse 305,000+ at Brewer's Friend
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Homebrew Beer Recipes

Page 2741 of our growing list of 305,000+ homebrew beer recipes. Sort by beer style, batch size, ABV and more for all-grain, extract or partial mash brewing.

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Title Style Size OG FG ABV IBU Color Views Brewed Rating
English Brown British Brown Ale 5 Gallons 1.047 1.012 4.6 24.7 16.5 °L
727 1
Best Bitter 2.5Gal Best Bitter 2.6 Gallons 1.047 1.011 4.79 32.75 15.13 °L
727 1
British Golden Ale British Golden Ale 5 Gallons 1.046 1.009 4.79 35.96 4.36 °L
727 0
*2G Mr. Beer - Centennial Explosion Hazy DIPA Specialty IPA: New England IPA 2.25 Gallons 1.081 1.018 8.34 36.3 5.71 °L
727 0
Imperial Dry Stout Narwahl Russian Imperial Stout 8 Litres 1.084 1.017 8.8 52.17 50 °L
727 1
PJ DORTMUNDER Dortmunder Export 20 Litres 1.054 1.01 5.75 35.46 4.84 °L
727 0
My First NE IPA American IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.064 1.016 6.35 78.24 5.41 °L
727 0
Liquorice Robust Porter Robust Porter 23 Litres 1.057 1.011 6.02 31.95 31.29 °L
727 0
To George! Bohemian Pilsener 22.71 Litres 1.056 1.014 5.52 41.51 4.06 °L
727 0
TBD American Porter 4.5 Gallons 1.065 1.016 6.41 33.92 42.19 °L
727 0
Honor Roll GPA American IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.066 1.016 6.59 64.59 9.03 °L
727 0
Dingus No.2 Saison 10 Litres 1.056 1.011 5.89 25.52 4.08 °L
727 0
Kama Citra Session IPA Fruit Beer 5.5 Gallons 1.047 1.009 5.04 54.92 7.51 °L
727 2
June Scottish Heavy Scottish Heavy 5 Gallons 1.04 1.012 3.74 14.7 14.67 °L
727 1
1738 Summer Ale American Wheat Beer 22 Litres 1.041 1.005 4.76 26.12 5.28 °L
727 0
Pass The Cranberry Sauce Fruit Beer 2 Gallons 1.046 1.006 5.21 29.61 3.66 °L
727 0
Steve's Creamy Dream Cream Ale 3 Gallons 1.051 1.012 5.11 43.77 4.44 °L
727 0
Pilsner Classic American Pilsner 5 Gallons 1.042 1.008 4.57 28.04 3.14 °L
727 1
Imperial IPA Imperial IPA 5 Gallons 1.074 1.014 7.86 88.29 8.03 °L
727 0
Awesome Recipe American Stout 5.5 Gallons 1.074 1.017 7.48 35.99 40 °L
727 0