Strong Belgian Ale - Saison - Beer Recipes | Brewer's Friend
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Strong Belgian Ale - Saison

Most commonly, a pale, refreshing, highly-attenuated, moderately-bitter, moderate-strength Belgian ale with a very dry finish. Typically highly carbonated, and using non-barley cereal grains and optional spices for complexity, as complements the expressiv

Flavor Profile: Medium-low to medium-high fruity and spicy flavors, supported by a low to medium soft malt character, often with some grainy flavors. Bitterness is typically moderate to high, although sourness can be present in place of bitterness (both should not be str

Ingredients: Not typically spiced, with the yeast, hops and grain providing the character; but spices are allowed if they provide a complementary character. Continental base malts are typical, but the grist frequently contains other grains such as wheat, oats, rye, or

BJCP Style Guide

Top 10 Saison Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
5 L 5.42% 23.92 1.050 1.009
All Grain 8920
Peach Saison
5.5 gal 5.76% 31.17 1.061 1.017
All Grain 7863
Bakke Brygg Lemondrop Saison 20 L
22 L 6.52% 30.67 1.054 1.004
All Grain 7423
Cranberry Saison
5.5 gal 8.44% 37.58 1.080 1.016
BIAB 6965
Blackberry Saison
5.5 gal 5.67% 29.78 1.053 1.009
All Grain 5849
2025 Saison March
21 L 5.91% 23.8 1.050 1.005
All Grain 5806
Peppercorn Saison
5.5 gal 6.47% 44.91 1.058 1.009
All Grain 5634
Cherry Saison
5.5 gal 8.26% 31.61 1.070 1.007
All Grain 4428
Spring Citrus Citra Saison
5.5 gal 6.55% 26.23 1.061 1.011
All Grain 4327
Pink Peppercorn Saison
5.5 gal 7.25% 41.37 1.066 1.010
All Grain 4188

Newest Saison Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
2025/01. French Saison
23 L 5.2% 26.89 1.045 1.005
All Grain 16
Gluten Free French Saison (GF Oats)
23 L 5.96481% 18.1201 1.057 1.011
Deck Builder Sterling Saison
20.8 L 5.59% 26.63 1.043 1.001
All Grain 9
Kveik Farmhouse Ale
5.5 gal 5.65% 4.71 1.053 1.010
FS Saison
19 L 5.99% 28.59 1.049 1.004
All Grain 10
Smokey the Beer
15 L 5.78% 28.35 1.057 1.013
All Grain 10
Classic Saison
10 L 6.75% 20.68 1.053 1.001
All Grain 6
Saison split batch
10 gal 6.41% 0 1.062 1.013
All Grain 22
Belgian Saison
23 L 6.6% 30.7 1.055 1.005
All Grain 22
saison v2
24 L 5.79% 31.86 1.052 1.007
All Grain 30

Fermentables Used In Saison Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
Belgian - Pilsner 748 Belgian Grain base malt 1.6°L
37 68% 1% - 100%
American - Pilsner 512 American Grain base malt 1.8°L
37 68% 4% - 100%
German - Pilsner 466 German Grain base malt 1.6°L
38 67% 4% - 100%
American - White Wheat 440 American Grain base malt 2.8°L
40 13% 1% - 86%
Cane Sugar 429 Sugar sugar 0°L
46 8% 0% - 40%
Flaked Wheat 364 Adjunct raw 2°L
34 10% 1% - 41%
German - Vienna 364 German Grain base malt 4°L
37 17% 0% - 100%
Flaked Oats 359 Adjunct raw 2.2°L
33 7% 1% - 38%
German - Acidulated Malt 359 German Grain acidulated malt 3.4°L
27 4% 1% - 25%
Munich - Light 10L 352 Grain specialty malt 10°L
33 12% 1% - 63%

Hops Used In Saison Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Average AA Avg. Usage Usage Range
Saaz 703 3.5 34% 3% - 100%
Styrian Goldings 448 5.5 37% 6% - 100%
East Kent Goldings 409 5 38% 3% - 100%
Magnum 373 15 30% 2% - 100%
Amarillo 243 8.6 31% 1% - 100%
Citra 240 11 29% 2% - 100%
Cascade 158 7 34% 4% - 100%
Hallertau Mittelfruh 155 3.75 40% 4% - 100%
Sorachi Ace 149 11.1 29% 2% - 100%
Tettnanger 145 4.5 36% 7% - 100%

Steeping Grains Used In Saison Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
American - Vienna 23 American Grain base malt 4°L
35 50% 12% - 100%
Belgian - CaraMunich 14 Belgian Grain crystal malt 50°L
33 63% 3% - 100%
American - White Wheat 13 American Grain base malt 2.8°L
40 36% 12% - 100%
German - Vienna 11 German Grain base malt 4°L
37 55% 25% - 100%
Belgian - CaraVienne 10 Belgian Grain crystal malt 20°L
34 60% 20% - 100%
Flaked Wheat 9 Adjunct raw 2°L
34 28% 11% - 40%
American - Carapils (Dextrine Malt) 8 American Grain crystal malt 1.8°L
33 52% 17% - 100%
Munich - Light 10L 8 Grain specialty malt 10°L
33 37% 12% - 67%
Aromatic 7 Grain base malt 38°L
33 37% 11% - 50%
American - Wheat 7 American Grain base malt 1.8°L
38 38% 17% - 86%

Yeasts Used In Saison Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Laboratory Type Alcohol Tolerance Flocculation Attenuation Min. Temp Max. Temp
Wyeast - French Saison 3711 416 Wyeast Ale 0.12 Low 80% 65°F 77°F
Danstar - Belle Saison Yeast 395 Danstar Ale High Low 80% 63°F 75°F
Fermentis - Safale - Belgian Saison Ale Yeast BE-134 310 Fermentis / Safale Ale Low 90% 64°F 82°F
Wyeast - Belgian Saison 3724 287 Wyeast Ale 0.12 Low 78% 70°F 95°F
White Labs - Belgian Saison I Yeast WLP565 237 White Labs Ale Medium Medium 70% 68°F 75°F
Mangrove Jack - French Saison Ale M29 236 Mangrove Jack Ale n/a Medium 87.5% 79°F 90°F
Lallemand - Belle Saison 209 Lallemand Ales High Low 90% 59°F 95°F
White Labs - Belgian Saison II Yeast WLP566 158 White Labs Ale Medium Medium 81.5% 68°F 78°F
Omega Yeast Labs - Saisonstein’s Monster OYL-500 117 Omega Yeast Labs Ales High Low 80% 65°F 78°F
White Labs - French Saison Ale Yeast WLP590 96 White Labs Ales Medium Medium 81% 69°F 75°F

Other Ingredients Used In Saison Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Type Use Avg. Usage Usage Range
Gypsum 621 Water Agt Mash 18% 0% - 100%
Lactic acid 315 Water Agt Mash 70% 0% - 100%
Calcium Chloride (dihydrate) 311 Water Agt Mash 13% 0% - 100%
Whirlfloc 288 Fining Boil 53% 0% - 100%
Epsom Salt 273 Water Agt Mash 6% 0% - 50%
Irish Moss 184 Fining Boil 57% 0% - 100%
Calcium Chloride (anhydrous) 142 Water Agt Mash 11% 0% - 100%
Baking Soda 109 Water Agt Mash 7% 0% - 35%
Calcium Chloride (dihydrate) 106 Water Agt Mash 14% 0% - 67%
Phosphoric acid 99 Water Agt Mash 68% 0% - 100%
