Citra Sour
Berliner Weisse
21 Litres |
1.055 |
1.012 |
5.72 |
6.02 |
5.96 °L
836 |
0 |
Size: 28.5 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.041 |
Efficiency: 72 |
Mash Thickness: 3 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: 19 ° C |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 3/16/2017 3:04 PM |
Notes: |
RB Oktober Festbier 2022 NHC 10gal
10 Gallons |
1.059 |
1.01 |
6.47 |
22.7 |
5.07 °L
836 |
0 |
Size: 15 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.043 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 1/18/2022 5:35 PM |
Notes: ========================
setting up for winter/spring 2022 hopefully submission to NHC.
adjusting for equipment and volumes for G40. adjusting abv a little lower per guidelines.
removing 2row.
consider dropping to 1.0 qt/lb to fit in G40. will need to sparge with 8 gallons...
NEED TO do water profile for this.
rebrewed this for 2021. did not enter any contests or even bottle/can any. was on draft in the garage for several delicious months.
did not take any notes for the 2021 batch so i assume i pretty much brewed it the same.
won gold medal malty european lagers category in 2020 JRHB Dominion Cup.
brewed last night. mostly went well. started with 12.5 gallons wort as planned but it easily boiled down to about 10-10.5 gallons. could collect more wort next time or boil softer. first gravity reading was 1.070 and i was at about 8 or 8.5 gallons after trub filtered out. topped up with tap water. chilled overnight in ferm chamber and pitched in the morning.
brew day. tried to mess with water calculations a little. not really sure what to use for festbier/oktoberfest. playing with balanced profile. ran into the HCO chalk issue again, not sure how to fix. looks like i could make it work with "light colored and malty" profile. going to need 16 or more gallons mash/sparge water, might just run it with tap.
i think i am going to go for it with this thing. today adding some acidulated malt based on henrico guess profile to hit pH, hopefully i will remember to take a reading.
todo :
* what to do about head retention?
** adding .75lb carafoam for foam and head retention
* how much yeast?
** according to yeast calculator (depending on the mfg date) i need 4 packs plus a 4L 1.050 starter, pound and half of DME decanting, etc.. yikes! yeast alone would be like $35.
** alternatively, i have a lot of 34/70 from two batches that i could use...
** brulosophy compared german bock lager yeast with 34/70 and eventually could barely tell difference :
** im learning that 34/70 is equiv to WY2124 and WLP830 some say the white labs come out different.
** i think i might just keg the two lagers i have in chamber and rack the 10gal batch on top of the cakes...? or maybe half cakes? after some reading, seems about right. some say only 1/4 cake. at end of fermentation slurry contains about 6x cells. that is 600 billion per 5 gal batch. i need 717 billion for 10 gallons, so 358 billion per 5 gal bucket, divided by 600 = 0.58 so i need 58% of each of the yeast cakes.
todo :
* consider some crystal malt - no head retention...possibly some light munich
festbier flavors developed nicely however the beer was way too malty sweet probably because it was up over 7%abv. modifiying recipe down to 5.5% abv.
breakdown on previous recipe formulation :
* i kind of customized a lot. the original aha recipe is only remotely close. but it was designed for 5.8%. i probably just aimed higher than i should have and came out even higher than planned.
* hop adjustments - reduced the hop contribution a little bit to land in the middle of the IBU range but also adjustments to bump up the BU/GU ratio (0.38 previously, currently its at 0.48)
* i got to 1.010 with 85% attenuation. for the updated recipe this attenuation results in 1.007. id considered doing some crystal malt, but lets just do a 30 minute mash and see what that does.
just went into cold crash after 9 days at diacetyl based off of beer & brewing article. other places im seeing say only 2 days is needed. would prob benefit for more time in cold crash (if time is of essence). not sure if it hurts to have it at rest temp for longer tho.
i think i am going to retry this to have ready feb 1. took a pound off the grain bill to lower the abv to more standard level.
for fermentation and diacetyl rest strategy :
we are going out of town in a couple days so if i get this brew done before i leave, i will probably just let it go for 6 or 8 days at 50 then slowly raise it up to 55 when i get back. keep it there for another 3 days then cold crash until feb.
alternatively beer and brewing suggests something like this :
* 50deg for first 48 hours
* raise one degree each day for 10 days
* on day 11, allow temp to free rise to (warmest temp in brewery, but lets just say 70)
* 9 days later start the cold crash
i was considering cold crashing for only a couple days then moving to keg. ive read other places tho that it can benefit from sitting on that yeast cake all that time. on the other hand it would be nice to get it into a closed safe clean keg....???idk
update 10/20/19
this beer is way off. i thought it was too malty sweet but i think it is actually diacetyl (or possibly DMS but diacetyl would make more sense) - i pitched the wort on top of oktoberfest yeast cake that had been sitting (in a covered bucket in cold ferm chamber, but...) for several days, maybe even a week. also i went away in the middle of fermentation and wasnt able to ease it up to diacetyl rest temperature properly accordinig to the schedule written out below. need to retry this with 1) proper fermentation schedule 2) fresh or uncontaminated yeast 3) try the original recipe? i think with no malt changes on my system it will still come out at 6%
update 10/7/19
ugh looks like this will accidentally come out at 8%. fermented down farther than the average for this yeast. (avg 75% shouldve been 1.018 but its 1.011 at 85%) (i did pitch right onto the cake from oktoberfest so shouldve been a lot of cells). i brewed this first on a double brew day so the mash was sitting for the full 60 if not longer. i was actually away at gabf so didnt do the exact procedure below, but rather rest the chamber for on the morning of day 4 before i left town. on the morning of day 7 i measure 1.011 and turned the chamber back down to 35. consider diluting before kegging?
basically took the recipe word for word. 90 minute boil because of the pilsner malt, will utilize that time for more IBUs with less hops via FWH.
for diacetyl rest, copied from virginia lager recipe :
going to do byo fast ferment approach janFeb2017. reread but start at 44-50 let fermentation go 50% then (remove the probe from the fermentor let it reach ambient temp then...?) raise temp 5 degrees every 12 hours til you get to 65-68. once you get 100% you can crank down to lager temp (<40) for 3-5 days then you done. this will take care of diacetyl rest and apparently gets the lager completely done in 2-3 weeks.
sources :
* |
Pilsner Urquell
Czech Premium Pale Lager
25 Litres |
1.057 |
1.015 |
5.57 |
33.33 |
4.19 °L
836 |
0 |
Size: 28.4 Litres |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.05 |
Efficiency: 72 |
Mash Thickness: 3 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.5 |
Temp: 7 ° C |
Priming Method: co2 |
Priming Amount: 1.91 bar |
Date: 9/3/2021 1:26 AM |
Notes: Double Decoction:
*Note: Pilsner Urquell uses a triple decoction method with an initial acid rest, but I use well enough modified malts and correct for pH already so the first of three decoctions is unnecessary. The decoction measurements below are ones I developed for an electric system and err on the side of caution, so they are the lower amounts needed to potentially reach the next temperature step and direct heat can be applied to compensate.*
Perform a protein rest at 125F for 15min, then pull off slightly less than 1/3 (1.16gal/4.4L) of the thickest mash and place it in a separate pot. Bring the pot slowly up to 158F and hold for 15min, then slowly bring it up to a boil and proceed to boil for 10min. Stir often so the grains do not burn, but try to allow some 'browning' to help darken the colour and enhance the flavour/aroma profiles. Add the decoction back to the 125F mash, little by little, aiming for a beta rest temperature of 148F. Hold this temperature for 30min while adding back any leftover decoction (if any) as it cools. After this has finished, pull off roughly 1/6 (0.7gal/2.6L) of the thickest mash a second time and place it in the separate pot. Slowly bring the pot up to a boil and continue to boil for 10min. Add the second decoction back to the mash, little by little, aiming for an alpha rest temperature of 158F. Hold this temperature for 30min while adding back any leftover decoction (if any) as it cools. Once this rest has finished, raise the temperature up to a mash out rest of 167F and hold for 10min. After the decoctions and mash out are finished proceed to sparge/lauter as usual.
No Decoction:
Instead of the labour intensive double decoction mash schedule you could:
- Substitute some of the pilsner malt for vienna and/or munich to add colour and depth.
- Include some melanoidin malt for a slight decoction 'feel'.
- Add some carapils malt (or your preferred alternative) for improved head retention.
- After which, just carry out a temperature/infusion mash schedule based on your preferences.
**This beer won a national silver medal at the Saskatoon Headhunters Competition (2017) and has consistently scored 40's at other national competitions.
***With the regular 3.5%AA Saaz the hop additions are 1.5oz @ 90min, 2oz @ 20min, 1oz @ 10min, 1oz @ 0min. |
RIS Base
American Light Lager
370 Litres |
27.122 |
11.49 |
9.1 |
95.1 |
44.11 °L
836 |
0 |
Reverence Barrel Works
Size: 410 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 14.9 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 2.25 |
Scale: Plato |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: co2 |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 5/17/2019 3:28 AM |
Notes: |
Ryes Of Texas
Roggenbier (German Rye Beer)
5.5 Gallons |
1.051 |
1.014 |
4.86 |
21.9 |
17.96 °L
836 |
1 |
Size: 7 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.04 |
Efficiency: 72 |
Mash Thickness: 1.4 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.75 |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 12/13/2018 3:40 AM |
Notes: 1.0L starter |
Munich Dunkel (Bayer)
25 Litres |
1.054 |
1.009 |
5.87 |
23.36 |
19.92 °L
836 |
0 |
Size: 30 Litres |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.045 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: 3 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.75 |
Temp: 12 ° C |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 4/22/2018 11:24 AM |
Notes: gjær på 12 grader i 14-21 dager (til fg er 3 poeng fra ønsket fg)
øk temp til 18 grader i 2 dager. |
Simple Lager
International Amber Lager
5 Gallons |
1.051 |
1.013 |
4.92 |
11.49 |
7.78 °L
836 |
2 |
Size: 6 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.042 |
Efficiency: 65 |
Mash Thickness: 1.33 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 52 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 7/21/2017 6:19 AM |
Notes: |
007 / Citra Ipa
American IPA
5.5 Gallons |
1.068 |
1.015 |
6.92 |
66.66 |
5.7 °L
836 |
2 |
Size: 7 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.054 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.75 |
Temp: 64 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 6/29/2017 5:17 AM |
Notes: |
Palate Cleanser
Czech Premium Pale Lager
5.5 Gallons |
1.05 |
1.013 |
4.83 |
39.59 |
3.84 °L
836 |
1 |
Size: 6.89 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.04 |
Efficiency: 63 |
Mash Thickness: 1.2 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 6/4/2017 5:33 PM |
Notes: |
PH Test
American Light Lager
1 Litres |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 °L
836 |
0 |
Size: 1 Litres |
Boil Time: N/A |
Boil Gravity: 1 |
Efficiency: 68 |
Mash Thickness: 3 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 3/29/2017 9:55 AM |
Notes: |
Dammit RyePA
Imperial IPA
6 Gallons |
1.084 |
1.021 |
8.22 |
87.62 |
8.32 °L
836 |
0 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.067 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.25 |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 11/10/2014 11:38 PM |
Notes: |
Classic Rauchbier
21 Litres |
1.054 |
1.01 |
5.79 |
26.65 |
21.62 °L
836 |
0 |
Size: 26 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.044 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 11/30/2016 5:26 PM |
Notes: |
Amarillo Saison
3.5 Gallons |
1.062 |
1.012 |
6.52 |
45.96 |
5.76 °L
836 |
0 |
Size: 6 Gallons |
Boil Time: 75 |
Boil Gravity: 1.036 |
Efficiency: 65 |
Mash Thickness: 1.25 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.75 |
Temp: 70 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 9/16/2016 4:56 PM |
Notes: |
Amerikansk IPA
American IPA
20 Litres |
1.07 |
1.012 |
7.67 |
86.37 |
10.82 °L
836 |
1 |
Size: 24 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.059 |
Efficiency: 68 |
Mash Thickness: 3.2 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.0 |
Temp: 19 ° C |
Priming Method: Sukkerlake |
Priming Amount: 6.15 g/l |
Date: 7/27/2016 10:21 AM |
Notes: Gjæring 14 dager på 19 grader C
Belgian Tripel Dog Dare
Belgian Tripel
4.67 Gallons |
1.081 |
1.012 |
9.01 |
37.23 |
5.48 °L
836 |
1 |
Size: 5.3 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.063 |
Efficiency: 84 |
Mash Thickness: 1.4 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.25 |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 5/15/2016 8:17 PM |
Notes: The calculator says use a large (3 L, 11 oz light DME) starter, or 2 packs with a 2 L starter. Careful, these will blow off!
Not much Belgian yeast flavor/aroma character with WLP530. Alternative yeasts are WLP510, 550, etc.
Attenuation was 87%, ABV 9%. This gets lost in the syncing with the smartphone app. |
23 Litres |
1.056 |
1.011 |
5.85 |
23.95 |
7.97 °L
836 |
1 |
Size: 30 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.043 |
Efficiency: 68 |
Mash Thickness: 3 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 6/18/2015 2:20 PM |
Notes: |
Starlord 1.0
American IPA
10 Gallons |
1.058 |
1.014 |
5.7 |
113.39 |
5.65 °L
836 |
0 |
Size: 13 Gallons |
Boil Time: 75 |
Boil Gravity: 1.045 |
Efficiency: 64 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 2/25/2015 10:28 PM |
Notes: |
American IPA
26 Litres |
1.074 |
1.016 |
7.58 |
75.77 |
5.94 °L
836 |
0 |
Size: 34 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.056 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 3.6 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 1/15/2015 11:35 PM |
Notes: la densitat inicial va ser de 1061
es va utilitzar el llevat notthingham atès que amb el primer no es baixava de 1030 |
Sacred Saison
5 Gallons |
1.06 |
1.01 |
6.1 |
27 |
4.8 °L
836 |
0 |
Size: 6 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: N/A |
Efficiency: 63 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 4/25/2011 8:12 PM |
Notes: |
West Coast Guard
Imperial IPA
5 Gallons |
1.098 |
1.024 |
9.63 |
122.78 |
10.96 °L
836 |
1 |
Size: 6.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.075 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.3 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 12/2/2014 5:44 PM |
Notes: Wyeast 1217 West Coast IPA. |