Strong British Ale - English Barleywine - Beer Recipes | Brewer's Friend
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Strong British Ale - English Barleywine

A showcase of malty richness and complex, intense flavors. Chewy and rich in body, with warming alcohol and a pleasant fruity or hoppy interest. When aged, it can take on port-like flavors. A wintertime sipper.

Flavor Profile: Strong, intense, complex, multi-layered malt flavors ranging from bready, toffee, and biscuity in paler versions through nutty, deep toast, dark caramel, and/or molasses in darker versions. Moderate to high malty sweetness on the palate, although the fini

Ingredients: High-quality, well-modified pale malt should form the backbone of the grist, with judicious amounts of caramel malts. Dark malts should be used with great restraint, if at all, as most of the color arises from a lengthy boil. English hops such as Northdow

BJCP Style Guide

Top 10 English Barleywine Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
Blank (BWine)
4 gal 8.91% 60.56 1.093 1.025
All Grain 5583
Oaty McOatface Oat Wine
2.35 gal 10.15% 82.62 1.100 1.023
BIAB 5363
#19 Thomas Hardy's Ale (Clone)
10.2 L 14.47% 18.71 1.139 1.029
Partial Mash 5355
Thomas Hardy Clone
3 gal 12.34% 70.36 1.120 1.026
All Grain 4723
Mystic Cat - Imperial English Barleywine (2.75 Gallon)
2.75 gal 20.61% 124.6 1.199 1.042
All Grain 4482
English Barley Wine / English Pale Ale (Party Gysle)
5.5 gal 9.81% 50.17 1.100 1.025
All Grain 3739
Tank X 1
300 L 12.14% 85.37 1.128 1.035
All Grain 3460
Bättre Förr 2016
12 L 9.44% 73.45 1.094 1.022
All Grain 3210
Old Tom's Barleywine
5 gal 9.94% 50.29 1.102 1.027
All Grain 2811
HA-18 Strong beer
945 L 11.21% 47.52 1.088 1.003
All Grain 2297

Newest English Barleywine Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
Valkyrie The Destroyer BBW
7 gal 8.07% 79.61 1.081 1.019
All Grain 22
7 barrel batch barleywine
248 gal 14.18% 30.33 1.149 1.041
All Grain 42
Awesome Recipe
5.5 gal 11.91% 56.46 1.127 1.037
All Grain 36
English Barleywine
2 gal 12.01% 77.8 1.114 1.023
All Grain 120
Honey Butter Barleywine
5.5 gal 10.41% 37.31 1.106 1.026
All Grain 86
El Presidente Barley Wine 2025
5 gal 8.84% 84.81 1.090 1.022
extract 70
Juicy Juice Barleywine
5.5 gal 10.38% 110.38 1.102 1.023
All Grain 66
Barley Wine 24/25
16 L 8.51% 83.79 1.092 1.027
All Grain 65
Holiday Strong Ale
1.5 gal 10.53% 62.53 1.104 1.024
All Grain 90
Oak Aged Smoked Barleywine
11.8 L 11.36% 37.3 1.101 1.014
All Grain 132

Fermentables Used In English Barleywine Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
United Kingdom - Maris Otter Pale 276 United Kingdom Grain base malt 3.75°L
38 75% 10% - 100%
Special B 97 Grain crystal malt 115°L
34 4% 0% - 20%
Caramel / Crystal 60L 74 Grain crystal malt 60°L
34 5% 1% - 14%
American - Caramel / Crystal 120L 69 American Grain crystal malt 120°L
33 4% 1% - 14%
US - Pale 2-Row 66 US Grain base malt 1.8°L
37 57% 5% - 100%
Brown Sugar 54 Sugar sugar 15°L
45 7% 2% - 15%
American - Caramel / Crystal 40L 44 American Grain crystal malt 40°L
34 7% 1% - 26%
Cane Sugar 40 Sugar sugar 0°L
46 6% 2% - 13%
United Kingdom - Amber 38 United Kingdom Grain base malt 27°L
32 7% 2% - 57%
Munich - Light 10L 36 Grain specialty malt 10°L
33 15% 5% - 83%

Hops Used In English Barleywine Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Average AA Avg. Usage Usage Range
East Kent Goldings 246 5 35% 1% - 100%
Fuggles 111 4.5 31% 1% - 100%
Magnum 103 15 44% 1% - 100%
Target 48 11.5 44% 14% - 100%
Cascade 47 7 35% 6% - 100%
Challenger 46 8.5 37% 11% - 100%
Chinook 38 13 42% 10% - 100%
Willamette 33 4.5 35% 1% - 100%
Nugget 28 14 39% 7% - 100%
Northern Brewer 25 7.8 36% 9% - 100%

Steeping Grains Used In English Barleywine Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
Caramel / Crystal 60L 3 Grain crystal malt 60°L
34 80% 50% - 100%
American - Caramel / Crystal 90L 2 American Grain crystal malt 90°L
33 64% 29% - 100%
American - Carapils (Dextrine Malt) 2 American Grain crystal malt 1.8°L
33 32% 14% - 50%

Yeasts Used In English Barleywine Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Laboratory Type Alcohol Tolerance Flocculation Attenuation Min. Temp Max. Temp
Fermentis - Safale - English Ale Yeast S-04 79 Fermentis / Safale Ale .0975 High 75% 54°F 77°F
Fermentis - Safale - American Ale Yeast US-05 50 Fermentis / Safale Ales Low Medium 81% 54°F 77°F
Lallemand - LALBREW® NOTTINGHAM HIGH PERFORMANCE ALE YEAST 49 Lallemand Ales Medium High 80% 50°F 72°F
Danstar - Nottingham Ale Yeast 44 Danstar Ale Med-High High 77% 57°F 70°F
Wyeast - London Ale 1028 38 Wyeast Ale 0.1 Med-Low 75% 60°F 72°F
White Labs - Dry English Ale Yeast WLP007 37 White Labs Ale Med-High Med-High 75% 65°F 70°F
White Labs - Super High Gravity Ale Yeast WLP099 25 White Labs Ale Very High Medium 85% 65°F 69°F
White Labs - English Ale Yeast WLP002 15 White Labs Ale Medium Very High 66.5% 65°F 68°F
White Labs - California Ale Yeast WLP001 13 White Labs Ale High Medium 76.5% 68°F 73°F
White Labs - London Ale Yeast WLP013 13 White Labs Ale Medium Medium 71% 66°F 71°F

Other Ingredients Used In English Barleywine Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Type Use Avg. Usage Usage Range
Gypsum 112 Water Agt Mash 15% 0% - 100%
Calcium Chloride (dihydrate) 57 Water Agt Mash 17% 0% - 100%
Lactic acid 55 Water Agt Mash 69% 0% - 100%
Epsom Salt 45 Water Agt Mash 7% 0% - 37%
Whirlfloc 39 Fining Boil 54% 5% - 100%
Baking Soda 33 Water Agt Mash 9% 0% - 29%
Calcium Chloride (anhydrous) 31 Water Agt Mash 8% 0% - 59%
Irish Moss 28 Fining Boil 67% 2% - 100%
Yeast Nutrient 25 Other Mash 30% 0% - 100%
Calcium Chloride (dihydrate) 15 Water Agt Mash 26% 0% - 100%
