Homebrew Beer Recipes | Page 2079 | Browse 305,000+ at Brewer's Friend
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Homebrew Beer Recipes

Page 2079 of our growing list of 305,000+ homebrew beer recipes. Sort by beer style, batch size, ABV and more for all-grain, extract or partial mash brewing.

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Title Style Size OG FG ABV IBU Color Views Brewed Rating
4Gs Red American Amber Ale 6 Gallons 1.04 1.007 4.33 38.4 15.38 °L
846 7
Caricaco American Amber Ale 12.5 Gallons 1.064 1.016 6.27 35.21 11.69 °L
846 0
Premium Special Bitter (PSB) Yeast Trials Best Bitter 8.25 Gallons 1.046 1.011 4.63 38.69 10.63 °L
846 2
Dusseldorf Duff Altbier 310 Gallons 12.625 3.088 5.11 41.98 13.6 °L
846 0
Shotgun Shack Cream Ale 6 Gallons 1.05 1.011 5.09 21.14 3.21 °L
846 0
Ginger Saison Saison 50 Litres 1.05 1.005 5.97 14.07 4.19 °L
846 1
Jackies Cream Ale Cream Ale 5.5 Gallons 1.05 1.008 5.45 64.24 6.93 °L
846 1
Zax Eureka And El Dorado IPA American IPA 10 Gallons 1.06 1.014 6.01 60.52 7.26 °L
846 0
Purge Fluid Irish Red Ale 21 Litres 1.073 1.019 7.15 45 25.82 °L
846 1
Kriek Fruit Lambic 5.5 Gallons 1.059 1.011 6.37 14.27 4.38 °L
846 0
JUBILEYNOE TROYNOE Belgian Tripel 19 Litres 1.101 1.036 8.45 21.6 3.77 °L
846 0
LONDON ALE Best Bitter 21 Litres 1.046 1.011 4.62 30.62 7.6 °L
846 0
Dzsúz American IPA 38 Litres 1.053 1.014 5.13 48.44 4.19 °L
846 1
Spicy MIlk Chocolate Stout American Stout 5.5 Gallons 1.063 1.018 5.88 29.72 39.2 °L
846 0
Graduation English Barleywine 20 Litres 1.083 1.017 8.65 72.37 50 °L
846 0
Unnamed IPA American Brown Ale 5.5 Gallons 1.056 1.012 5.97 63.81 17.62 °L
846 0
Night Sweats IPA American IPA 10 Gallons 1.073 1.017 7.25 86.15 6.08 °L
846 0
Pale Ale American Pale Ale 580 Litres 13.126 2.992 5.44 41.61 7.18 °L
846 0
Red Rye Ipa American Light Lager 6 Gallons 1.07 1.018 6.94 66.63 11.55 °L
846 0
Butthead Puppy Spit Imperial Stout 10.7 Gallons 1.078 1.015 8.19 64.44 43.08 °L
846 0