Homebrew Beer Recipes | Page 8563 | Browse 305,000+ at Brewer's Friend
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Homebrew Beer Recipes

Page 8563 of our growing list of 305,000+ homebrew beer recipes. Sort by beer style, batch size, ABV and more for all-grain, extract or partial mash brewing.

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Title Style Size OG FG ABV IBU Color Views Brewed Rating
Brew 17 American Barleywine 4.25 Gallons 1.073 1.012 7.99 63.69 16.35 °L
297 0
IPA With Wethops American IPA 5 Gallons 1.061 1.015 5.98 53.11 6 °L
297 0
Hop Harvest Double IPA Double IPA 23 Litres 1.081 1.015 8.7 218.47 6.94 °L
297 1
PNW IPA American IPA 2.75 Gallons 1.062 1.011 6.69 64.17 8.87 °L
297 1
Belgian Blonde Candy Witbier 45 Litres 1.06 1.01 6.58 47.56 6.84 °L
297 1
Leftovers IPA American IPA 21 Litres 1.054 1.009 5.89 75.31 5.92 °L
297 0
Dragon And Gladiator Lambic 25 Litres 1.048 1.008 5.17 1.74 3.44 °L
297 2
Double Galaxy SMaSH Double IPA 6.5 Gallons 1.079 1.013 8.62 70.27 4.57 °L
297 1
Niklas Stout Caramalt Barley Chocolate Malt American Stout 5 Litres 1.062 1.012 6.56 70.89 50 °L
297 0
Fresh Hop Cascadian Dark Ale Specialty IPA: Black IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.065 1.019 6.06 61.45 50 °L
297 2
Here We Go American IPA 2.25 Gallons 1.062 1.01 6.73 64.33 10.07 °L
297 0
All Together IPA American IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.057 1.013 5.77 54.32 3.79 °L
297 0
Herm’s Pale Ale IVb American IPA 1.5 Gallons 1.063 1.012 6.75 54.67 5.85 °L
297 1
Black IPA Specialty IPA: Black IPA 9 Litres 1.078 1.011 8.79 82.79 30.89 °L
297 0
Celebration Ale Clone American IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.06 1.013 6.06 97.82 11.89 °L
297 1
Milkshake Ipa American IPA 11 Gallons 1.056 1.015 5.34 73.85 4.3 °L
297 0
Carl's IPA American IPA 4.5 Litres 1.058 1.01 6.32 52.14 9.61 °L
297 1
Angry Beaver American IPA 5 Gallons 1.063 1.016 6.26 62.11 7.03 °L
297 0
Freezer Cleaner: Imperial Stout Imperial Stout 13.5 Litres 1.085 1.014 9.27 65.81 37.58 °L
297 0
Cascade MMaSH American IPA 22 Litres 1.062 1.015 6.18 62.92 5.57 °L
297 1