Homebrew Beer Recipes | Page 249 | Browse 305,000+ at Brewer's Friend
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Homebrew Beer Recipes

Page 249 of our growing list of 305,000+ homebrew beer recipes. Sort by beer style, batch size, ABV and more for all-grain, extract or partial mash brewing.

Browse All Recipes or explore by brewing method: All-grain | Extract | BIAB | Partial Mash

Title Style Size OG FG ABV IBU Color Views Brewed Rating
Trapets Dubbel Belgian Dubbel 28 Litres 1.066 1.011 7.16 24.47 12.21 °L
2.9K 1
Peach Belgian Pale Belgian Blond Ale 5.5 Gallons 1.061 1.015 6.07 40.72 7.52 °L
2.9K 6
Witbier Witbier 25 Litres 1.047 1.009 4.99 13.4 3.13 °L
2.9K 0
Passionfruit-Mango Wheat American Wheat Beer 5.5 Gallons 1.046 1.008 5 24.87 4.32 °L
2.9K 3
#48 Granadilla Beer American Pale Ale 40 Litres 1.06 1.02 5.2 37.1 4.9 °L
2.9K 0
Wild Blue Blueberry Lager(trial) American Lager 5 Gallons 1.074 1.017 7.55 4.16 4.56 °L
2.9K 1
Stone Imperial Russian Stout Clone Russian Imperial Stout 12 Litres 1.101 1.023 10.24 92.68 41.42 °L
2.9K 0
Honey Babe, Suger Lump, Mr Sweet Guy, Lovey Dovey All Grain Brew Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer 10.5 Gallons 1.056 1.016 5.29 49.76 21.93 °L
2.9K 0
01B - American Lager - MURICA American Lager 24 Litres 12.236 2.528 5.18 10.09 3.12 °L
2.9K 1
Sour IPA Lambic 2 Gallons 1.061 1.015 6.05 32.11 4.41 °L
2.9K 0
Am Am Ale American Amber Ale 17.5 Litres 1.057 1.014 5.75 37.86 10.01 °L
2.9K 3
1028 Through A Mild Darkly Dark Mild 6 Gallons 1.038 1.012 3.52 16.9 17.57 °L
2.9K 0
32. Parti - Safbrew BE 256 -Abbaye Ale American Strong Ale 17 Litres 1.067 1.012 7.2 71.98 5.76 °L
2.9K 2
Ingefærøl Specialty Fruit Beer 25 Litres 1.048 1.01 4.93 27.91 4.62 °L
2.9K 0
Sword Of Saint Peter AAA American Amber Ale 5.63 Gallons 1.048 1.006 5.52 30.48 11.15 °L
2.9K 1
Studentergaarden Rød Pils Vienna Lager 25 Litres 1.047 1.007 5.25 22.37 13.21 °L
2.9K 0
Ladon's Best Imperial IPA (BIAB) Imperial IPA 5 Gallons 1.071 1.012 7.75 113.44 13.44 °L
2.9K 2
"Reverend Craig" Bourbon Barleywine American Barleywine 5.5 Gallons 1.115 1.02 12.57 116.84 17.51 °L
2.9K 2
German Helles Export German Helles Exportbier 5.5 Gallons 1.057 1.013 5.88 29.24 5.21 °L
2.9K 1
Ferrugem International Amber Lager 50 Litres 1.053 1.011 5.49 29.4 10.69 °L
2.9K 0