Homebrew Beer Recipes | Page 316 | Browse 305,000+ at Brewer's Friend
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Homebrew Beer Recipes

Page 316 of our growing list of 305,000+ homebrew beer recipes. Sort by beer style, batch size, ABV and more for all-grain, extract or partial mash brewing.

Browse All Recipes or explore by brewing method: All-grain | Extract | BIAB | Partial Mash

Title Style Size OG FG ABV IBU Color Views Brewed Rating
Uff-da Clone-ish Dunkles Bock 5.5 Gallons 1.065 1.018 6.45 25.22 18.78 °L
2.4K 1
1805 BP Brown Stout Brown Porter 5 Litres 1.074 1.019 7.19 107.81 41.19 °L
2.4K 0
AHB Lavender Mead Metheglin 1 Gallons 1.126 1 16.54 0 5.1 °L
2.4K 2
Second Step-mash Lager No Profile Selected 5.5 Gallons 1.055 1.009 5.98 130.43 9.56 °L
2.4K 0
Chocolate Wheat Porter Brown Porter 5.5 Gallons 1.051 1.013 5.03 30.06 24.26 °L
2.4K 5
John's BIAB Maibock Helles Bock 4.25 Gallons 1.065 1.015 6.59 23.13 6.94 °L
2.4K 0
Tropical Stout - 15 Min Mash/Boil Tropical Stout 2.25 Gallons 1.066 1.018 6.24 32.74 33.37 °L
2.4K 0
Orange Belgian Strong Ale Belgian Dubbel 6 Gallons 1.065 1.015 6.49 21.96 9.54 °L
2.4K 0
Kölsch Kölsch 25 Litres 1.047 1.011 4.75 28.26 2.96 °L
2.4K 2
THE LIQUID FRUITCAKE Winter Seasonal Beer 5.5 Gallons 1.088 1.018 9.23 39.48 16.06 °L
2.4K 1
Hoppy Wheat Weizen/Weissbier 7 Gallons 1.048 1.009 5.2 27.7 4.56 °L
2.4K 0
Summer Spiced Mead Dry Mead 2.7 Gallons 1.101 1.023 10.28 0 4.39 °L
2.4K 2
Hard Blueberry Lemonade Other Specialty Cider or Perry 5 Gallons 1.081 1.019 8.1 0 2.96 °L
2.4K 1
My 80 Minute Imperial IPA 5 Gallons 1.086 1.022 8.5 99.88 8.85 °L
2.4K 5
Double Rye IPA Double IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.085 1.017 8.83 87.79 8.84 °L
2.4K 0
Zahlinice Blaser American IPA 26 Litres 1.046 1.01 4.76 82.63 4.87 °L
2.4K 0
Mosaic Is Cheating Double IPA 11 Gallons 1.084 1.017 8.79 90.41 6.07 °L
2.4K 10
Number Juan International Pale Lager 5.5 Gallons 1.048 1.012 4.91 21.85 4.72 °L
2.4K 1
(2015-04-08) DAD Lager Premium American Lager 6 Gallons 12.988 3.309 5.2 23.47 3.44 °L
2.4K 0
Kris Kringle Stout Foreign Extra Stout 5.5 Gallons 1.067 1.018 6.41 40.21 36.4 °L
2.4K 2