Westmalle Tripel Clone
Belgian Tripel
12 Gallons |
1.092 |
1.022 |
9.23 |
36.92 |
5.53 °L
14K |
6 |
Size: 15 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.063 |
Efficiency: 77 |
Mash Thickness: 1.75 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.25 |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: Force Carb/Bottle Condition |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 12/11/2014 3:42 AM |
Notes: The 'Late Addition' Belgian Candi Syrup and Table Sugar are actually 5lbs and 1lbs, respectively, added after 3 days of fermentation. They are added as fermentables to approx final ABV. |
American Red Ale
American Amber Ale
6 Gallons |
1.066 |
1.016 |
6.63 |
64.58 |
17.09 °L
14K |
3 |
Size: 8.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.047 |
Efficiency: 72 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 11/19/2012 5:31 AM |
Notes: 76% Att = 6.76% ABV
Placed 4th in the 2013 UMMO with iteration #1. |
Firestone Walker Union Jack IPA Clone
American IPA
5.5 Gallons |
1.087 |
1.027 |
7.87 |
81.05 |
8.14 °L
14K |
1 |
Size: 6.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.074 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: Sugar |
Priming Amount: TBD |
Date: 11/14/2016 1:15 AM |
Notes: Firestone Walker Union Jack IPA. In their own words…”An aggressively hopped West Coast-style IPA. Union Jack showcases exceptional dry hop character with stunning pineapple, citrus and piney aromas on the nose accompanied by honey-like malt aromatics. Double dry hopping brings bold grapefruit, tangerine and citrus flavors that are contrasted by pale malt sweetness to balance this intense brew. A true tribute to the style that put the West Coast on the craft beer map.” I was able to collect the following recipe details from their website http://www.firestonebeer.com/beers/products/union-jack 1.060 Original Gravity; 7.5% ABV; 70 IBUs; Light Amber Color (8 SRM)
Dry Hop Schedule
After about 1 week in the primary, transfer to a secondary and dry hop with 1 oz Amarillo, 1 oz Cascade, and 1 oz Centennial.
After about 1 week in the secondary, transfer to a third vessel and dry hop with 1 oz Citra, 1 oz Chinook, and 1 oz Simco.
Carbonate to ~2.5 volumes of CO2 (moderate-high) and enjoy! |
Chocolate Oatmeal Stout
Oatmeal Stout
5 Gallons |
1.063 |
1.02 |
5.65 |
29.83 |
39.05 °L
13.9K |
6 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.042 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.25 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 3/5/2015 7:09 PM |
Notes: |
Bakke Brygg Ginger Ale 25 L
Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer
25 Litres |
1.043 |
1.01 |
4.41 |
10.82 |
2.95 °L
13.8K |
17 |
Size: 29 Litres |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.037 |
Efficiency: 78 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.75 |
Temp: 18 ° C |
Priming Method: Sukkerlake |
Priming Amount: 6,5 g sukker/L |
Date: 11/14/2014 3:22 PM |
Notes: I vår friske ingefær-ale bruker vi fersk ingefær. Vi anbefaler en mengde mellom 250 g (mildt) og 1 kg (veldig kraftig). 500 g kan være et greit utgangspunkt og gir et godt merkbart, men ikke totalt dominerende ingefær-preg.
Mengden meske- og skyllevann du bør bruke kommer an på utstyret og metoden du brygger med. Som et anslag kan vi si at du kan bruke 20 l meskevann og 13 l skyllevann til dette ølet. Noen bryggemaskiner (f.eks. Speidel Braumeister) kan kreve større mengder meskevann. Sjekk alltid manualen på utstyret du bruker.
Mesking på 66 grader i 60 min. Utmesk på 77 grader i 5 min hvis du har mulighet til å øke temperatur i mesken.
Kjøl ned til 17 grader før pitching av gjær.
Gjæring på 18 grader til stormgjæring begynner å avta (typisk etter 3-5 dager). Øk deretter til 20 grader og hold resten av gjæringsperioden (totalt 14 dager). Tørrhumle etter 5 dager.
Gjæralternativer: WLP001, WLP007, WLP028, WLP051, WLP090, Danstar Nottingham |
Rebel IPA
American IPA
5.5 Gallons |
1.061 |
1.011 |
6.58 |
51.23 |
9.38 °L
13.8K |
1 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.045 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.0 |
Temp: 60 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 2/12/2014 8:31 PM |
Notes: |
Traditional Berliner Weisse
Berliner Weisse
11 Gallons |
1.039 |
1.01 |
3.87 |
6.69 |
2.89 °L
13.7K |
2 |
Size: 14 Gallons |
Boil Time: 45 |
Boil Gravity: N/A |
Efficiency: 72 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 7/19/2012 12:09 AM |
Notes: Ferment in split batches. 5 gallons in 70-75 range with lacto culture. 5 gallons at alt temp - 58. Then blend. |
2015 - Hoegaarden Grand Cru
6 Gallons |
1.088 |
1.022 |
8.67 |
29.77 |
5.64 °L
13.7K |
0 |
Size: 8.25 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.064 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.0 |
Temp: 75 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 3/2/2015 7:14 PM |
Notes: Cold condition in secondary at 45 degrees for 3-4 weeks. Or 6-8 at 55.
Ferment near 75 for esters. |
Fuller's ESB Clone
Strong Bitter
19 Litres |
1.055 |
1.016 |
5.18 |
33.4 |
10.98 °L
13.6K |
1 |
Size: 19 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.055 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: 2.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 19 ° C |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 1/12/2018 2:49 AM |
Notes: Source: http://www.theelectricbrewery.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=25410
4 packs Wyeast 1968 London ESB Ale liquid yeast (or an appropriate starter*)
4 vials White Labs WLP002 English Ale liquid yeast (or an appropriate starter*)
Some hop substitutions will still give you an enjoyable ESB, just try and stick with English (UK) hops if possible. You can (for example) make a very nice variant with only UK East Kent Goldings (EKG) hops as they're much easier to find.
Yeast substitutions should be avoided however. One of the keys to brewing this right is to use Fuller's own yeast which is available to homebrewers as Wyeast 1968 London ESB Ale liquid yeast or White Labs WLP002 English Ale liquid yeast.
This yeast does not attenuate very well so we purposely mash at a low temperature (148F). The yeast is also highly flocculant (likes to settle out) so giving the bottom a gentle stir once a day during fermentation can help it from falling out too soon.
Add 500mg potassium metabisulphite to 20 gallons water to remove chlorine/chloramine (as required).
Water treated with brewing salts to: Ca=110, Mg=18, Na=17, Cl=49, SO4=92
(Basically Randy Mosher's ideal Pale Ale numbers with slightly less Sulphate and a Cl:SO4 ratio of 1:2 - we're not making a hoppy American beer here so we go a bit easy on accentuating bitterness).
1.25 qt/lb mash thickness. Single infusion mash at 148F for 90 mins. Mashout to 168F.
60-90 min fly sparge with ~6 pH water. Collect 13.9 gallons in boil kettle.
Boil for 60 minutes. Lid on at flameout, start chilling immediately.
Cool wort to 66F and aerate well. Ferment at 66-68F until complete. Dry hop for 7 days.
This yeast drops brilliantly clear without need of any clarifiers.
Apple Ale
Fruit Beer
4 Gallons |
1.06 |
1.01 |
6.64 |
11.74 |
7.97 °L
13.5K |
5 |
Size: 5.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.044 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 7/31/2015 9:54 PM |
Notes: add brown sugar last 10 min of boil.
add 1 gal unpasteurized apple cider to primary 3 days after fermentation has begun.
If you can't find unpasteurized you can use pasteurized but with no preservatives. |
Dark Lord Clone
Russian Imperial Stout
11 Gallons |
1.136 |
1.031 |
13.69 |
55.93 |
50 °L
13.5K |
4 |
Size: 15.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 120 |
Boil Gravity: 1.096 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.5 |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 4/3/2015 3:41 PM |
Notes: |
Cascade 2-Row Smash
American Pale Ale
5.5 Gallons |
1.05 |
1.012 |
5.11 |
45.01 |
3.37 °L
13.5K |
16 |
Size: 7 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.04 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: 66 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 4/12/2015 10:09 PM |
Notes: |
Hell Or High Watermelon Clone
American Wheat Beer
5.5 Gallons |
1.052 |
1.012 |
5.19 |
15.33 |
4.3 °L
13.5K |
7 |
Size: 6.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.044 |
Efficiency: 65 |
Mash Thickness: 1.3 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.5 |
Temp: 65 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 5/9/2018 8:29 PM |
Notes: Once primary fermentation completes, give 1-2 day diacetyl rest. During this time, chop up a whole seedless watermelon into cubes and freeze for 1-2 days. This will pasteurize the watermelon. Defrost and beat watermelon to a chunky pulp. Pour into primary or place in bottom of secondary and rack beer on top, then cold crash for 1-2 days. My spigot clogged on me with watermelon chunks so I had to use a racking cane to the keg. Package, carbonate, and serve! |
Harp Irish Lager Clone
Premium American Lager
48 Litres |
1.049 |
1.008 |
5.34 |
25.12 |
3.46 °L
13.5K |
0 |
Size: 60 Litres |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.039 |
Efficiency: 80 |
Mash Thickness: 2.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.5 |
Temp: 11 ° C |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 1/27/2015 5:09 PM |
Notes: |
Brut IPA
American IPA
5.5 Gallons |
1.054 |
1 |
7.03 |
34.19 |
3.17 °L
13.5K |
2 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.039 |
Efficiency: 72 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.75 |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 7/17/2018 6:09 PM |
Notes: Mash low with 1 vial of WLN4100 Ultra-Ferm
Lauter mash but do not heat to allow enzymes to continue to break down sugars
Sparge, lauter and allow wort to stand for ~30 minutes to allow enzymes to continue to break down sugars
Boil for 60 minutes and follow hop schedule - I used a different hop schedule than Kim did.
It is recommended you add more yeast nutrient to fermenter half way through fermentation
Edit 9/18/18 - My first run on this came up a bit short on FG (1.006). Still pretty dry and amazingly juicy, but really want to get it down to <1.000. May try 2 vials of the WLN4100 in the mash next time and maybe some glucoamylase in the fermenter. |
TH Haze Clone
Imperial IPA
3 Gallons |
1.081 |
1.018 |
8.25 |
84.16 |
7 °L
13.5K |
9 |
Size: 4 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.054 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.25 |
Temp: 66 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 3/2/2016 12:40 AM |
Notes: |
Honey Blonde Ale
Blonde Ale
5.5 Gallons |
1.053 |
1.012 |
5.35 |
17.22 |
7.14 °L
13.4K |
6 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.039 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 9/20/2015 6:13 PM |
Notes: |
Blonde Stout
Sweet Stout
5 Gallons |
1.08 |
1.019 |
8.01 |
31.1 |
7.24 °L
13.4K |
4 |
Size: 6.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.062 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.2 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: 75 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 9/24/2016 8:00 PM |
Notes: Additional: 1 vanilla bean, 4 oz. cacao nibs, 5 oz. medium roast coffee, soaked in vodka for 2 weeks
Pirate Life Pale Ale
American Pale Ale
21 Litres |
1.058 |
1.01 |
6.29 |
57.25 |
5.65 °L
13.3K |
12 |
Size: 28.5 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.043 |
Efficiency: 65 |
Mash Thickness: 3 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 20 ° C |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 9/25/2017 2:36 AM |
Notes: |
Bakke Brygg American IPA 50 L
American IPA
50 Litres |
1.065 |
1.013 |
6.85 |
71.88 |
6.89 °L
13.2K |
9 |
Size: 58 Litres |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.056 |
Efficiency: 74 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 1.0 |
Temp: 18 ° C |
Priming Method: Sukkerlake |
Priming Amount: 6,5 g sukker/L |
Date: 9/26/2013 4:01 PM |
Notes: Mengden meske- og skyllevann du bør bruke kommer an på utstyret og metoden du brygger med. Som et anslag kan vi si at du kan bruke 40 l meskevann og 30,6 l skyllevann til dette ølet. Noen bryggemaskiner (f.eks. Speidel Braumeister) kan kreve større mengder meskevann. Sjekk alltid manualen på utstyret du bruker.
Mesking på 66 grader i 60 min. Utmesk på 77 grader i 5 min hvis du har mulighet til å øke temperatur i mesken.
Kjøl ned til 17 grader før pitching av gjær.
Gjæring på 18 grader til stormgjæring begynner å avta (typisk etter 3-5 dager). Øk deretter til 20 grader og hold resten av gjæringsperioden (totalt 14 dager). Tørrhumle etter 5 dager.
Gjæralternativer: WLP001, WLP007, WLP008, WLP041, WLP051, WLP090, Danstar Nottingham |