Kentucky Common
California Common Beer
5.5 Gallons |
1.044 |
1.007 |
4.78 |
23.67 |
10.11 °L
1.6K |
1 |
Size: 7 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.034 |
Efficiency: 80 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: BIAB |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 4/9/2015 2:23 PM |
Notes: 1 Packet US-05 (any American Ale yeast can be substituted)
You can also do this as a true common/steam beer and pitch a lager yeast (I've used saflager) at room temps, much how California Commons like Anchor Steam are brewed. Dec 2014 update I'm going to suggest that everyone at some point try this as a steam beer...Lager yeast at room temp without lagering. I just kegged it, and even uncarbed it has an amazing flavor... steam beers, have an "off" flavor that is not as clean as a properly brewed lager...taste anchor steam and you'll get it, especially if you compare it to Anchor Lager. There's definitely a funkiness about it... something unique... Try it with this beer. It my be the permanent way I brew this beer from now on... I'll keep you posted...and if it works out, I may change the official yeast to saflager for this beer. If you try it this way, as a steam beer...especially if you've brewed it with ale yeast before and can compare it, I would love you opinion.
Single Infusion, LIGHT body, batch sparge.
Mash Temp 148 degrees
Sparge Temp 168 degrees
I primed this beer with table sugar rather than corn sugar. |
Crazy IPA - 40 Liters
American IPA
40 Litres |
1.059 |
1.01 |
6.42 |
44.24 |
3.59 °L
1.6K |
6 |
Size: 46 Litres |
Boil Time: 95 |
Boil Gravity: 1.051 |
Efficiency: 77 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: BIAB |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 19 ° C |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 6/6/2018 8:27 AM |
Notes: |
Three Shades Of Stout
Irish Stout
23 Litres |
1.045 |
1.011 |
4.45 |
32.99 |
31.11 °L
1.6K |
0 |
Size: 33 Litres |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.031 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: BIAB |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 12/20/2016 5:35 AM |
* see also alternative: |
Old Blevins No. 1
English Barleywine
3.2 Gallons |
1.093 |
1.024 |
9.1 |
46.93 |
26.98 °L
1.6K |
4 |
Size: 4.25 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.07 |
Efficiency: 65 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: BIAB |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: dextrose |
Priming Amount: 2.4 oz |
Date: 1/26/2021 5:06 PM |
Notes: This recipe changes slightly from year to year.
‘21 used 5% sugar for gravity points, late hopped with Idaho 7 and Loral. Fermented with BRY-97.
‘22 used 3.5% sugar and was late hopped with Cascade and Chinook (better choices than ‘21). BRY-97
2-year tasting notes: caramel brown color. Hard pour gives a moderate head that doesn’t last. Fizz remains present throughout. Stone fruit, floral nose. Stone fruit, caramel, vanilla, boozy warmth taste. Finishes slightly dry, bitterness is appropriate. Possible slight oxidation as color has deepened over time. Sugar feels inappropriate but overall, a solid BW.
‘23 used no sugar but 8% Cherrywood Smoked Malt. Late hopped with Willamette. WY1318.
'24 no sugar, used 3% Roasted Barley. Late hopped with Willamette and Cascade. WY1318 |
Sam Smith Old Brewery Bitter Clone
Strong Bitter
5.5 Gallons |
1.048 |
1.012 |
4.7 |
47.93 |
7.56 °L
1.6K |
0 |
Size: 6 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.039 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: BIAB |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: BrownSugar |
Priming Amount: 2 oz |
Date: 7/6/2020 10:04 PM |
Notes: Note to all - this is an attempt at a CASKED type ale. It might work as bottled beer, it might not. It is EXPERIMENTAL.
This is an English Strong Bitter (old style cask ale taste profile) a Golden Strong Bitter with a Cask Malt flavor. Originally made by Sam Smith Brewery, one of my favorite UK Breweries.
Mash in with all grains at 140 initially, raising the temperature while stirring to 151 to hold for 90 minutes. Batch sparge with an additional 12 quarts of water to collect 6 gallons of sweet wort.
Bring the wort to a boil and add the hops. (Yes, this is in the recipe, but I initially tried the calculator at 30 minutes and I had a more sedate 43 IBUs. Thought about splitting it at 45 minutes...but it does have raw brown sugar introduced 7 days before bottling or kegging - this should provide a kind of "casked" taste as the yeast should re-ferment. Yeah - this can be a disaster...wondering if I might make a tiny little batch and see what happens if I secondary it in a minikeg - no gas, pinch of yeast - like you would for a REAL cask. I think I would need a spunding valve to offgas the excess CO2.)
The recipe calls to add the molasses and sugar, dissolved in a little wort, added "during the boil". I wouldn't add it until 15 minutes prior to the end, so it has less of a chance to scorch and burn. At the same time, add the whirlfloc tablet and yeast nutrient.
The modifications so far.
Recipe was for 20 quarts - I needed 5.5 in the fermentor so I can guarantee 5 gallons in the keg. So I raised the fermentables to:
7 lbs of 2 row from 5 lbs
12 ozs of Torrified Barley from 8 oz
10 ozs of light crystal from 6 oz
Used Windsor instead of "Brewer's Yeast" - suited the final gravity
Messed around with the hop schedule - if you put them all in for 90 minutes, you get 60+ IBUs which is way out of character for a strong bitter - 50 IBUs is about tops. So I changed the Fuggles to 2 oz from 2.5 after I made the fuggles go in at 60 minutes and the Goldings at 30. That gets you to 48 IBUs. |
Biggie Juice ( PHBS V.2)
Specialty IPA: New England IPA
21 Litres |
1.059 |
1.016 |
5.66 |
26.4 |
4.81 °L
1.6K |
5 |
Size: 30 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.051 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 5/1/2020 1:10 AM |
Notes: Slight changes to hop bill updated to V 2 to meet target 25 IBU
Primary 19 Degrees - 4 days
Primary 21 Degrees - 7 days
Day 2 Add first set of dry hops at high krausen.
Day 7 Add second set of dry hops.
Day 10 Commence cold crash. |
Winter Warmer
Winter Seasonal Beer
10 Gallons |
1.067 |
1.019 |
6.38 |
19.46 |
16.21 °L
1.6K |
1 |
Size: 12.36 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.057 |
Efficiency: 72 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.75 |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 9/26/2019 7:41 PM |
Notes: One half will be soured with lactic acid and apples.
Other side will have gingerbread spices added. |
Heather Mead
Semi-Sweet Mead
3 Gallons |
1.109 |
1.001 |
14.15 |
0 |
4.62 °L
1.6K |
0 |
Size: 1 Gallons |
Boil Time: N/A |
Boil Gravity: 1.328 |
Efficiency: 35 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: Extract |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 50 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 11/11/2018 1:26 AM |
Notes: This is Ken Schramm's recipe for Medium Show Mead, scaled down to three gallons and using Cotes des Blancs yeast. I also added the heather tips, and steeped them in warm-hot water for four hours prior to adding the honey. Find Ken's original recipe on pg. 163-4.
Schramm, K. (2003). The Compleat Meadmaker. Brewers Publications; CO, Boulder. |
German Pils
25 Litres |
1.048 |
1.01 |
5.04 |
34.94 |
3.23 °L
1.6K |
0 |
Size: 31 Litres |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.039 |
Efficiency: 68 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: BIAB |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 10 ° C |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 12/28/2017 11:32 AM |
Notes: 6 vrečk kvasa - cold pitching
Ferment at 10°C, increasing temperature to 16°C towards the end of primary fermentation. Transfer to a secondary fermenter and lager at 2-5˚C for 6-8 weeks. Bottle or keg for 2.5 vols. CO2.
Dry hop - ko se izvaja D-rest. |
Big Black
American IPA
3 Gallons |
1.071 |
1.018 |
6.99 |
147.09 |
33.98 °L
1.6K |
0 |
Size: 4 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.053 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: BIAB |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 65 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 10/12/2012 1:37 AM |
Notes: |
Bourbon Barrel Vanilla Stout
Imperial Stout
5.5 Gallons |
1.091 |
1.024 |
8.78 |
63.64 |
37.23 °L
1.6K |
0 |
Size: 6.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.077 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: 1.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 12/29/2015 9:40 PM |
Notes: |
Amarillo Red
Irish Red Ale
5 Gallons |
1.06 |
1.015 |
5.95 |
39.34 |
17.53 °L
1.6K |
0 |
Size: 7.5 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.04 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 1.25 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 8/22/2015 11:30 PM |
Notes: |
131 American ESB
Extra Special/Strong Bitter (ESB)
6 Gallons |
1.049 |
1.011 |
5.07 |
46.74 |
5.84 °L
1.6K |
0 |
Size: 8 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.037 |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 68 ° F |
Priming Method: Corn Sugar |
Priming Amount: Keg with 8.09 PSI |
Date: 4/7/2015 12:32 PM |
Notes: Fantastic ESB - American style |
Erik The Red
American Amber Ale
2.5 Gallons |
1.054 |
1.01 |
5.72 |
39.81 |
21.37 °L
1.6K |
0 |
Size: 2 Gallons |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.067 |
Efficiency: 35 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: Extract |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: 65 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 3/7/2015 9:32 PM |
Notes: |
American IPA
21 Litres |
1.048 |
1.013 |
4.58 |
64.16 |
11.88 °L
1.6K |
1 |
Size: 23 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.044 |
Efficiency: 60 |
Mash Thickness: 3 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 4/30/2014 10:26 AM |
Notes: |
Epoch - RED ALErt (Communist Era)
Irish Red Ale
25 Litres |
1.055 |
1.01 |
5.84 |
24.19 |
15.24 °L
1.6K |
1 |
Size: 29 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.047 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 3 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: 20 ° C |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 4/17/2014 6:54 AM |
Notes: |
MacEanruig's Eilean Dubh Orcadian Ale (80/-)
Scottish Export 80/-
5.5 Gallons |
1.054 |
1.016 |
5.02 |
30.44 |
21.34 °L
1.6K |
1 |
Size: 8.75 Gallons |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: N/A |
Efficiency: 75 |
Mash Thickness: N/A |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: N/A |
Temp: N/A |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 10/22/2012 3:21 PM |
Notes: Take 2nd runnings (actually 3rd/4th) from MacEanruig's Wild Highlander and Steep grains for 30mins.
Dark Island Clone |
German Rye Ale
Roggenbier (German Rye Beer)
21 Litres |
1.053 |
1.013 |
5.31 |
36.76 |
8.09 °L
1.6K |
1 |
Size: 28.5 Litres |
Boil Time: 60 |
Boil Gravity: 1.039 |
Efficiency: 70 |
Mash Thickness: 3 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.75 |
Temp: 17 ° C |
Priming Method: Açucar |
Priming Amount: 6g/l |
Date: 2/3/2017 2:02 PM |
Notes: -Não esquecer de fazer infusão a 45C somente com centeio
-Adicionar o restante do malte somente com 67C
C1D Anchor Steam Ale ▲ 06.29.15
California Common Beer
5.5 Gallons |
1.066 |
1.013 |
6.91 |
50.86 |
8.08 °L
1.6K |
0 |
Size: 8 Gallons |
Boil Time: 75 |
Boil Gravity: 1.045 |
Efficiency: 73 |
Mash Thickness: 13.5 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 2.0 |
Temp: 62 ° F |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 6/28/2015 3:30 PM |
Notes: ♦ BREW DATES:
Date: Brew Day • 06.29.15 4:20PM
Gravity End of Sparge • SG 1.056
6:00PM Full Boil in 12 min. 6:12PM
Gravity End of Boil (OG) • 1.0 7:30PM@81°
Gravity (FG) • 1.066 8:00PM
Date: Pitch Yeast • 07.01.15
Date: Keg Day •
Drafted Who’s House • Dan's
14 Days Fermentation
United Kingdom - Crystal 45L was changed out to US Crystal 40 (Phantom).
American Munich Light 10L was changed out to Best Malz (German) Munich Malt (Phantom).
Changed first addition hop from 0.9 to 1.0 oz.
Phantom didn't have WLP810 in stock so San Francisco WLP840 American Lager was used as substitute!
Started with 8.00 gallons of water. Too much water. 13.5 pds of grain did not seem to absorb as much after sparging. had to boil extra half hours to get it down to 5.5 gals final amount. 8.00 gallons will be the max. Changed again. End of Brew: left with 5 gallons. Had to add 1/2 gallons for 5.50.
♦♦ Use 3 Vials of San Francisco Lager Yeast WLP810 @ 62° CHANGE! 2 vials of WLP840 American Ale Yeast will be used.
WLP810 San Francisco Lager Yeast.
This yeast is used to produce the "California Common" style beer. A unique lager strain which has the ability to ferment up to 65 degrees while retaining lager characteristics. Can also be fermented down to 50 degrees for production of marzens, pilsners and other style lagers.
Optimum Ferment Temp. 58-65°F (14-18°C)
WLP840 American Lager This yeast is used to produce American style lagers. Dry and clean with a very slight apple fruitiness. Sulfur and diacetyl production is minimal. Attenuation: 75-80% Flocculation: Medium Optimum Fermentation Temperature: 50-55°F Alcohol Tolerance: Medium
Created 8 gallons sparge water. NEVER AGAIN Bring to 154° strike temperature
Prime pump. Push water through hose.
60 minutes – Add tablespoon 5.2 pH balancer
Add grain – Sparge at 152° for ___ minutes (Minimum 60)
(One gallon loss during sparge process)
Water burn rate: 1-1/2 gallon per hour.
Drain GRAIN from kettle. Adjust water height of ___ (7 gallons)
Boil clean water for end of boil session adjustment
Mash Option dark beers – Add x tablespoon Calcium Carbonate
60 minutes – Add 2 drops Fermcap
60 minutes – Add 5 tablespoon Gypsum for IPA (Optional)
WAKE UP!!!!!!
15 minutes – Add immersion chiller
15 minutes - Add Whirlfloc
10 minutes – Add 1 teaspoon Yeast Nutrient last 10 minutes
♦ Check to see if nozzle is pointed upwards
Purge oxygen with CO2
Chill keg 24 hours before force carbonation.
Force Carbonation Calculator: 20 psi 4 days
Volumes of CO2 2.5 at 36°F = 10.2 psi American Ales
♥ DRINKABILITY: What did you like about it. 06.22.15 Perfect beer. Tested side by side with the original. Remarkable close.
Brewing Classic Styles - Jamil Zainasheff
Page 108. Modification to make it more like a Anchor Steam Ale - Style - California Common
Product Unit Price Quantity Total
2 Row Malt Sack $ 0.69 12 $ 8.28
Abbey Ale Yeast $ 6.00 2 $ 12.00
C 40 Malt 1 lb $ 1.40 1 $ 1.40
German Munich Malt 1 lb $ 1.40 0.5 $ 0.70
Order Summary
Subtotal $ 22.38
♦ Northern Brewer Hops - Origin and Description
Northern Brewer Hops is an England native who is seeing its days live out mainly in Germany and the U.S. There is a separate U.S. hops variety that was bred in the United States that has similar properties. This dual use hops had a higher alpha acid content for the time, however super alphas have doubled, even tripled the content since back in the day. With that said Northern Brewer hops grown in Germany, sometimes referred to as Hallertau Northern Brewer if grown in the region, has made its mark and is used throughout beer styles such as European Ales, Lagers, and Pilsners. It is also synonymous with steam beers as in Anchor Steam.
Northern Brewer hops is used for both bittering and aroma additions in the kettle. It has an alpha acid content of 7.0%-10.0% and is a well rounded variety. The bitterness is moderate and the aroma comes off as plump. As one of Germany's main high alpha hops, Northern Brewer is both versatile yet refined. |
Green Flash West Coast IPA
American IPA
23 Litres |
1.069 |
1.012 |
7.38 |
82.89 |
8.09 °L
1.6K |
0 |
Size: 29 Litres |
Boil Time: 90 |
Boil Gravity: 1.055 |
Efficiency: 95 |
Mash Thickness: 3 |
Scale: Specific Gravity |
Method: All Grain |
Pitch Rate: 0.35 |
Temp: 20 ° C |
Priming Method: N/A |
Priming Amount: N/A |
Date: 10/2/2019 11:28 AM |
If you prefer to use liquid yeast, Wyeast 1056 American Ale or White Labs WLP001 California Ale are excellent choices
Add 500mg potassium metabisulphite to 20 gallons water to remove chlorine / chloramine (if required).
Water treated with brewing salts to: Ca=110, Mg=18, Na=16, Cl=50, SO4=275 (Basically Randy Mosher's ideal Pale Ale numbers with slightly less Sulphate). For complete details on how to adjust your water, refer to our step by step Water Adjustment guide.
1.5 qt/lb mash thickness.
Single infusion mash at 150F for 90 mins.
Raise to 168F mashout temperature and hold for 10 mins.
~90 min fly sparge with ~5.6-5.8 pH water (measured at mash temperature). Collect 14.9 gallons.
Convoluted counterflow chiller
BUY NOWBoil for 90 minutes, adding Whirlfloc and hops per schedule. Lid on at flameout, start chilling immediately.
Cool the wort quickly to 66F (we use a one-pass convoluted counterflow chiller to quickly lock in hop flavour and aroma) and transfer to fermenter.
Aerate well. Pure oxygen from a tank may be used at a rate of 1 litre per minute for 60 seconds.
Pitch yeast and ferment at 66-68F (wort temperature). We use modified stainless fermenting buckets in wine fridges.
Add dry hops once fermentation is nearing completion (i.e. 5 points from terminal gravity). Dry hop for 5-7 days total. |