Homebrew Beer Recipes | Page 11698 | Browse 305,000+ at Brewer's Friend
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Homebrew Beer Recipes

Page 11698 of our growing list of 305,000+ homebrew beer recipes. Sort by beer style, batch size, ABV and more for all-grain, extract or partial mash brewing.

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Title Style Size OG FG ABV IBU Color Views Brewed Rating
Sorachi Ace Saison Saison 5 Gallons 1.07 1.01 7.85 31.42 3.31 °L
225 0
X-mas Cheer Oatmeal Stout 5.5 Gallons 1.058 1.013 5.93 31.68 38.05 °L
225 0
Double Ipa Double Efect Imperial IPA 10 Litres 1.094 1.019 9.77 19.01 9.35 °L
225 0
El Genio Del DUBBEL Belgian Dubbel 23 Litres 1.067 1.02 6.48 31.91 16.82 °L
225 0
Amarillo Pale Ale American IPA 1 Gallons 1.065 1.012 6.88 59.76 4.19 °L
225 0
IPL American IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.045 1.009 4.79 53.23 3.98 °L
225 0
Long Jacket Oatmeal Stout 5 Gallons 1.054 1.015 5.15 25.87 43.57 °L
225 0
MR.Sober Punk IPA American IPA 21 Litres 14.144 3.323 5.83 22.66 6.15 °L
225 0
Samir Blond Ale Belgian Blond Ale 18 Litres 1.051 1.013 5.07 16.16 7.83 °L
225 0
5 Pounds IPA 2020 English IPA 20 Litres 1.06 1.012 6.36 43.23 8.92 °L
225 1
Awesome Recipe American Light Lager 5.5 Gallons 1.072 1.018 7.12 8.09 7.75 °L
225 1
BARBA ALE Belgian Blond Ale 12.5 Litres 1.064 1.017 6.14 28.55 4.84 °L
225 0
Space Python DIPA Imperial IPA 5 Litres 1.085 1.015 9.16 64.96 6.55 °L
225 0
Neipa English IPA 25 Litres 1.052 1.013 5.15 0 5.46 °L
225 0
ChocoCherry Braggot Braggot 5 Gallons 1.074 1.007 8.82 0 23.3 °L
225 0
Funky Saison Saison 5 Gallons 1.044 1.004 5.17 0 3.6 °L
225 0
Kvit IPA - Heisenberg American IPA 24 Litres 1.077 1.019 7.67 77.06 4.93 °L
225 0
Awesome Recipe American Light Lager 2 Gallons 1.077 1.019 7.56 0 50 °L
225 0
Awesome Recipe American Light Lager 21 Litres 1.019 1.005 1.86 0 21.14 °L
225 0
Winter Mead American Light Lager 5.5 Gallons 1.069 1.001 8.91 0 3.37 °L
225 0