Extract Homebrew Beer Recipes | Page 1000 | Browse 30,000+ at Brewer's Friend
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Extract Homebrew Beer Recipes

Page 1000 of our growing list of 30,000+ extract homebrew beer recipes. Sort by beer style, batch size, ABV and more.

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Title Style Size OG FG ABV IBU Color Views Brewed Rating
Fresh Squished IPA American IPA 5.25 Gallons 1.073 1.013 7.9 37.19 7.85 °L
248 1
Awesome Recipe American IPA 6 Gallons 1.073 1.014 7.81 72.73 4.47 °L
248 0
Mikey’s Mojo IPA III American IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.058 1.014 5.76 53.87 3.54 °L
248 1
Porter American Porter 10 Gallons 1.054 1.011 5.66 38.29 35.37 °L
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Sinclair IPA Wedding Edition American IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.064 1.015 6.41 85.65 7.85 °L
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Revel Brown American Amber Ale 13 Gallons 1.041 1.011 4.01 0 19.92 °L
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Just Squished IPA American IPA 5 Gallons 1.071 1.013 7.51 55.42 10.36 °L
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Hoppylong Cassidy American IPA 6 Gallons 1.088 1.029 7.67 67.88 11.07 °L
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6/06 Brew Specialty IPA: Belgian IPA 5 Litres 1.074 1.014 7.88 44.5 4.5 °L
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Kveik 1 American IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.061 1.012 6.42 71.42 6.44 °L
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Black IPA Specialty IPA: Black IPA 5 Gallons 1.071 1.012 7.8 72.57 39.21 °L
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Bruce Ale American IPA 5 Gallons 1.066 1.016 6.63 62.69 7.13 °L
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Chocolate Milk Stout 5g Original American Stout 5 Gallons 1.066 1.023 5.65 11.9 28.9 °L
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Siera Nevada Pale ALe American IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.058 1.014 5.84 69.82 9.42 °L
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Sorghum Imperial Double IPA American IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.096 1.022 9.73 99.68 8.71 °L
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American Stout Oak American Stout 18 Litres 1.056 1.01 5.99 36.74 29.52 °L
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Remains Of Summer III Specialty IPA: Red IPA 21 Litres 1.059 1.015 5.82 69.41 15.9 °L
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Porter 201905 American Porter 10 Litres 1.071 1.021 6.51 27.32 36.12 °L
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Oatmeal Stout American Stout 5.5 Gallons 1.099 1.025 9.71 13.01 49.14 °L
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IPA Milshake Vanilla American IPA 25 Litres 1.072 1.023 6.39 62.38 10.19 °L
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