Homebrew Beer Recipes | Page 561 | Browse 305,000+ at Brewer's Friend
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Homebrew Beer Recipes

Page 561 of our growing list of 305,000+ homebrew beer recipes. Sort by beer style, batch size, ABV and more for all-grain, extract or partial mash brewing.

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Title Style Size OG FG ABV IBU Color Views Brewed Rating
AIPA #1: Samba/Motueka American IPA 5 Gallons 1.051 1.009 5.47 51.41 6.5 °L
1.7K 0
KOLSCH Kölsch 6.5 Gallons 1.044 1.011 4.29 26.42 4.15 °L
1.7K 0
Chicken Says (Bawk) Dunkles Bock 5.5 Gallons 1.073 1.018 7.23 25.61 14.24 °L
1.7K 1
Robust Porter - Lonesome Whistle Robust Porter 5.5 Gallons 1.066 1.015 6.72 36.36 38.56 °L
1.7K 0
#43Trappist Single Belgian Specialty Ale 27 Litres 1.053 1.011 5.54 33.31 2.9 °L
1.7K 1
Bengali IPA Clone English IPA 5 Gallons 1.064 1.017 6.25 119.44 18.51 °L
1.7K 1
R-uErigE AltFier Altbier 11 Litres 1.05 1.011 5.08 44.68 13.19 °L
1.7K 1
Commercial Dry Stout Dry Stout 5.25 Gallons 1.047 1.012 4.55 42.64 38.15 °L
1.7K 0
Generic Extract APA American Pale Ale 5 Gallons 1.053 1.009 5.75 42.25 7.76 °L
1.7K 0
Lone Galaxy Pale Ale American Pale Ale 23 Litres 1.05 1.009 5.33 7.5 7.01 °L
1.7K 3
Harp Irish Lager International Pale Lager 5.5 Gallons 1.049 1.012 4.87 25.1 4.79 °L
1.7K 0
15A - Irish Red Irish Red Ale 24 Litres 11.285 3.132 4.35 23.67 13.84 °L
1.7K 1
Blind Pig IPA (Brewie) Imperial IPA 20 Litres 1.08 1.015 8.62 109.6 7.26 °L
1.7K 3
Hennepin Clone Saison 5.25 Gallons 17.503 2.611 8.11 23.54 4.06 °L
1.7K 1
Ranger IPA Clone American IPA 3 Gallons 1.058 1.01 6.46 71.51 6.05 °L
1.7K 0
TRIBUTE Special/Best/Premium Bitter 20.1 Litres 1.044 1.011 4.38 39.06 8.42 °L
1.7K 1
Saison De Saison (extract) Saison 5.5 Gallons 1.064 1.015 6.44 23.77 5.04 °L
1.7K 0
Avery's Out Of Bounds Stout American Stout 5 Gallons 1.068 1.016 6.85 67.58 37.79 °L
1.7K 1
Lucky Jack Klon American Pale Ale 27 Litres 1.054 1.013 5.51 32.28 12.68 °L
1.7K 1
Dubbel Your Pleasure Belgian Dubbel 19 Litres 1.064 1.012 6.8 10.35 12.31 °L
1.7K 0