Extract Homebrew Beer Recipes | Page 991 | Browse 30,000+ at Brewer's Friend
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Extract Homebrew Beer Recipes

Page 991 of our growing list of 30,000+ extract homebrew beer recipes. Sort by beer style, batch size, ABV and more.

Browse All Recipes or explore by brewing method: All-grain | Extract | BIAB | Partial Mash

Title Style Size OG FG ABV IBU Color Views Brewed Rating
Orange Cinnamon American Pale Ale 5 Gallons 1.05 1.01 5.33 33.87 6.26 °L
250 0
JBP Cold IPA American IPA 6 Gallons 1.072 1.016 7.42 56.13 3.89 °L
250 0
Simcoe IPA American IPA 5.2 Gallons 1.06 1.011 6.36 51.5 10.83 °L
250 0
Irene Blonde American Pale Ale 5 Gallons 1.05 1.014 4.73 34.11 8.51 °L
250 0
Awesome Recipe Specialty IPA: Belgian IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.05 1.013 4.96 0 3.81 °L
250 0
Kohatu Pale American Pale Ale 5 Gallons 1.058 1.011 6.12 44.27 3.31 °L
250 0
Golden Wave Ale (KONA Clone) American IPA 40 Litres 1.045 1.009 4.77 19.45 5.95 °L
250 1
Galaxy/Magnum IPA Experiment #1 American IPA 5 Gallons 1.058 1.014 5.68 49.78 6.42 °L
250 0
Csv American IPA 20 Litres 1.061 1.012 6.46 44.56 10.33 °L
250 0
Black Hole Sun (Black IPA) Specialty IPA: Black IPA 5 Gallons 1.062 1.014 6.24 121.63 27.45 °L
250 1
First Try IPA American IPA 5 Gallons 1.068 1.017 6.7 83.48 4.15 °L
250 0
Cascade Pale Ale American Pale Ale 5 Gallons 1.05 1.009 5.31 51.24 6.44 °L
250 0
Hoppy Days American Pale Ale 13 Litres 1.054 1.015 5.14 37.55 3.67 °L
250 0
Tropical Downpour Ale - Gluten Free American IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.048 1.008 5.33 48.2 5.01 °L
250 1
Covid-19 Quarantine Beer #1 American IPA 5.5 Gallons 1.063 1.013 6.55 32.62 6.06 °L
250 0
NB Gaarden Hoe Witbier 5.25 Gallons 1.048 1.012 4.66 17.37 3.2 °L
250 1
Apollo 13 American IPA 4.5 Gallons 1.057 1.01 6.18 38.14 6.67 °L
250 0
Belgian Wit Witbier 3 Gallons 1.046 1.011 4.63 19.99 3.16 °L
250 0
Trial American IPA 2.5 Gallons 1.024 1.007 2.32 132.75 6.53 °L
250 0
PLambic Fruit TBD Fruit Lambic 5.5 Gallons 1.053 1.008 5.88 8.58 3.62 °L
250 0