Strong British Ale - Burton Ale - Beer Recipes | Brewer's Friend
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Strong British Ale - Burton Ale

BJCP Style Guide

Top 10 Burton Ale Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
Tim Burton on Trent Ale
5 gal 6.64% 48.71 1.062 1.011
All Grain 2478
17A - British Strong: Burton Ale
24 L 6.21% 46.18 1.065 1.017
BIAB 2433
Burton Olde Ale
5.5 gal 5.77% 49.31 1.060 1.016
BIAB 1672
Real Ale
6 gal 4.68% 40.78 1.053 1.017
Partial Mash 1134
Quimbaya Beer
80 L 18.17% 0 1.171 1.033
All Grain 1096
Awesome Recipe
26 L 6.96% 0 1.071 1.018
All Grain 1067
Burton Ale
5.5 gal 6.9% 70.44 1.070 1.018
All Grain 984
1916 Truman Burton #5 Ale
6 gal 6.12% 77.34 1.058 1.012
All Grain 953
EIPA session
40 L 5.2% 0 1.053 1.013
All Grain 920
Barkin' Perky KK
20 L 7.63% 102.09 1.077 1.018
All Grain 859

Newest Burton Ale Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
Cliffs of Burton
19 L 5.95% 46.74 1.063 1.018
All Grain 99
5.5 gal 6.74% 55.62 1.067 1.016
All Grain 138
Burton Strong Ale
200 L 5.29% 41.8 1.053 1.013
All Grain 158
24 L 6.46% 40.95 1.069 1.020
All Grain 264
Wort Share White Stout
5.25 gal 6.29% 17.54 1.067 1.019
BIAB 272
Old Jack-Burton
20.8 L 6.54% 35.4 1.072 1.022
All Grain 261
1900 Whitbread IPA(ish)
3.9 gal 5.43% 71.18 1.052 1.010
BIAB 666
(BURTON) Victorian age British Strong Ale
24 L 7.21% 41.88 1.073 1.018
All Grain 796
Burton Ale January 2023
3.5 gal 8.47% 51.65 1.087 1.022
Partial Mash 628
Winter Ale
11 gal 6.89% 58.29 1.070 1.018
All Grain 485

Fermentables Used In Burton Ale Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
United Kingdom - Maris Otter Pale 10 United Kingdom Grain base malt 3.75°L
38 73% 12% - 92%
Flaked Corn 6 Adjunct raw 0.5°L
40 20% 8% - 67%
American - Caramel / Crystal 120L 5 American Grain crystal malt 120°L
33 7% 5% - 9%
American - Chocolate 4 American Grain roasted malt 350°L
29 3% 1% - 7%
United Kingdom - Crystal 60L 4 United Kingdom Grain crystal malt 60°L
34 6% 3% - 8%
American - Pale 6-Row 4 American Grain base malt 1.8°L
35 34% 9% - 78%
United Kingdom - Chocolate 4 United Kingdom Grain roasted malt 425°L
34 3% 2% - 5%
GB - Invert Sugar #2 3 GB Sugar sugar 25°L
36 10% 8% - 14%
United Kingdom - Pale 2-Row 3 United Kingdom Grain base malt 2.5°L
38 60% 30% - 80%
United Kingdom - Amber 3 United Kingdom Grain base malt 27°L
32 5% 4% - 6%

Hops Used In Burton Ale Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Average AA Avg. Usage Usage Range
East Kent Goldings 12 5 27% 13% - 50%
Fuggles 9 4.5 27% 13% - 50%
Cascade 5 7 14% 9% - 20%
Challenger 5 8.5 31% 17% - 72%
Styrian Goldings 5 5.5 49% 27% - 59%
Willamette 5 4.5 34% 20% - 55%
Goldings 4 4.5 25% 6% - 51%
Nugget 3 14 52% 27% - 100%
Bramling Cross 2 6.5 35% 20% - 50%
Northdown 2 8.6 21% 9% - 33%

Steeping Grains Used In Burton Ale Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range

Yeasts Used In Burton Ale Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Laboratory Type Alcohol Tolerance Flocculation Attenuation Min. Temp Max. Temp
White Labs - Burton Ale Yeast WLP023 6 White Labs Ale Medium Medium 72% 68°F 73°F
Wyeast - London Ale III 1318 5 Wyeast Ale 0.1 High 73% 64°F 74°F
Fermentis - Safale - English Ale Yeast S-04 4 Fermentis / Safale Ale .0975 High 75% 54°F 77°F
Wyeast - West Yorkshire 1469 3 Wyeast Ale 0.09 High 69% 64°F 72°F
Wyeast - Thames Valley Ale 1275 2 Wyeast Ale 0.1 Med-Low 77% 62°F 72°F
Danstar - Nottingham Ale Yeast 2 Danstar Ale Med-High High 77% 57°F 70°F
Lallemand - LALBREW® NOTTINGHAM HIGH PERFORMANCE ALE YEAST 2 Lallemand Ales Medium High 80% 50°F 72°F
Crossmyloof - Midland 2 Crossmyloof Brew Ales High High 75% 55°F 72°F

Other Ingredients Used In Burton Ale Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Type Use Avg. Usage Usage Range
Gypsum 4 Water Agt Mash 14% 0% - 50%
Irish Moss 4 Fining Mash 92% 67% - 100%
Lactic acid 3 Water Agt Mash 100% 99% - 100%
Baking Soda 2 Water Agt Mash 10% 0% - 20%
Epsom Salt 2 Water Agt Mash 12% 0% - 23%