Homebrew Beer Recipes | Page 10824 | Browse 305,000+ at Brewer's Friend
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Homebrew Beer Recipes

Page 10824 of our growing list of 305,000+ homebrew beer recipes. Sort by beer style, batch size, ABV and more for all-grain, extract or partial mash brewing.

Browse All Recipes or explore by brewing method: All-grain | Extract | BIAB | Partial Mash

Title Style Size OG FG ABV IBU Color Views Brewed Rating
Strong Bitters Strong Bitter 15 Litres 1.055 1.013 5.5 38.69 25.21 °L
236 0
Orkney Brewery - Dark Island Reserve Clone Scottish Light 100 Litres 1.059 1.017 5.54 0 22 °L
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Sparkling V2 Australian Sparkling Ale 22 Litres 1.052 1.009 5.65 37.36 6.19 °L
236 1
Bass Clone Best Bitter 10 Litres 1.043 1.011 4.23 30.19 10.11 °L
236 2
Scottish Ale Scottish Light 150 Litres 1.05 1.009 5.38 19.87 17.49 °L
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Freedom Wee Heavy Scottish Heavy 5.5 Gallons 1.072 1.021 6.72 30.54 6.11 °L
236 2
Little Nipper 7BBL British Golden Ale 230 Gallons 1.054 1.014 5.29 17.36 4.51 °L
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Scottish Heavy Scottish Heavy 15 Gallons 1.04 1.009 4 14.52 16.96 °L
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Dark Mild Dark Mild 5.5 Gallons 1.042 1.01 4.12 17.08 21.9 °L
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Best Bitter Best Bitter 6 Gallons 1.048 1.014 4.4 33.04 13.46 °L
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Buzzcrafters Old English Mild Dark Mild 5 Gallons 1.049 1.012 4.89 37.26 17.53 °L
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Krispy Blonde British Golden Ale 21 Litres 1.046 1.011 4.56 20 5.11 °L
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ESB Strong Bitter 23 Litres 1.055 1.017 5.06 52.41 7.5 °L
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Awesome Recipe Strong Bitter 11 Litres 1.052 1.012 5.32 44.13 9.88 °L
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Lemon/Lime Sparkling Ale Australian Sparkling Ale 21 Litres 1.059 1.011 6.33 61.98 6.22 °L
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British Mild Dark Mild 1 Gallons 1.031 1.008 3.07 16.2 20.77 °L
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William Younger XX Mild 1939 Dark Mild 23 Litres 1.038 1.011 3.58 11.07 14.69 °L
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Mildly Funked Dark Mild 60 Litres 1.054 1.016 4.94 16.41 24.16 °L
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Extra Special Bisse Strong Bitter 40 Litres 1.051 1.013 5.05 35.12 14.56 °L
236 0
Lafage Porter English Porter 80 Litres 1.052 1.013 5.08 19.54 31.13 °L
236 0