Scottish and Irish Ale - Scottish Heavy 70/- (BJCP 2008) - Beer Recipes | Brewer's Friend
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Scottish and Irish Ale - Scottish Heavy 70/- (BJCP 2008)

Top 10 Scottish Heavy 70/- (BJCP 2008) Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
SkullSplitter clone
5 gal 9.56% 0 1.088 1.015
Partial Mash 5641
Cold Smoke Clone
6 gal 6.59% 14.04 1.067 1.017
All Grain 5200
Innis and Gunn Clone
5 gal 3.36% 14.12 1.037 1.012
Partial Mash 4497
Smokin Scottish Ale
11.5 gal 4.75% 25.04 1.051 1.015
All Grain 4083
4.8 L 3.58% 16 1.040 1.013
All Grain 2706
Scottish Heavy 70/-
1 gal 3.83% 16.29 1.039 1.010
All Grain 2493
Stoogie Style Scottish Pale Ale
5 gal 3.81% 13.62 1.040 1.011
All Grain 2393
Derrick the Sean II
5.2 gal 6.45% 0 1.066 1.016
All Grain 2356
Banyai Scotch 70 Shilling 2814
3 gal 3.56% 24.47 1.038 1.011
BIAB 2021
Rampant Lion House Ale
5 gal 8.98% 0 1.091 1.023
Partial Mash 1930

Newest Scottish Heavy 70/- (BJCP 2008) Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
Infernal red
210 L 8.82% 13.91 1.082 1.015
All Grain 139
20 L 5.21% 20.91 1.052 1.012
BIAB 186
Iowa Brewers Bevvy Scottish Light
5.2 gal 4.45% 25.75 1.045 1.011
All Grain 283
Scepter Scotch Ale
5 gal 6.81% 25.02 1.068 1.016
BIAB 300
Scottish Heavy
28 L 3.39% 13.44 1.038 1.012
All Grain 322
Scottish I
30 L 3.78% 15.4 1.039 1.010
All Grain 369
Dry Irish Dry Stout 2023 F4184377 NB 2/4/23
5.5 gal 4.68% 47.31 1.047 1.011
All Grain 572
Signal 8 Single Malt Scotch Ale
5 gal 9.44% 76.29 1.097 1.025
All Grain 420
Scottish Robot Ale
5.5 gal 4% 22.6 1.041 1.011
All Grain 541
Dundalk Irish Heavy
5.25 gal 5.78% 63.35 1.061 1.017
extract 457

Fermentables Used In Scottish Heavy 70/- (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
United Kingdom - Maris Otter Pale 15 United Kingdom Grain base malt 3.75°L
38 78% 44% - 98%
American - Roasted Barley 13 American Grain roasted malt 300°L
33 3% 1% - 7%
American - Caramel / Crystal 40L 11 American Grain crystal malt 40°L
34 8% 2% - 13%
United Kingdom - Golden Promise 10 United Kingdom Grain base malt 3°L
37 75% 22% - 97%
American - Caramel / Crystal 120L 10 American Grain crystal malt 120°L
33 3% 2% - 4%
United Kingdom - Roasted Barley 8 United Kingdom Grain roasted malt 550°L
29 2% 1% - 3%
Honey Malt 6 Grain crystal malt 25°L
37 7% 6% - 11%
Caramel / Crystal 60L 5 Grain crystal malt 60°L
34 9% 4% - 15%
Special B 5 Grain crystal malt 115°L
34 2% 1% - 2%
Smoked Malt 5 Grain smoked malt 5°L
37 2% 1% - 5%

Hops Used In Scottish Heavy 70/- (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Average AA Avg. Usage Usage Range
East Kent Goldings 22 5 61% 11% - 100%
Fuggles 12 4.5 60% 17% - 100%
Kent Goldings 4 5 61% 33% - 100%
Northern Brewer 4 7.8 43% 10% - 100%
Nugget 4 14 83% 33% - 100%
Goldings 3 4.5 75% 50% - 100%
Cascade 2 7 37% 20% - 50%
Cluster 2 6.5 59% 29% - 89%
Saaz 2 3.5 39% 36% - 44%
Willamette 2 4.5 50% 50% - 50%

Steeping Grains Used In Scottish Heavy 70/- (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
Caramel / Crystal 60L 2 Grain crystal malt 60°L
34 65% 50% - 80%
Belgian - Biscuit 2 Belgian Grain roasted malt 23°L
35 44% 38% - 50%

Yeasts Used In Scottish Heavy 70/- (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Laboratory Type Alcohol Tolerance Flocculation Attenuation Min. Temp Max. Temp
Wyeast - Scottish Ale 1728 20 Wyeast Ale 0.12 High 71% 55°F 75°F
White Labs - Edinburgh Scottish Ale Yeast WLP028 8 White Labs Ale Med-High Medium 72.5% 65°F 70°F
Fermentis - Safale - American Ale Yeast US-05 6 Fermentis / Safale Ales Low Medium 81% 54°F 77°F
Fermentis - Safale - English Ale Yeast S-04 5 Fermentis / Safale Ale .0975 High 75% 54°F 77°F
Mangrove Jack - Empire Ale M15 3 Mangrove Jack Ale n/a Med-High 72.5% 70°F 75°F
Wyeast - American Ale 1056 2 Wyeast Ale 0.1 Med-Low 75% 60°F 72°F
Wyeast - Irish Ale 1084 2 Wyeast Ale 0.1 Medium 73% 62°F 72°F
Wyeast - London ESB Ale 1968 2 Wyeast Ale 0.1 Very High 69% 64°F 72°F
Danstar - Nottingham Ale Yeast 2 Danstar Ale Med-High High 77% 57°F 70°F
- - Munton and Fison 2 - Ale Medium High 72% 64°F 70°F

Other Ingredients Used In Scottish Heavy 70/- (BJCP 2008) Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Type Use Avg. Usage Usage Range
Irish Moss 8 Other Boil 60% 0% - 100%
Gypsum 7 Water Agt Mash 14% 0% - 50%
Calcium Chloride (dihydrate) 5 Water Agt Mash 7% 0% - 27%
Chalk 4 Water Agt Mash 7% 1% - 18%
Lactic acid 3 Water Agt Mash 67% 13% - 97%
Epsom Salt 2 Water Agt Mash 5% 0% - 9%
Phosphoric acid 2 Water Agt Mash 66% 0% - 100%
Whirlfloc 2 Water Agt Mash 42% 18% - 67%
