Dark European Lager - Munich Dunkel - Beer Recipes | Brewer's Friend
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Dark European Lager - Munich Dunkel

Characterized by depth, richness and complexity typical of darker Munich malts with the accompanying Maillard products. Deeply bready-toasty, often with chocolate-like flavors in the freshest examples, but never harsh, roasty, or astringent; a decidedly m

Flavor Profile: Dominated by the soft, rich, and complex flavor of darker Munich malts, usually with overtones reminiscent of toasted bread crusts, but without a burnt-harsh-grainy toastiness. The palate can be moderately malty, although it should not be overwhelming or

Ingredients: Grist is traditionally made up of German Munich malt (up to 100% in some cases) with the remainder German Pilsner malt. Small amounts of crystal malt can add dextrins and color but should not introduce excessive residual sweetness. Slight additions of roa

BJCP Style Guide

Top 10 Munich Dunkel Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
Erdinger Dunkel Clone
18.9 L 5.3% 0 1.054 1.013
All Grain 5295
Dark side of the Munich
23.1 L 5.18% 17.61 1.053 1.014
All Grain 4847
Dark lager
5 gal 6.62% 33.05 1.061 1.010
All Grain 4406
Munich Dunkel
4 gal 6.28% 24.01 1.062 1.014
All Grain 4154
50 L 5.12% 22.71 1.056 1.017
All Grain 3526
Jenewein's "Dark Bier" München Dunkel 1 gal #A03
1 gal 5.19% 18.61 1.048 1.008
All Grain 3189
Awesome Recipe
50 L 5.89% 14.84 1.060 1.015
All Grain 3056
Dunkel Hofbrau
5.5 gal 5.53% 0 1.056 1.014
All Grain 2719
Chocolate Chip Cookie Lager
5 gal 4.97% 8.67 1.053 1.016
extract 2540
Dunkel Danke Donk 2015
5 gal 5.91% 44.28 1.054 1.009
Partial Mash 1968

Newest Munich Dunkel Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
Dark times VI
23 L 4.89% 2.14 1.045 1.008
All Grain 23
HMKC Kolsch
5.5 gal 5.05% 22.49 1.051 1.013
All Grain 24
Dunkel 25
5.3 gal 4.78% 10.13 1.045 1.009
All Grain 36
Dunkel 2025 (Ayinger)
5.5 gal 5.06% 31.24 1.052 1.014
All Grain 41
Extract dunkel
20 L 5.07% 17.36 1.050 1.012
All Grain 30
Munich Dunkel - Connor Doucet
2 gal 10.35% 39.63 1.088 1.015
Munich Dunkel
2 gal 18.39% 39.29 1.152 1.037
Euro Dark Lager
11 L 6.49% 0 1.060 1.010
All Grain 49
munich dunkel by Saflager S-23
20.8 L 5.8% 30.28 1.053 1.008
Munich Dunkel 2.5a
2.5 gal 5.15% 23.18 1.055 1.015
extract 31

Fermentables Used In Munich Dunkel Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
Munich Dark 20L 227 Grain specialty malt 20°L
34 54% 4% - 100%
Munich - Light 10L 221 Grain specialty malt 10°L
33 60% 4% - 100%
German - Carafa II 174 German Grain roasted malt 425°L
32 4% 1% - 33%
German - Melanoidin 129 German Grain roasted malt 25°L
37 5% 1% - 57%
German - Pilsner 126 German Grain base malt 1.6°L
38 38% 5% - 100%
Weyermann - Munich Type II (Dark) 84 DE Grain specialty malt 10°L
37 54% 4% - 100%
American - Chocolate 68 American Grain roasted malt 350°L
29 4% 0% - 23%
German - Carafa III 65 German Grain roasted malt 535°L
32 3% 1% - 7%
Weyermann - Munich Type I 60 DE Grain specialty malt 6°L
38 58% 9% - 100%
Munich 54 Grain specialty malt 6°L
37 55% 2% - 98%

Hops Used In Munich Dunkel Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Average AA Avg. Usage Usage Range
Hallertau Mittelfruh 192 3.75 44% 4% - 100%
Tettnanger 182 4.5 50% 10% - 100%
Magnum 98 15 45% 9% - 100%
Saaz 77 3.5 42% 6% - 100%
Perle 77 8.2 48% 5% - 100%
Hallertau Hersbrucker 64 4 43% 8% - 100%
Domestic Hallertau 53 3.9 58% 11% - 100%
Hallertau Tradition (Germany) 34 5 52% 13% - 100%
Northern Brewer - Hallertau 21 4.1 62% 14% - 100%
Cascade 20 7 43% 8% - 100%

Steeping Grains Used In Munich Dunkel Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
American - Carapils (Dextrine Malt) 4 American Grain crystal malt 1.8°L
33 43% 23% - 100%
German - Carafa II 4 German Grain roasted malt 425°L
32 59% 17% - 100%
Aromatic Malt 3 Grain specialty malt 20°L
35 58% 25% - 100%
American - Chocolate 3 American Grain roasted malt 350°L
29 33% 17% - 50%
Flaked Barley 2 Adjunct raw 2.2°L
32 45% 25% - 65%
American - Caramel / Crystal 40L 2 American Grain crystal malt 40°L
34 37% 33% - 40%
Caramel / Crystal 60L 2 Grain crystal malt 60°L
34 58% 50% - 66%
Special B 2 Grain crystal malt 115°L
34 19% 13% - 25%
Honey Malt 2 Grain crystal malt 25°L
37 75% 50% - 100%
German - CaraMunich III 2 German Grain crystal malt 57°L
34 58% 50% - 67%

Yeasts Used In Munich Dunkel Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Laboratory Type Alcohol Tolerance Flocculation Attenuation Min. Temp Max. Temp
Fermentis - Saflager - German Lager Yeast W-34/70 213 Fermentis / Safale Lagers .105 High 83% 48°F 72°F
White Labs - German Bock Lager Yeast WLP833 59 White Labs Lagers Med-High Medium 73% 48°F 55°F
Fermentis - Saflager - German Lager Yeast S-23 56 Fermentis / Safale Lagers .105 High 82% 48°F 72°F
Wyeast - Munich Lager 2308 40 Wyeast Lagers 0.09 Medium 72% 48°F 56°F
White Labs - German Lager Yeast WLP830 37 White Labs Lagers Medium Medium 76.5% 50°F 55°F
Wyeast - Bavarian Lager 2206 32 Wyeast Lagers 0.09 Med-High 75% 46°F 58°F
Mangrove Jack - Bavarian Lager M76 27 Mangrove Jack Lagers n/a Medium 77.5% 45°F 57°F
Lallemand - LalBrew Diamond Lager 21 Danstar Lagers High High 80% 50°F 59°F
Wyeast - Bohemian Lager 2124 18 Wyeast Lagers 0.09 Medium 75% 48°F 58°F
Fermentis - Saflager - Swiss Lager Yeast S-189 16 Fermentis / Safale Lagers .105 High 84% 48°F 72°F

Other Ingredients Used In Munich Dunkel Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Type Use Avg. Usage Usage Range
Gypsum 117 Water Agt Mash 18% 0% - 100%
Whirlfloc 94 Fining Boil 73% 0% - 100%
Calcium Chloride (dihydrate) 80 Water Agt Mash 25% 0% - 100%
Epsom Salt 66 Water Agt Mash 13% 0% - 50%
Lactic acid 56 Water Agt Mash 73% 0% - 100%
Calcium Chloride (anhydrous) 52 Water Agt Mash 30% 0% - 100%
Irish Moss 46 Fining Boil 71% 0% - 100%
Baking Soda 43 Water Agt Mash 19% 0% - 100%
Chalk 28 Water Agt Mash 26% 0% - 100%
Yeast Nutrient 22 Other Boil 33% 0% - 99%
