Alternative Fermentables Beer - Alternative Sugar Beer
A harmonious marriage of sugar and beer, but still recognizable as a beer. The sugar character should both be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product.
Flavor Profile: Same as the base beer, except that some additional fermentables (honey, molasses, etc.) may add a flavor component. Whatever additional flavor component is present should be in balance with the beer components, and be a pleasant combination. Added sugars
BJCP Style GuideTop 10 Alternative Sugar Beer Recipes
Title | Size | ABV | IBU | OG | FG | Color | Method | Views |
Townsends Spruce Beer |
3 gal | 3.61% | 0 | 1.028 | 1.000 | extract | 3647 | |
Buckwheat-Honey Oatmeal Stout |
0.75 gal | 4.92% | 54.68 | 1.060 | 1.023 | All Grain | 3068 | |
Winter Honey Ale |
5.5 gal | 7.49% | 47.77 | 1.074 | 1.017 | All Grain | 2301 | |
Honey Brown Ale |
22 L | 4.57% | 26.3 | 1.044 | 1.009 | All Grain | 2141 | |
Seaweed Base |
21 L | 4.6% | 21.1 | 1.050 | 1.015 | extract | 1824 | |
Conrad's Winter Warmer |
5 gal | 7.78% | 48.6 | 1.073 | 1.014 | All Grain | 1762 | |
Wildflower Mead with Black Currants and Cherries |
3.5 gal | 15.71% | 0 | 1.160 | 1.040 | All Grain | 1753 | |
Red Honey rev2 |
500 L | 6.05% | 15.14 | 1.059 | 1.013 | All Grain | 1673 | |
Gluten free |
1.5 gal | 6.26% | 19.63 | 1.060 | 1.012 | extract | 1625 | |
Mead |
20 L | 19.13% | 0 | 1.148 | 1.002 | extract | 1451 |
Newest Alternative Sugar Beer Recipes
Title | Size | ABV | IBU | OG | FG | Color | Method | Views |
Honey Beer Leuca |
1000 L | 4.92% | 28.15 | 1.046 | 1.008 | All Grain | 16 | |
Honey Beer Leuca |
1000 L | 4.92% | 25.59 | 1.046 | 1.008 | All Grain | 17 | |
honey beer |
6 L | 5.55% | 20.21 | 1.054 | 1.011 | All Grain | 34 | |
Purple Sweet Potato and Pea Flower Ale |
1170 L | 4.95% | 14.93 | 1.050 | 1.012 | All Grain | 24 | |
Ruby Falls Seltzer |
39 gal | 4.95% | 0 | 1.038 | 1.000 | All Grain | 32 | |
Trader Joe's Ginger Beer |
1 gal | 5.32% | 0 | 1.041 | 1.000 | extract | 305 | |
580 L | 6.67% | 11.35 | 1.058 | 1.007 | All Grain | 118 | |
Black Braggot |
5.5 gal | 10.08% | 22.73 | 1.107 | 1.030 | BIAB | 145 | |
Hoppy Possum- Peach Cider |
5 gal | 6.62% | 0 | 1.050 | 1.000 | BIAB | 132 | |
Bilitz Lemonade |
5.5 gal | 8.57% | 0 | 1.065 | 1.000 | All Grain | 166 |
Fermentables Used In Alternative Sugar Beer Recipes (View More)
Name | Recipes | Country | Category | Type | Color | PPG | Avg. Usage | Usage Range |
Honey | 38 | Sugar | honey |
35 | 27% | 2% - 100% | |
Cane Sugar | 30 | Sugar | sugar |
46 | 72% | 3% - 100% | |
Corn Sugar - Dextrose | 19 | Sugar | sugar |
42 | 69% | 6% - 100% | |
US - Pale 2-Row | 10 | US | Grain | base malt |
37 | 63% | 15% - 82% |
Honey Malt | 6 | Grain | crystal malt |
37 | 10% | 3% - 17% | |
Brown Sugar | 6 | Sugar | sugar |
45 | 47% | 10% - 87% | |
Flaked Oats | 5 | Adjunct | raw |
33 | 10% | 2% - 16% | |
German - Melanoidin | 5 | German | Grain | roasted malt |
37 | 7% | 2% - 13% |
German - Acidulated Malt | 5 | German | Grain | acidulated malt |
27 | 2% | 1% - 3% |
Molasses | 5 | Sugar | sugar |
36 | 35% | 1% - 100% |
Hops Used In Alternative Sugar Beer Recipes (View More)
Name | Recipes | Average AA | Avg. Usage | Usage Range |
Cascade | 17 | 7 | 44% | 14% - 100% |
Saaz | 6 | 3.5 | 64% | 36% - 100% |
Amarillo | 4 | 8.6 | 28% | 8% - 50% |
East Kent Goldings | 4 | 5 | 50% | 14% - 100% |
Magnum | 4 | 15 | 29% | 8% - 67% |
Centennial | 3 | 10 | 38% | 18% - 75% |
Citra | 3 | 11 | 40% | 26% - 67% |
Fuggles | 3 | 4.5 | 59% | 29% - 71% |
Hallertau Hersbrucker | 3 | 4 | 51% | 25% - 100% |
Northern Brewer | 3 | 7.8 | 29% | 21% - 38% |
Steeping Grains Used In Alternative Sugar Beer Recipes (View More)
Name | Recipes | Country | Category | Type | Color | PPG | Avg. Usage | Usage Range |
Yeasts Used In Alternative Sugar Beer Recipes (View More)
Name | Recipes | Laboratory | Type | Alcohol Tolerance | Flocculation | Attenuation | Min. Temp | Max. Temp |
Fermentis - Safale - American Ale Yeast US-05 | 25 | Fermentis / Safale | Ales | Low | Medium | 81% | 54°F | 77°F |
Fermentis - Safale - English Ale Yeast S-04 | 10 | Fermentis / Safale | Ale | .0975 | High | 75% | 54°F | 77°F |
White Labs - Champagne Yeast WLP715 | 7 | White Labs | Champagne | 0.17 | Low | 90% | 70°F | 75°F |
Danstar - Nottingham Ale Yeast | 5 | Danstar | Ale | Med-High | High | 77% | 57°F | 70°F |
Lallemand - Lalvin EC-1118 | 4 | Lallemand | Champagne | High | High | 65% | 59°F | 77°F |
Omega Yeast Labs - Lutra Kveik OYL-071 | 4 | Omega Yeast Labs | Norwegian Ales | High | Medium | 78% | 68°F | 95°F |
Lallemand - LALBREW® NOTTINGHAM HIGH PERFORMANCE ALE YEAST | 3 | Lallemand | Ales | Medium | High | 80% | 50°F | 72°F |
Omega Yeast Labs - Dried Lutra Kveik - OYL-071DRY | 3 | Norwegian Ales | High | Medium | 78.5% | 68°F | 95°F | |
Fermentis - Saflager - German Lager Yeast S-23 | 2 | Fermentis / Safale | Lagers | .105 | High | 82% | 48°F | 72°F |
Brewferm - Brewferm Blanche #Y015 | 2 | Brewferm | Ale | n/a | Low | 78% | 64°F | 73°F |
Other Ingredients Used In Alternative Sugar Beer Recipes (View More)
Name | Recipes | Type | Use | Avg. Usage | Usage Range |
Gypsum | 14 | Water Agt | Sparge | 8% | 0% - 57% |
Epsom Salt | 11 | Water Agt | Sparge | 2% | 0% - 8% |
Calcium Chloride (dihydrate) | 10 | Water Agt | Sparge | 6% | 0% - 54% |
Irish Moss | 8 | Fining | Boil | 71% | 0% - 100% |
Yeast Nutrient | 7 | Other | Boil | 61% | 4% - 100% |
Whirlfloc | 7 | Water Agt | Boil | 63% | 33% - 100% |
Phosphoric acid | 4 | Water Agt | Mash | 41% | 0% - 100% |
Wyeast - Beer Nutrient | 4 | Other | Primary | 66% | 17% - 100% |
Citric acid | 3 | Water Agt | Mash | 22% | 8% - 33% |
Baking Soda | 3 | Water Agt | Mash | 0% | 0% - 1% |