European Sour Ale - Gueuze - Beer Recipes | Brewer's Friend
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European Sour Ale - Gueuze

A complex, pleasantly sour but balanced wild Belgian wheat beer that is highly carbonated and very refreshing. The spontaneous fermentation character can provide a very interesting complexity, with a wide range of wild barnyard, horse blanket, or leather

Flavor Profile: A moderately sour character is classically in balance with the malt, wheat and barnyard characteristics. A low, complementary sweetness may be present but higher levels are not traditional. While some may be more dominantly sour, balance is the key and de

Ingredients: Unmalted wheat (30-40%), Pilsner malt and aged hops (3 years) are used. The aged hops are used more for preservative effects than bitterness, and makes actual bitterness levels difficult to estimate. Traditionally these beers are spontaneously fermented w

BJCP Style Guide

Top 10 Gueuze Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
Extract Lambic/Gueuze Recipe
5 gal 4.55% 4.77 1.046 1.012
extract 3444
Upper Hudson Valley Gueuze
5.5 gal 4.47% 3.65 1.044 1.010
All Grain 2395
Marne Dog Gose
5.5 gal 5.77% 5.38 1.057 1.013
All Grain 1943
German Gose
2.5 gal 4.46% 10.98 1.044 1.010
BIAB 1904
2016 Gueuze I
5 gal 0.49% 0 1.005 1.001
All Grain 1682
12 L 5.62% 39.53 1.057 1.014
All Grain 1667
droid juice
40 L 7.14% 5.02 1.071 1.016
All Grain 1615
sour weisse
5.5 gal 5.71% 12.05 1.051 1.008
Partial Mash 1608
Gose Around, Comes Around
5 gal 5% 15.54 1.051 1.013
All Grain 1573
Salted Caramel Gose
5 gal 5.33% 17.31 1.054 1.014
All Grain 1191

Newest Gueuze Recipes

Title Size ABV IBU OG FG Color Method Views
25 Gueuze 17.07.2024
26 L 6.8% 2.75 1.052 1.000
All Grain 318
Awesome Recipe
10 L 5.83274% 7.39505 1.049 1.005
All Grain 0
Sour Summer Holiday Ale
19 L 5.56% 9.97 1.048 1.006
All Grain 550
First Gueuze
19 L 5.35% 8.01 1.048 1.007
extract 191
Berliner Weisse Goes Gose
42 L 6.09% 2.51 1.055 1.008
All Grain 221
A Little Gose Long Way
21 L 5.23% 7.11 1.053 1.013
All Grain 322
Sheba Sour V 1.0
100 L 4.13% 3.54 1.042 1.010
All Grain 230
Raspberry Sour Mk III
23 L 5.3% 9.18 1.048 1.008
All Grain 289
duck duck gose
5 gal 5.29% 10.13 1.054 1.013
BIAB 393
Raspberry Gose
1 gal 4.82% 9.81 1.043 1.006
extract 622

Fermentables Used In Gueuze Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range
German - Acidulated Malt 30 German Grain acidulated malt 3.4°L
27 10% 2% - 20%
German - Pilsner 22 German Grain base malt 1.6°L
38 47% 27% - 94%
American - Pilsner 17 American Grain base malt 1.8°L
37 46% 20% - 85%
American - Wheat 15 American Grain base malt 1.8°L
38 42% 13% - 60%
American - White Wheat 14 American Grain base malt 2.8°L
40 43% 10% - 100%
Rice Hulls 13 Adjunct other 0°L
0 4% 1% - 7%
Flaked Oats 12 Adjunct raw 2.2°L
33 11% 2% - 25%
German - Wheat Malt 12 German Grain base malt 2°L
37 41% 17% - 60%
US - Pale 2-Row 9 US Grain base malt 1.8°L
37 59% 32% - 100%
Weyermann - Acidulated 5 German Grain acidulated malt 3.4°L
27 7% 2% - 15%

Hops Used In Gueuze Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Average AA Avg. Usage Usage Range
Saaz 19 3.5 71% 19% - 100%
Citra 6 11 73% 9% - 100%
Hallertau Mittelfruh 6 3.75 78% 42% - 100%
Domestic Hallertau 4 3.9 100% 100% - 100%
Hallertau Tradition (Germany) 4 5 93% 71% - 100%
Perle 4 8.2 72% 14% - 100%
Mosaic 3 12.5 75% 50% - 100%
Willamette 3 4.5 47% 10% - 100%
Tettnanger 3 4.5 56% 24% - 100%
Styrian Goldings 3 5.5 38% 10% - 100%

Steeping Grains Used In Gueuze Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Country Category Type Color PPG Avg. Usage Usage Range

Yeasts Used In Gueuze Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Laboratory Type Alcohol Tolerance Flocculation Attenuation Min. Temp Max. Temp
Fermentis - Safale - American Ale Yeast US-05 17 Fermentis / Safale Ales Low Medium 81% 54°F 77°F
White Labs - German Ale/ Kölsch Yeast WLP029 8 White Labs Ale Medium Medium 75% 65°F 69°F
Wyeast - German Ale 1007 7 Wyeast Ale 0.11 Low 75% 55°F 68°F
White Labs - Belgian Sour Mix WLP655 7 White Labs Ale Med-High Med/Low 75% 80°F 85°F
Lallemand - WildBrew Philly Sour 7 Lallemand Wilds & Sours Medium High 85% 68°F 77°F
Wyeast - Belgian Lambic Blend 3278 4 Wyeast Ale 0.12 Med 75% 63°F 75°F
Fermentis - Safale - German Ale Yeast K-97 4 Fermentis / Safale Ale .104 High 81% 54°F 77°F
Fermentis - Safale - English Ale Yeast S-04 3 Fermentis / Safale Ale .0975 High 75% 54°F 77°F
Fermentis - Saflager - German Lager Yeast W-34/70 3 Fermentis / Safale Lagers .105 High 83% 48°F 72°F
White Labs - California Ale Yeast WLP001 2 White Labs Ale High Medium 76.5% 68°F 73°F

Other Ingredients Used In Gueuze Recipes (View More)

Name Recipes Type Use Avg. Usage Usage Range
Coriander Seed 13 Spice Mash 28% 1% - 59%
Gypsum 10 Water Agt Mash 17% 0% - 57%
Lactic acid 10 Water Agt Mash 64% 1% - 100%
Sea salt 10 Spice Boil 30% 1% - 67%
Table Salt 9 Flavor Boil 8% 0% - 23%
Calcium Chloride (dihydrate) 7 Water Agt Mash 7% 0% - 22%
Irish Moss 5 Other Boil 45% 11% - 90%
Epsom Salt 4 Water Agt Mash 26% 0% - 48%
Whirlfloc 3 Water Agt Boil 46% 5% - 100%
Calcium Chloride (anhydrous) 2 Water Agt Mash 0% 0% - 1%
