What are you drinking right now?

Another deck chilled amber ale.
I like the Goose Island Pale. IPAs tend to be a little harsh to me, but I also find myself looking for the balance of the malt and bitterness these days. The Cahaba Brewing Blonde was almost sweet like honey. It could have used a little more bittering. Good, but perhaps a little too malt forward.
Tropical IPA. Overcarbed a bit and only on day 2 of keg hops, so it'll settle out still. Very hoppy from the Mosaic, Citra, and Azacca keg hops. Good level of bitterness. Still a little too "juicy" for my liking :)
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The’juicy’ quality is exactly what I like about mosaic and citra.

dunno what the heck happened to throw me that far back in the thread. But the statement stands.
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Sorry for the replies to old posts folks. Something weird happened and it was like I went through the Devil’s Triangle or a tear in the space/time continuum finding myself replying to posts from July.
Checking on the Frankenbeer II for drinking state. I’m impressed how this turned out. Before carbing, I wasn’t a fan. The off flavors from the yeast were very strong. That seems to have corrected itself. Can taste the coriander, but it isn’t overbearing, the 6 row base is quite interesting, too. The corn flavor is there too, perhaps it could be bumped up with this much 6 row. Not quite as fizzy as I hope it gets, but much more so than I expected for a beer bottled on Monday. This is gonna be good when it peaks. This was actually clearer before bottling hardly any sediment at all in the bottle Lacing the glass very nicely
