What are you drinking right now?

These two while I work that's the Sars on left one I'd like to make into a Hombrew I was on about and the famous ginger beer on right.
View attachment 22997
You get these in the states?
I love Sarsaparilla but, it doesn't look it's available over here. The Ginger beer is, so I'll keep my eyes open for that one.
I love Sarsaparilla but, it doesn't look it's available over here. The Ginger beer is, so I'll keep my eyes open for that one.
Yeah I'm sure I saw @Over The Cliff Brewing drinking some recently?

I see that sarsaparilla plant is native to South America a tropical vine?
Alot of people rekon Sars tastes like medicine maybe it was flavoured with the stuff back in the day.

I remember double Sars as a kid me and my bro used to love if and best thing my other bros and sisters didn't like it so we got it all!
I don't know if there's a bottling analog to "kicking the keg," so I'll call this "kicking the cases."

Just kicked the last of my RyePA and downed the final 2 bottles. Which wouldn't be a problem if I had other homebrews ready, right on its heels. However, my new batch of Porter has only been bottle-conditioning a tad shy of 2 weeks. I like to give it three. Nevertheless, I put a couple bottles in the fridge for tomorrow, to see if it's ready. Hope springs eternal. Go porter!

If it's not ready, guess I'll have to make a run to the store and buy something to tide me over. (The new Total Wine store that recently opened near me sent me a $10 off coupon, so that's burning a hole in my pocket, and I might go anyway.)

I'm usually better at keeping my pipeline continuous, but the past month or two has kept me from my usual "schedule."
These two while I work that's the Sars on left one I'd like to make into a Hombrew I was on about and the famous ginger beer on right.
View attachment 22997
You get these in the states?

My wife's a big Moscow mule fan, and Bundaberg ginger beer is her fave to mix. She's not a fan of some of the "hotter" ones, i.e., Jamaican varieties. Haven't seen the Bundaberg sarsaparilla, but maybe it's available here in MN. I'll have to look next time at the store.
Pretty sure sarsaparilla here in the states is made from Sassafras root, same stuff used for rootbeer. Could be wrong, but I kinda doubt there would have been much South American import or Jamaican import in the Old West. Either ya had it, ya made it,or ya went without. Sarsaparilla was apparently very popular for younger boys to get in the saloons while pops got smashed on bock or whiskey. Probably so the boys could drive Pops back home without him getting robbed or shot.
Traditional root beer contained sassafras, but that additive has been banned since the '70s by the FDA, due to the carcinogenic properties of safrole, its main constituent.

Original sarsaparilla was derived from a tropical plant that also contained safrole, but modern day sarsaparilla is made from birch oil.
Doing localish stuff tonight. Had half pours at the brewery tonight (Saison,Porter, Irish Red) and drinking something now I found at Total Wine last weekend from a place in Vero Beach.
These two while I work that's the Sars on left one I'd like to make into a Hombrew I was on about and the famous ginger beer on right.
View attachment 22997
You get these in the states?
Yes. Have not seen the sarsparilla (but was not paying much attention) but the ginger for sure, along with a few other varieties. And violet crumbles...

Today, a vodka martooni, with Jalapeno...

My wife's a big Moscow mule fan, and Bundaberg ginger beer is her fave to mix. She's not a fan of some of the "hotter" ones, i.e., Jamaican varieties. Haven't seen the Bundaberg sarsaparilla, but maybe it's available here in MN. I'll have to look next time at the store.
I used to love a Dark and Stormy, but the big boys like Gosslings make a sugar bomb mix for Ginger Beer. There is a restaurant/bar across the street from the beach in the Melbourne area that used to have a wonderful ginger beer that they would mix with their dark rum, but I always forgot to ask the brand.
Love City (Philly) - Unity IPA
They don’t mention which hops, but there’s a nice balance of pine and citrus. I’d say Citra at least, for sure, maybe some Cascade. Yum.

One of the local grocery stores here has a large selection of single beers. I had to try a couple tonight.

Both were tasty but heck, I would say that about Bush Lite.
One of the local grocery stores here has a large selection of single beers. I had to try a couple tonight.
View attachment 23016 View attachment 23017
Both were tasty but heck, I would say that about Bush Lite.
For what it is, All Day isn't half bad. Especially, if you get it at a bar with really good draught lines. I had my issues with Racer, but I loved the town and the brewery when I was in Healdsburg a few years ago.
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