What are you drinking right now?

Altbier and a movie! @jmcnamara and @Josh Hughes it's that time of year!
I’m enjoying another of my outdoor chilled (43F) amber ales, with the same good result. Good aroma and flavor, with excellent clarity. Maybe I’m on to something:cool:
I’m enjoying another of my outdoor chilled (43F) amber ales, with the same good result. Good aroma and flavor, with excellent clarity. Maybe I’m on to something:cool:
I leave kegs in the garage once temps hit 50 and below. I concur with your findings
Me and the missus had one of our increasingly rare get-aways tonight. Went to OG for dinner, and I had a Peroni with my ravioli carbonera. It was OK, but something about the hops that kinda put me off. Not sure how to describe the nose on it, but I'm guessing I should stick with Italian wines with Italian food.

After that, went by Wally World and grabbed a sixer of Cahaba Brewing Company Blonde (another local one). VERY malty, and unless my tastebuds deceive me, tastes like Maris Otter was the base. Perhaps too malty for the bittering, which was almost undetectable, but it is quite tasty. Perhaps the Peroni was still lingering. Very light color, high carbonation, so it was pretty filling. The malt taste is still there, and I finished the beer nearly 20 minutes ago.
Walmart carrying local beer...will wonders ever cease?? Hell...PA's and MD's laws will not even allow them to carry any alcohol!
"Tim" is the brewer at the Dry Dock Brewery's South Dock in Aurora, CO. I can't think of his last name right now. One of the downsides of aging is the onset of CRS (Can't remember s***)....
He has a good first name anyway. Still remember the barkeep’s name at a place called Who’s on First in Barstow, CA. Tim Montoya. Huge NASCAR fan. Was in Barstow in 1994. I have CRS too, but only for important stuf. Maybe it’s because I share the first name?
Me and the missus had one of our increasingly rare get-aways tonight. Went to OG for dinner, and I had a Peroni with my ravioli carbonera. It was OK, but something about the hops that kinda put me off. Not sure how to describe the nose on it, but I'm guessing I should stick with Italian wines with Italian food.

After that, went by Wally World and grabbed a sixer of Cahaba Brewing Company Blonde (another local one). VERY malty, and unless my tastebuds deceive me, tastes like Maris Otter was the base. Perhaps too malty for the bittering, which was almost undetectable, but it is quite tasty. Perhaps the Peroni was still lingering. Very light color, high carbonation, so it was pretty filling. The malt taste is still there, and I finished the beer nearly 20 minutes ago.
To follow up on this blonde, I'm getting a nose that's almost like honey, and I'm sure that's what's giving me that honey like finish. It's very similar to my first experience with Maris Otter. It could use just a smidgeon more bittering to go with the malty flavor, but it's really good like it is. If there's such a thing as a dessert beer, this is it.

Probably a good thing I like blondes. The missus surely appreciates it.
Walmart carrying local beer...will wonders ever cease?? Hell...PA's and MD's laws will not even allow them to carry any alcohol!
Wally World has had beer in AL for quite a while, but only recently (within the past couple years) have they been allowed to sell it on Sundays (after noon) in Shelby County. Jefferson County was nearly a year ahead of Shelby. I will never figure out why some counties elect to stay dry or cling to silly laws that just cost them more money. The revenue they miss out on from the taxes is redonkulous. Folks in those counties are still gonna have a drink, they'll just spend their money in the next county over.
Here in Oregon, you can find local beers at Target (haven’t gone to Wally World, yet), but booze is only sold in liquor stores. The adjustments one must make when moving to another state.
Same here Herm. Beer, or for that matter any alcohol under 20% ABV (I think that's the magic number) is not controlled by the state alcohol control board. Nothing but sales tax on it, no bonding, no tax stickers required. Anything over 40 Proof, though, yep, the state gets their piece, and it is ONLY sold in liquor stores. At one time, the liquor stores were all state owned and operated. They've added private ownership and distribution, but it's pretty hard to get a license, and it isn't a very lucrative business, either, considering the costs of all the licensing and inspections. God help you if you get caught selling to a minor.
The revenue they miss out on from the taxes is redonkulous. Folks in those counties are still gonna have a drink,
This region's liquor laws have just recently changed from where they were post prohibition so...roughly 100 years later, you can buy a 6 in the grocery store.

The governor at the time of the 21st amendment was a dry so he pushed a law through where beer was to be sold primarily at a beer distributor stores but only in case lots and therefore created what economists call a barrier to entry when it came to just getting "a beer"! Not only did you have to go to a special storel, you paid 4 times what you normally would buy. Meanwhile the state controlled and still control all the liquor stores and get all the revenue. It should be interesting to watch how the state handles recreational weed.
