What are you doing with homebrew today?

The Baltic Porter seems to have finished the diacetyl rest, but I'm going to let it hang out at 63'F while I ferment the pale ale that's getting brewed Sunday (fermenting with some reused Chico). Both will cold crash and condition once the pale is finished and then bottled and dropped off to the competition.

I'm debating getting a counter pressure bottle filler. I think I'd like to start competing more, which would justify the purchase. Anybody have one that wants to talk me into or out of it? Lol
I’m hoping they talk you into it hahaha. I’m interested in the arguments too.
Cleaned out my keg because it kicked this week:( It was damn good while it lasted. Played with my brewing software to get a more sessionable version of a Saison. I'm going to place a special order sometime later this weekend so I can get my French Saison yeast. Fingers crossed.
Think I found a better process for cleaning kegs. The PB, yes, but under the bathtub spout, hot and letting it soak overnight did a very nice job. Put a little CO2 back in the keg to clean the lines with the PB and again with Star San.
That’s a Hefe that went into a keg this evening. 1.050 —-> 1.008 for about 5.5% ABV. That’s about 1% more than I wanted and not really within an acceptable margin of error, as far as I’m concerned. All the blame lies with the head brewer. Taste had a nice banana flavor though.

Banana ish at 5.5 would be a hell yes with this brewer. Need to use the Bob Ross concept of a "happy mistake" considering he is buried not too far down the road from here.
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Banana ish at 5.5 would be a hell yes with this brewer. Need to use the Bob Ross concept of a "happy mistake" considering he is buried not too far down the road from here.
Yeah. I still have high hopes for this beer, for sure. Taste was very promising and a Hefe that will be ready smack dab in the middle of Summer is one of life's great pleasures.

But I don’t like missing my numbers by that much. I overshot my OG AND undershot my FG. I have pretty good ideas as to why, I just need to correct for them in the future. Always learning.
I'm just trying to get logistics in order.
Needing to keg the beer currently in the fermenter and having a new concoction going onto the trub.
This got to fit in with the weather and me having time between watering garden, chasing goats so my Jackies don't chase and kill them and a couple other things
@Sunfire96 I have one from a friend and, honestly, it is more trouble than it is worth. You still spill beer with it, there are many things to operate, seemingly all at once, and the plumbing is complex.

I have found that overcarbonating 20-30% and then filling bottles from the keg at about 1 psi is superior, or at worst equal, to the CPF.

If you want to borrow the one I have, send me those tap handles and I'll send it back with them. The guy who loaned it to me has two young children now, so it is unlikely he might be using it for the next 10 or 20 years. If you like it, I'm fairly confident he'll be happy to just give it to you. It's a nice stainless one.
@Sunfire96 I have one from a friend and, honestly, it is more trouble than it is worth. You still spill beer with it, there are many things to operate, seemingly all at once, and the plumbing is complex.

I have found that overcarbonating 20-30% and then filling bottles from the keg at about 1 psi is superior, or at worst equal, to the CPF.

If you want to borrow the one I have, send me those tap handles and I'll send it back with them. The guy who loaned it to me has two young children now, so it is unlikely he might be using it for the next 10 or 20 years. If you like it, I'm fairly confident he'll be happy to just give it to you. It's a nice stainless one.
Thanks, Don! Oh yea, I still have those tap handles ‍*facepalm*
Brew Day! That Amber Ale time of year brought forward a week ahead of schedule. First ever attempt at using the trub (from an Old Ale to an ESB) seems to have worked very well so repeated with the trub from that too. Bit of nervous excitement going on here. Airlock has become active six hours later just before bedtime. Think I will be rising early tomorrow.
Sorry to hear that.

I always wondered how much StarSan is enough to dump it? I mean, an ounce in 5 gallons is no concern, a gallon is. Where is the decision point for you?
Sorry to hear that.

I always wondered how much StarSan is enough to dump it? I mean, an ounce in 5 gallons is no concern, a gallon is. Where is the decision point for you?
Not that you asked me, but that’s a great question.

I‘m sure there‘s some logical, scientific answer to that, but everyone’s personal ick factor will probably be the key determiner. I doubt I’d keep a beer with more than a few ounces of SS.
Well, although it is not obvious from what I wrote, I was asking everyone about how much.

One data point: a gallon of SS in a keg just filled with a Hefeweitzen (and me wondering why the keg was overflowing before the fermenter was empty) was too much. Had to dump it, years ago. It definitely tasted wrong.
