What are you doing with homebrew today?

Sorry to hear that.

I always wondered how much StarSan is enough to dump it? I mean, an ounce in 5 gallons is no concern, a gallon is. Where is the decision point for you?
When I can see, smell and taste it, time to dump. I could see a 2 inch layer of clear foamy liquid sitting on top of the beer. Also, the container the solution was in was just about empty.
I just kegged my ginger beer.
It's carbing now.
I'll keep it on till it gets a bit warmer, then in the fridge till this evening, then carbing again overnight.
After that I'll be away for a couple of days, so carbing again when I get back.

Gotta clean fermenter etc now.
Quite a thick layer of sludge as it was the 3rd brew with the same yeast (plus all the crushed ginger).

All 4 oxebar kegs are in use now.
I'll brew again when I am back next week.
Thinking of using bry 97 and Q2
Planning to brew my Helles later this afternoon/evening. I need to brew 3 times before Labor Day so I have beer for Joshtoberfest and to drink myself.
I have a keg of Dunkel that is ready to tap so I’ll do that too later
Apparently "How to Brew" by John Palmer is no longer available free online. Obviously the print version is still obtainable for around $5 used, but I will miss being able to reference the book online from time to time
I let a neighbor borrow mine, and I never got it back after he moved. I did not bitch too much though because dude did me a huge favor once and saved my ass. I do miss the book and may need to go out and get another one.
Getting prepared to serve beer at my daughters wedding! Tomorrow is the big day! Borrowed this from the local homebrew club.
They said it was sanitized but the inlets at the back were kind of yucky, so I cleaned it and re-sanitized it.
Heating strike water for a brew day! I'm going to try a step infusion method for this mash and see if the results are any different from single infusion. Fingers crossed my water math is correct! The recipe is a 6ish% IPA with CTZ, Bravo, Sultana, and Trident hops.
I assume Sultana is the name of a hop and not raisins?
