What are you doing with homebrew today?

Kegged my latest Helles.
I plan to prep my Marzen brew for tomorrow. 1.056 66/33 Pils to Red X. 24 ibu. 34/70 slurry From todays kegged Helles
Kegged my latest Helles.
I plan to prep my Marzen brew for tomorrow. 1.056 66/33 Pils to Red X. 24 ibu. 34/70 slurry From todays kegged Helles
Sounds interesting. How does the Red X compare to the Munich/Vienna combination? That is something I haven't played with.
Thanks to y'all's advice, I waited to connect my keg liquid line until tonight when I am down around 13PSI. I should be able to sample some beer on Saturday. My other French I bottled. This is the first time I have tried it in the keg. I did set it closer to 13 vs 12 to try to get a little more carbonation in it.
Kegged my latest Helles.
I plan to prep my Marzen brew for tomorrow. 1.056 66/33 Pils to Red X. 24 ibu. 34/70 slurry From todays kegged Helle
Sounds interesting. How does the Red X compare to the Munich/Vienna combination? That is something I haven't played with.
super Munich
I like my ginger beer too much...
And to brew another one, I need to brew beer first.
It's cool (cold for me) early morning, hot at daytime and hazy....
And the hazy means my solar system struggles to keep up with power demand.
So I'm a bit scared to use my fermentation fridge and it is not hot enough for Kveik Voss yet...
I like my ginger beer too much...
And to brew another one, I need to brew beer first.
It's cool (cold for me) early morning, hot at daytime and hazy....
And the hazy means my solar system struggles to keep up with power demand.
So I'm a bit scared to use my fermentation fridge and it is not hot enough for Kveik Voss yet...
Tricky. I appreciate having it relatively easy with not widely fluctuating temperatures. We have high humidity here at times though and I have learned to be patient and let the boil cool in the summer months before adding my treated (tap) water which is always a few degrees centigrade higher than straight out the tap in summer months.

Just treated my water for brew day tomorrow.
Been playing catchup after 3 weeks without glycol! on my 5th brew of the week. Just finished packing my Monday brew. Super Super pretty hoppy red ale. Ill post the recipe and photos on the red ale thread once it clears up. Brewed a Red ale, 2x Golden lager, Medium IPA(dryhopped today), and currently brewing a session IPA!
Swap meet keezer upgrade!

Got my competition scores back...I didn't think the beers were as good as they could've been so my goal was at least a 25/50. The Baltic Porter got 29 and the Pale Ale got 35 and continued to a mini best of show round. I'll effing take it!! Next time I will give myself more time to plan and brew and not schedule moving apartments and going on vacation a month before the competition entries are due :D
Got my competition scores back...I didn't think the beers were as good as they could've been so my goal was at least a 25/50. The Baltic Porter got 29 and the Pale Ale got 35 and continued to a mini best of show round. I'll effing take it!! Next time I will give myself more time to plan and brew and not schedule moving apartments and going on vacation a month before the competition entries are due :D

Clapping hands
Party popper
Thanks, Josh :) I'm nervous about my first brew in the new space. I think I'll need some longer hoses for sure (the sink is across from the stove rather than next to it). I've also been privileged to not pay for water the last 2 years! That will also be a new challenge, and I'll need to implement some water saving tactics during brew day :)
Got my competition scores back...I didn't think the beers were as good as they could've been so my goal was at least a 25/50. The Baltic Porter got 29 and the Pale Ale got 35 and continued to a mini best of show round. I'll effing take it!! Next time I will give myself more time to plan and brew and not schedule moving apartments and going on vacation a month before the competition entries are due :D
See? What did I say? Congrats on the scores.
Thanks, Josh :) I'm nervous about my first brew in the new space. I think I'll need some longer hoses for sure (the sink is across from the stove rather than next to it). I've also been privileged to not pay for water the last 2 years! That will also be a new challenge, and I'll need to implement some water saving tactics during brew day :)
Congrats on the new digs too.

I’ve done silly things like put my sanitizer solution that I used for bottles in buckets for reuse as cooling water and wash down for kettles, etc. Can’t hurt to have sanitized water on both sides of the heat exchanger. That’s a lotta buckets to store though, and might not be feasible depending on the size of your new crib. Water is pretty cheap here, but I pinch pennies till Abe Lincoln squeals. I’m not stingy, I’m frugal. An alternative would be no-chill cooling. I haven’t tried that yet, but summer water temperature sometimes isn’t sufficient to get down to pitch temperature anyway. I am planning to do the next batch with no-chill down to whatever I can get, then drop to pitch temp with the fermentafrigideezer. No clue how that’s gonna go, and will likely have to be pretty anal about sanitation, but no point in pouring water that isn’t cold enough to do the job on the ground.

You do you, though. Just let us know what works water reduction in your situation. Can’t have too much information about water conservation.
