Not enough solar power to run a fermentadeezer? The little Inkbird ITC-1000 controllers work beautifully with a combination fridge/freezer like what I have. Can’t remember the brand/model, but I got it from one of the big box home improvement stores n sale. It functions as fridge (with freezer compartment,or flat out freezer.
Correct, not enough night time power.
I'm currently sitting on the edge of battery capacity and my timer switches packed up.
Those timer swithches are preventing my normal fridge and freezer from coming on between 05 and 07 in the morning.
Plus with it fetting hotter, I will start using a fan again.
I got an inkbird for temp control.
The plan is to get 1 Li-ion battery instead of the 4 gel ones I got now.
The gel ones can then go run my 12 volt chest fridge)freezer.
But I don't have the money right now and the system works
And to keep things into perspective:
The electricity company (that I am not connected to) is endeavouring to give everyone in the capital 3 hours of power per day.
The towns I am closest to are getting 7 hours a day, nothing at night.
My area is not connected, which is why I am oof grid