What's your next brew

I am thinking of a Toffee porter for winter time. My Girlfriend makes really good toffee, wonder if i could crush some of it into a powder and add to the fermenter or reheat to melt it a bit and add to the boil? Time to do some research!
Was thinking last night, imagine that:) A Toffee Dubbel might be really cool as is and as a candi syrup.
For me, it depends on when I brew. Winter would be wonderful for another lager, maybe something German.
It was a toss up between Yooper's Mild and Josh's "Smiddicks". But after having a Smithwick's last night, I think the next one has to be Smithwicks. And like @Over The Cliff Brewing , that decision could change in a heartbeat.
I got the Helles done. It's up in the air on the next one.
Aging sucks, seems like one thing after another... I have a bad case of lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), it is starting to improve a bit daily now, but it has been about 6 weeks now. So no brewing, and also very frustrating, can't play guitar.
I do have the wee heavy I brewed back in March on tap now, but that is it. At 8.7% that one is just a sample sipper. I am currently just looking longingly at the brewery and my guitars :(
Aging sucks, seems like one thing after another... I have a bad case of lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), it is starting to improve a bit daily now, but it has been about 6 weeks now. So no brewing, and also very frustrating, can't play guitar.
I do have the wee heavy I brewed back in March on tap now, but that is it. At 8.7% that one is just a sample sipper. I am currently just looking longingly at the brewery and my guitars :(
Glad it’s improving.
probably a dunkel for me. I’ll have some good slurry to use.
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Going to do a batch of my Shore Leave California Common around the end of the month.
Aging sucks, seems like one thing after another... I have a bad case of lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), it is starting to improve a bit daily now, but it has been about 6 weeks now. So no brewing, and also very frustrating, can't play guitar.
I do have the wee heavy I brewed back in March on tap now, but that is it. At 8.7% that one is just a sample sipper. I am currently just looking longingly at the brewery and my guitars :(
Hang in there! Just make sure your hop inventory is ready when you are!
Aging sucks, seems like one thing after another... I have a bad case of lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), it is starting to improve a bit daily now, but it has been about 6 weeks now. So no brewing, and also very frustrating, can't play guitar.
I do have the wee heavy I brewed back in March on tap now, but that is it. At 8.7% that one is just a sample sipper. I am currently just looking longingly at the brewery and my guitars :(
Aging is supposed to be better than the alternative. But ya know, I'm starting to think the alternative doesn't hurt near as much. Certainly not as long. And don't get me started on the healthcare and insurance scam in our wonderful country. Seems someone in New York finally had enough with United Healthcare and their CEO's greed and profiteering on healthcare insurance. I don't condone murder, but I can say I won't lose any sleep over a greedy a-hole getting their karma after ripping off millions of clients and being paid $40M/year to do it. I'm thinking other healthcare companies should be taking notes. This country is getting fed up with the one-percenters ripping us off.

I've been having shoulder problems (both shoulders, AGAIN), so between that, travel this year, and being busy with home improvement projects (probably why my shoulders are hurting), I just haven't had the steam to brew. In the meantime (July), my LHBS closed the doors forever, so now the nearest LHBS is nearly 100 miles away in Montgomery. The next closest is in Huntsville, so every batch would have an additional $40+ in fuel costs for the round trip to pick up the ingredients unless I can plan far enough ahead to make the trip count. Looks like I'm going to have to order supplies online now and create some storage space for it so I can order bulk and save a few bucks. I haven't spent the time shopping, so if anyone wants to save me some time and grief, PM me some good recommendations for online brewing supply distributors. I'd greatly appreciate it. I would like to put some of the hardware I've purchased to work and get back in the game.
Next up for me will be an Irish stout and Smiddicks. Probably not until February though just in time for the leprechauns to come help me drink it hopefully
I rebrewed that recent west coast IPA with some tweaks: all dry hops moved to whirlpool, no 60 minute hops to compensate for the extra IBUs, and 34/70 instead of Mangrove Jack West Coast. The only fermenting space I have is the outdoor closet which is getting in the 40s/50s at night. Currently fermenting under 12 psi to help any temp shifts due to ambient changes. It'll be beer at the very least
