What are you drinking right now?

Biergarten form @Josh Hughes. It is a lager - look how clear it is! - with a proper hop bitterness for a German lager. (It might be an ale. Dunno which yeast was used. No matter).

Unlike a German lager, this one has some of that British Ale flavour, a caramelly maltiness, I might describe it as a very muted speckled hen, or a bitter. I thought it was from some Maris Otter, but Josh says this is 60/40 pils and Red X, the latter which could be what I taste.

So maybe not to style, maybe my tongue is broken? Or maybe something else. But Delicious! I could drink this all day, again and again. Or try. It doesn't get tiring.

Again, I'd be happier if he'd dropped off two kegs. Until they were empty, at least.

Damned good.

I used 34/70.
Basically went for a Marzen that had more bitterness and lower alcohol. Basically not to any style but influenced by reading about local German lagers like Zoigl and rustic Kellerbiers.I did add a pound of Vienna since I was low on Pilsner. Probably helped it. Other times I made it it was more like 60/40 Pils/red x
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I like the summer ale, but Publix never has it. I had it in Asheville a couple of years ago at the brewery and enjoyed it.
Find out if they have the Crooked Can Cloud Chaser at the hotel. That one is local and a tasty Hefe. Funky Buddha down in South Florida also makes a nice Hefe for the pool that is fairly well distributed.
Yeah, well: Florida.

Hope the day went well!
It wasn't bad other than I couldn't cool the damn wort down enough. The water just wasn't cold enough. I had to pitch around 85. It is a Saison so the high temperature pitch might not be too bad of a thing. If it were any other style, I would have waited for it to cool in the fridge.
Drinking the Dunkel now. I really like it. Doesn’t taste like the typical American interpretation. Doesn’t have the roast or extra caramel that every American one I tried has one of the other.
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That’s what I thought. Never seen the Dunkel so figured why not.
