What are you drinking right now?

Localish brewery. Despite the name, not very thick at all. I was expecting something to rival Ten FIDY. But I guess they did label it a black ipa
Just picked up leaves (again), greased the tractor, and sat down for an oatmeal stout. Don’t have anything lighter at the moment, not bottled anyway.

Was gonna bottle today but between the Bama game and leaves, just couldn’t seem to find the energy. Looks like the best we can hope for post season will be something like the Left Handed Waffle Turner Bowl because last night was pretty much for all the marbles. I guess it’s someone else’s turn. I really wasn’t surprised at the competition on the road against LSU. They always play us hard no matter how bad a season they’re having. It’s always a crap shoot in Death Valley. Last night was no exception, and was a typical SEC defensive slugfest. And the AP will make sure to rank Bama well outside the Top 10, just to make sure they don’t magically find their way into the playoffs.

Gonna be REAL hard for anyone to beat Kirby’s dog pound. I knew Clemson was overrated. Unranked Notre Dame spanked ‘em good. And O-State struggling with Northwestern? Really? I’d still pick the worst SEC team over the best team in any other conference in any post season game if I were a gambler. If you wanna beat the SEC when it matters, you better be IN the SEC.
Just picked up leaves (again), greased the tractor, and sat down for an oatmeal stout. Don’t have anything lighter at the moment, not bottled anyway.

Was gonna bottle today but between the Bama game and leaves, just couldn’t seem to find the energy. Looks like the best we can hope for post season will be something like the Left Handed Waffle Turner Bowl because last night was pretty much for all the marbles. I guess it’s someone else’s turn. I really wasn’t surprised at the competition on the road against LSU. They always play us hard no matter how bad a season they’re having. It’s always a crap shoot in Death Valley. Last night was no exception, and was a typical SEC defensive slugfest. And the AP will make sure to rank Bama well outside the Top 10, just to make sure they don’t magically find their way into the playoffs.

Gonna be REAL hard for anyone to beat Kirby’s dog pound. I knew Clemson was overrated. Unranked Notre Dame spanked ‘em good. And O-State struggling with Northwestern? Really? I’d still pick the worst SEC team over the best team in any other conference in any post season game if I were a gambler. If you wanna beat the SEC when it matters, you better be IN the SEC.
As a UK fan in all sports it’s probably Basketball time for us…
BUT Who Dey @Craigerrr
As a UK fan in all sports it’s probably Basketball time for us…
BUT Who Dey @Craigerrr
As I said, SEC. I’ll pull for UK in any non-conference game or if they’re play Florida. Hapless Vandy can’t beat a drum in the SEC, but I’d almost take odds against Clemson. I don’t watch a lot of sports, but I keep up with the SEC stuff a little. UK came out of the gates like they meant it this year, until someone grabbed a loose thread. They just came apart at the seams.
As I said, SEC. I’ll pull for UK in any non-conference game or if they’re play Florida. Hapless Vandy can’t beat a drum in the SEC, but I’d almost take odds against Clemson. I don’t watch a lot of sports, but I keep up with the SEC stuff a little. UK came out of the gates like they meant it this year, until someone grabbed a loose thread. They just came apart at the seams.
Anytime they are rated in the top 15 which at one point I think they were they are overrated lol. Just can’t compete in the SEC Uk does not get the type of players to compete with Alabama Georgia LSU etc.
Shouldn't you be at school? Won't someone think of the children!? :p
We are off today and tomorrow since flu and stomach flu has a lot of our kids out. I think we were under 90% attendance district wide
Localish brewery. Despite the name, not very thick at all. I was expecting something to rival Ten FIDY. But I guess they did label it a black ipa
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Here in the Pacific Northwest, that is called a Cascadian Dark Ale. I just enjoyed a nice one on Friday.
