What are you drinking right now?

Belgian pale ale
Nice commercial.
I drank Paulaner at the source back in 1990, and it was good.
We have several places down here that make a good Hefe these days. Back in the day, Tucher was about the only thing I could find in the store. Now, I can get Funky Buddha and Crooked Can at Publix. Both are tasty.
I meant "professionals". ESB with cinnamon. That's worse than pineapple on pizza. Sheesh.

I don't think it's a problem that they added cinnamon and apple to an ESB. The problem is that they still called in an ESB. Same thing for pineapple on a pizza. That's ok as long as you call it a Hawaiian pizza.
Getting some fun pours out of the tap with this rye pale. New job starts tomorrow so I'm getting all the jitters out tonight, hopefully :rolleyes:
View attachment 22643
Looks good. Are you cold like your sleeve suggests? Here in Eugene, it continues to be dry and warmer than normal. Wildfire smoke from Oakmont area is killing us.
Looks good. Are you cold like your sleeve suggests? Here in Eugene, it continues to be dry and warmer than normal. Wildfire smoke from Oakmont area is killing us.
It's getting into the 40s at night and mid 60s during the day. Definitely the weather for layering up! Sorry to hear the wildfire smoke is affecting you. Can't say that I miss it :)
It's getting into the 40s at night and mid 60s during the day. Definitely the weather for layering up! Sorry to hear the wildfire smoke is affecting you. Can't say that I miss it :)
Yikes! Sounds like a damn cold, January day here. Layer hell, get out the damn parka LOL
Currently 85F at 1pm:)
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I meant "professionals". ESB with cinnamon. That's worse than pineapple on pizza. Sheesh.
I was putting pineapple on pizza (because I was told to) long before it became a craze or had any desire to try it. Pretty sure Shakey's Pizza was in Atlanta, too, but I worked for one in Mobile back in 1977. One pie on the menu was called Hawaiian Delight, with thin sliced ham and pineapple toppings. It was a HUGE seller to the softball teams that frequented our store. I turned my nose up at every one I made, until one night, I was bored with pepperoni/mushroom/sausage, so I tried it. I was impressed. I don't care for it on thick crust, but a thin crispy crust with some sesame flour in it combined with the right marinara and cheese, it'll make ya slap yer tongue for having too much fun. Then again, it ain't for everyone.

As for what I'm drinking, at the moment, water. Keeps the peace if I don't start too early in the day. Can't have a beer, might as well have a nap til I can have a beer. BUT, we're pitching a birthday party for my 9-year-old grandson this afternoon after school. I might need a few extra 12-ounce nerve pills before then with a total of 9 grandchildren ranging from 2 monhts to 20 years and one five-month-old great grandchild present and accounted for. Life is good, until the screaming starts, whether happy,or unhappy. Then I hide in the shed and lock the door. Might be time to get the tractor out and hook up the trailer for kiddie rides.
I was bored with pepperoni/mushroom/sausage, so I tried it. I was impressed.

If "Necessity is the mother of invention" I think "Boredom is the father of invention" must be its corollary. I worked for a local sub sandwich shop back in the 80s and, while the subs were great, you would still get bored and start experimenting. There are a couple of items on the menu today that I or my coworkers made way back then just out of boredom. I bet more than one beer style out there started the same way.
If "Necessity is the mother of invention" I think "Boredom is the father of invention" must be its corollary. I worked for a local sub sandwich shop back in the 80s and, while the subs were great, you would still get bored and start experimenting. There are a couple of items on the menu today that I or my coworkers made way back then just out of boredom. I bet more than one beer style out there started the same way.
There's so much overlap in some of the styles, it would be nigh on impossible for me to tell the difference in some of them if I had to go past color. What's my favorite style? Hmmm, the kind that tastes good to me, LOL.

Also, sometimes boredom can be dangerous. A redneck's last words are often "Hey ya'll, hol' muh beer and watchiss!"
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I was putting pineapple on pizza (because I was told to) long before it became a craze or had any desire to try it. Pretty sure Shakey's Pizza was in Atlanta, too, but I worked for one in Mobile back in 1977. One pie on the menu was called Hawaiian Delight, with thin sliced ham and pineapple toppings. It was a HUGE seller to the softball teams that frequented our store. I turned my nose up at every one I made, until one night, I was bored with pepperoni/mushroom/sausage, so I tried it. I was impressed. I don't care for it on thick crust, but a thin crispy crust with some sesame flour in it combined with the right marinara and cheese, it'll make ya slap yer tongue for having too much fun. Then again, it ain't for everyone.

As for what I'm drinking, at the moment, water. Keeps the peace if I don't start too early in the day. Can't have a beer, might as well have a nap til I can have a beer. BUT, we're pitching a birthday party for my 9-year-old grandson this afternoon after school. I might need a few extra 12-ounce nerve pills before then with a total of 9 grandchildren ranging from 2 monhts to 20 years and one five-month-old great grandchild present and accounted for. Life is good, until the screaming starts, whether happy,or unhappy. Then I hide in the shed and lock the door. Might be time to get the tractor out and hook up the trailer for kiddie rides.
Yeah, well, two things:
1) I wasn't in Atlanta in 1977.
2) Atlanta in no way knows how to make pizza.

Nonetheless, a ham and pineapple pizza was far better than the alternatives when I was in Japan one time. Enough said.

I could drink these all day. Well, until the self-limiting kicks in...
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Yeah, well, two things:
1) I wasn't in Atlanta in 1977.
2) Atlanta in no way knows how to make pizza.

Nonetheless, a ham and pineapple pizza was far better than the alternatives when I was in Japan one time. Enough said.

I could drink these all day. Well, until the self-limiting kicks in...View attachment 22644
Best Festbier I’ve ever had.
