What are you drinking right now?

Day 1 of my new job complete. Unknown amount of days left to go. This is one of the beers I get to bring home as a "beer perk." We had an event that was supposed to be 50 patrons but ended up closer to 100. Oh well, nothing like jumping in with both feet first :D
ETA: the event was in addition to normal tap room traffic :) not just those folks
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Day 1 of my new job complete. Unknown amount of days left to go. This is one of the beers I get to bring home as a "beer perk." We had an event that was supposed to be 50 patrons but ended up closer to 100. Oh well, nothing like jumping in with both feet first :D
ETA: the event was in addition to normal tap room traffic :) not just those folks
View attachment 22646
So your behind the bar Sunfire96?

Bunyip in afternoon sunlight
more orange than red like the camera portrays but it's a lovely pale ale colour this is ierteration 7 here.
So your behind the bar Sunfire96?

Bunyip in afternoon sunlight View attachment 22647more orange than red like the camera portrays but it's a lovely pale ale colour this is ierteration 7 here.
Only if we're swamped. I'm supposed to be managing the people behind the bar. And 2 days a week I'm on the road doing sales
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Sure looks and I bet tastes like it
Malty and a touch roasty/toasty from that eclipse wheat. Yeah nothing compared to the country of Origin but hey I sure love it already had 1.5lt of it this eve so if better give it a rest lol!
Malty and a touch roasty/toasty from that eclipse wheat. Yeah nothing compared to the country of Origin but hey I sure love it already had 1.5lt of it this eve so if better give it a rest lol!
Oh well still good I’m sure.
Yup that looks delicious bet that's going into rotation?
Next time I might do a side by side rye pale vs 2 row pale. It was hard to pinpoint what the rye and wheat brought to the table drinking it on its own
International Lager

Yup def light body light aroma light head retention tastes like mass produced swill or a headache in a glass.
Yup I'll move onto something more malt forward next like helles Festbier.

Edit retention ain't too bad thus is 15 later¹

Ginger Ninger
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Dude, that looks nice!! My very first all grain was a brown. I didn't know what I was doing, and it came out very light. The second time I tried, it was good.
Those are very cool beers when they come out right.
I'm finally going to get to brew again not this weekend, but next. I'm picking up stuff on Sunday.
