What are you drinking right now?

Local Kolsch. It was 94F and humid all day today moving stuff into the new apartment, ufda :confused:
View attachment 17118

It makes me tired and thirsty just thinking about that!
View attachment 17126 Moving around in the Whiteaker neighborhood of Eugene, Oregon we landed at Wildcraft Cider Works to try some cider. Mine (left) is Rome Beauty, while she drinks Farm House. Good stuff!
Great stuff! But you know, it might be easier to show us what you haven’t had to drink today. :D

The debauchery continues as we march around the Whit in Eugene.
She has a Lemondrop cocktail, while I enjoy Falling Sky The 3 Letters Northwest IPA.
Listening to a Ninkasi brewer talking about his craft with another customer.
Having fun on foot here in Eugene, Oregon.
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Irish Stout with dinner. View attachment 17084
Tried a pint of Guinness in Dublin where it’s made. Didn’t like it any better there than I do here. I like stout beer, but not earwax flavored. Guinness is just too bitter for my tastes. On the other hand, I did like Jameson, also (originally) made in Dublin. That’s my whiskey of choice. Or maybe a snort of Clyde Mays’ Alabama style whiskey.
I tend to get a lot of Northern Brewers "kits" . I have a mill so I order them unmilled, usually when they have some kind of sale going on. They show up on my doorstep before I can get up off my lazy ars and go visit the shop.
My Fresh Squished IPA just kicked and I tapped into Tazmanian Devil tonight. BF recipe builder says 7+ abv . When I tasted it while kegging a couple weeks ago I could taste an alcohol bite to it, now it looks fairly clear and tastes IPA hoppy and quite good.
A mini keg of Man Pee at 10,000 feet elevation, 26 miles south of Hartsell, CO. Blazing 4g connectivity...View attachment 17133

That is a hummingbird at the feeder...
What an awesome pic!
Brewed a 5 gallon batch of Irish red with a buddy this evening. We had a few pints of my Oktoberfest, which was better after another week in the fridge, and I tapped my dunkel and we had a pint of that. After pitching the yeast we ap,it a can of Victory Sour monkey i got from someone in a trade for a bottle of homebrew. The kids played and drank capri sun :)
Beautiful picture. If the mini-keg had a brand on it I would have been convinced it was from a catalog!
This S21 has an awesome set of cameras. We're at a friend's property in South Park, yes, it's really a place. I brought 3 mini-kegs, we've kicked the Ky Common, working through the Man Pee, then we have a gallon of lager.
