What are you doing with homebrew today?

I know your probably not going to be able to open the link @Herm brews but there is hope yet for the aging this bloke is supposedly able to reverse the signs of aging through cell regeneration so to speak.

Growing little brains in the laboratory and reversing dementia in mice.
I herd this podcast last week and it was some crazy I don't believe this kinda listening.

Just finished mashing my Smooth Stout.
Didn’t brew. Missing ingredient arrived too late. I did decide to bail on 2v setup with the false bottom over the element in the mashtun. Switched back to 3v herms setup. Just wasn’t doing much on time savings and I missed og by 4 points last brew. I’ll likely biab sometimes. Maybe I could do a 2v with a rims tube. Hmmm.
Batch of wine at left, center is undersized mashtun, and herms to the right.
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OK 9 and 1/2 hours later check it out boys and Girls

Wow pretty dark! Maybe Amber in colour . Smells sorta like caramel.

I ended up cooking it with the lid off on high and stiring every so often.
Very Cool I think this is easily repeatable and beats standing at a pot with thermometer and stiring constantly :)
Confirmed as suspected that the two cans in the Woodfordes extract kits are indeed different to each other rather than designed as an option to do two 2.5 gal batches separately. Basically the Tinsel Toes Ruby Ale that was reddish last Christmas is clearly going to be golden this time. Oops.

Never mind as tasted bloody gorgeous when I was taking SG reading [1.013 - OG 1.042] and adding small 0.5 ounce combo of hops [Amarillo; Cascade; Goldings; Admiral] in order of prominence. Aim: light to moderate bitterness with a noticeable citrus twist, hopefully adding to instead of overpowering the original taste. Noticing melon at least with a very soft mouthfeel. Some are left over pellets from extract kits (the Cascade came with this kit but I thought that first batch lacked a little something). Others from my first ever order of hops from a new supplier. Finally someone not too far away that sells them. Not a huge variety but plenty for a relative hop novice like myself to be going on with.
