Somethin' I gotta do, and NOT looking forward to it. That horrible smell of yeast that's gone off will make anyone procrastinate doing that chore. It'll certainly make one re-evaluate repitch technique for any yeast that isn't going to be repitched the same day it's harvested. Last one I emptied smelled like a fart from a dead buffalo. The missus had a high speed come-apart when the smell came wafting out of the kitchen. It was BAD! The scary part is there wasn't but about a half liter, and I was washing it down with every bit of water I could get outta the kitchen faucet. That stuff will gag a maggot. Got about 2 liters I need to toss. Do you just sewer yours, or put it in your compost?
So today's agenda:
Clean out beer fridge.
Get rid of old yeast. (Probably need to sewer it because there may be some hop content. Don't wanna poison any doggies.)
Disassemble/clean the fermenter. It's clean as it gets after a brew comes out, but due for a deep cleaning.
Brew the SMaSH I intended to brew yesterday. Ordering license plates and a horrible football game got in the way yesterday.
Wash/sanitize 4 cases of bottles. (While I'm brewing). Easy enough with the FastWash doing 24 at a time.
The sequencing is optional. I'm thinking bottle washing while mashing, and fridge cleaning after I get the boil started. Coordinating the setup for all the tasks is the hardest part.
I think I'm gonna have to make a task list. Every time I do this, I think of more to do that doesn't cost anything, or very little at the most, and can't help but further reduce risks of contamination/infection. I'm guessing that's a natural progression with homebrewing?