What are you doing with homebrew today?

I brewed an American Amber Ale yesrerday. Used Nottingham Yeast. The package says to reconstitute five minutes before use. I didn't have water that had been boiled but the Wort had cooled to the upper 70sF so I used it. About ten minutes later when I was ready to pitch, the mix looked like I was making bread, all nice and foamy. This morning it is going to town, ripping along!
M54 is my go to lager yeast, one of the most forgiving yeasts I've used. It's every bit as temp friendly as advertised.
Fair chance of it becoming my go to as well. Smoothest lager brewing process I have experienced yet. Had a taste each hydrometer reading and constantly developing in a good way. All bottled up now in my new conditioning space allowing me to brew the next batch at the same time if I so choose/need. Also my first ever time priming with (spanish forest) honey, it just felt appropriate.
I started a 4.5 gallon batch of Best Bitter today; OG of 1.052 when the range is 1.048-1.040. This was the last extract kit I bought from Wilko. That store supported local home brewers single handed with a small range of basic supplies for what must have been around 20 years. Twelve thousand jobs gone if I heard correct. I decided to commemorate their efforts and be a bit creative with three different sugars combined to a total of 3 pounds. Doesn't call for dry hopping but I have cut across that successfully with lesser quality product recently and turned out alright so thinking on a combo from what I have availlable to try and produce a complex and memorable finish.
Well 30 year class reunion yesterday left a gaping hole in my beer fridge...lol
Today I'm washing bottles and cleaning my picnic tap. Looks like a probable rain out from work tomorrow. Thinking I'll try to run a batch of my ordinary bitter and a double batch of my Shore Leave Cali Common if I do indeed get rained out.
30 year class reunion means you are still young. Like Jimmy Buffett would say, I put that one astern.
Nothing today but will be kegging my Pre Pro Porter/Dark Mexican Lager hybrid/mutt recipe this weekend. I am very curious on how this one turns out.
Started hops picking today, Saaz and Northern Breweer were ready to go. Drought hit the Saaz pretty hard, smells like good stuff but yield was pretty light(like I don't grow WAY more than I use anyway). Northern Brewer yeild was actually pretty decent. All in the dryer right now and it'll sit there until I get home on Friday.
Started hops picking today, Saaz and Northern Breweer were ready to go. Drought hit the Saaz pretty hard, smells like good stuff but yield was pretty light(like I don't grow WAY more than I use anyway). Northern Brewer yeild was actually pretty decent. All in the dryer right now and it'll sit there until I get home on Friday.
How do you dry em Bulin?
How do you dry em Bulin?
I spread them out on some screens I made with some burlap and set up fans below and above to circulate air. Should be dry when I get home Friday, I usually give them 3-4 days. Moisture content was a bit high last time. Hopefully the extra couple days will help with that
I spread them out on some screens I made with some burlap and set up fans below and above to circulate air. Should be dry when I get home Friday, I usually give them 3-4 days. Moisture content was a bit high last time. Hopefully the extra couple days will help with that
Ah yup the go to method sweet.

On your fridge fan thing I've go mine wired in on the cool side so when the freezer turns on to cool the fan kicks in to cool the compressor.
Ah yup the go to method sweet.

On your fridge fan thing I've go mine wired in on the cool side so when the freezer turns on to cool the fan kicks in to cool the compressor.
Did the same thing in a round about way, have a compact blower hooked into the inkbird, only run’s when the compressor has power
I'm setting my inkbird a few degrees higher. My inkbird probe in the fermenter was reading near, what I thought, was the lower end of the yeast's temperature range (61°F (16°C)). So, I double checked the yeast's (Imperial A09) optimum range and discovered it's minimum is actually 64°F (18°C). I'm not worrying about ruining my beer (an ESB) but I had wanted to brew this one just like the previous one to assess my consistency. I wasn't too consistent in pitching temp either. I pitched 6°F (3°C) over the max optimum temperature, figuring it would cool faster than it actually did. Again, not a real problem for the beer but another deviation from last time. And lastly I probably overpitched. Active fermentation was done in 24 hours. Normally it's a 2-3 day active ferment. Oh well, I guess I don't have to wait until tasting to assess that my consistency needs improvement :).
