What are you doing with homebrew today?

Just taken a reading, tasted and dry hopped my extract kit Best Bitter on Day 4. Already at 1.006 from an OG of 1.052 (Ranges: 1.048 -1.040; 1.012 - 1.008). Had to check this a few times.

That is an attenuation of 88% and will be a gauranteed 6% ABV before priming. Obviously not going to be a session ale with my toleration levels.

Surface suggests it may have further to go yet but wouldn't surprise me if it has remained constant at next reading in 48 hours.

Taste was superb given it has just had slightly over 3 days in the fermenter. Moderate but prominent fairly balanced out hoppiness (seems cannily well developed). Spicy edged sharp although not quite citrussy bitterness.

Tied muslin bag of 1.25 ounces total combination of hop pellets aiming for complex finish from the following in descending order of quantity: Target; Boadicea; Cascade; Amarillo; Goldings (the final 'type' in powder form, some of the pellets were a bit crumbly). I soak the bag in the beer from the trial jar before adding to the fermenter otherwise powder gets lost through the bottom.

Going to put my conditioned lager into storage extra carefully whilst evening meal cooks. No bombs from my first honey prime as yet but it will take me a while to get used to the greater amount compared with various sugars I normally use. I went slightly under recommended level to be on the safe side.

[Updated to add: I decided to play extra safe and put the PET test bottle in the fridge and try that in 2-3 days. See how that turns out before I head into storage with what could be volatile bottles. Noticed a couple of bubbles pass through the airlock of my bitter so should have at least that amount of time to play with and also it is extra conditioning.]
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I spread them out on some screens I made with some burlap and set up fans below and above to circulate air. Should be dry when I get home Friday, I usually give them 3-4 days. Moisture content was a bit high last time. Hopefully the extra couple days will help with that
This is my plan. Should be ready to pick centennials with my buddy late this week/early next. I’ll be hitting you up with other questions soon.
Just taken a reading, tasted and dry hopped my extract kit Best Bitter on Day 4. Already at 1.006 from an OG of 1.052 (Ranges: 1.048 -1.040; 1.012 - 1.008). Had to check this a few times.

That is an attenuation of 88% and will be a gauranteed 6% ABV before priming. Obviously not going to be a session ale with my toleration levels.

Surface suggests it may have further to go yet but wouldn't surprise me if it has remained constant at next reading in 48 hours.

Taste was superb given it has just had slightly over 3 days in the fermenter. Moderate but prominent fairly balanced out hoppiness (seems cannily well developed). Spicy edged sharp although not quite citrussy bitterness.

Tied muslin bag of 1.25 ounces total combination of hop pellets aiming for complex finish from the following in descending order of quantity: Target; Boadicea; Cascade; Amarillo; Goldings (the final 'type' in powder form, some of the pellets were a bit crumbly). I soak the bag in the beer from the trial jar before adding to the fermenter otherwise powder gets lost through the bottom.

Going to put my conditioned lager into storage extra carefully whilst evening meal cooks. No bombs from my first honey prime as yet but it will take me a while to get used to the greater amount compared with various sugars I normally use. I went slightly under recommended level to be on the safe side.
You can dilute the beer with sterile water. If 6% is too high, add 17% water at bottling for 5%. And get more beer, free!
My American Wheat, dry hopped with Mandarina Bavaria, is bottled. As with my past several batches, this was primed with a solution of PNW wildflower honey. First bottle will be sampled in a week.
You can dilute the beer with sterile water. If 6% is too high, add 17% water at bottling for 5%. And get more beer, free!
That's great info, I had no idea, thank you. I think 17% would just about fit in my transfer keg along with the beer. I will bear this in mind at final tasting. Also a good option if having over done it with the hops. I like to have some strong ale around but this is one of my bigger sized batches and I was expecting more in the region of 5-5.5%.
View attachment 26371 My American Wheat, dry hopped with Mandarina Bavaria, is bottled. As with my past several batches, this was primed with a solution of PNW wildflower honey. First bottle will be sampled in a week.
I should have asked before now but has your carbonation been generally stronger or weaker using honey for priming? My Lager looks a lovely colour for it in the bottles now they have cleared.
I should have asked before now but has your carbonation been generally stronger or weaker using honey for priming? My Lager looks a lovely colour for it in the bottles now they have cleared.
My first impression is that honey and table sugar generally deliver the same level of carbonation. However, even if it’s only in my mind, I think I can taste a trace of honey.
My first impression is that honey and table sugar generally deliver the same level of carbonation. However, even if it’s only in my mind, I think I can taste a trace of honey.
I don't think it's in your head. Honey leaves a very tell-tale flavor, even in tiny quantities. A flavor that I LOVE. Been thinking about using some in a SMASH, but may have to put off brewing for a while as we get closer to moving. Gonna be a very busy autumn/winter for us.
Leaving my Best Bitter in the bin a couple more days. Primary fermentatioon looks to have finished more specifiically at 1.007 than 1.006 after also reading with my second (more accurate) hydrometer after 6 days. Constant SG over the last 48 hours but the dry hopping from day 4 has so far produced a broader/deeper bitterness rather than complex finish that I am seeking. Still tastes like it will turn out pretty good but hopefully it has further to develop yet before bottling.

Lager has conditioned, moving that into storage.
Picked up a tubing bender today, the rest of the parts already on hand, hopefully complete the final(yeah right) mod on my DigiBoil this weekend(along with packaging hops, pickling more hops and getting the screens refilled for another week of drying).
Picked up a tubing bender today, the rest of the parts already on hand, hopefully complete the final(yeah right) mod on my DigiBoil this weekend(along with packaging hops, pickling more hops and getting the screens refilled for another week of drying).
Let us know how you get on with the Modifications ;).
Playing around with carbonation levels. I tried my dark Porter/Lager/Pre Pro/ Mexican/ thingy mutt beer on Thursday after being in the keg for about 5 days and fermenting for 14 before then. It poured a really thick head, had a nice chocolaty flavor to it, and had just enough of the Crystal hops in it. It is different, but it has some serious potential. I think if this carbs up a little more and sits a little more, it could be really good. That probably won't stop me from having another sample again tonight.
Primed with honey again (Orange Blossom this time) then kegged, bottled and labelled my Best Bitter. Glad I gave this brew the extra two days as I managed to get some complexity coming through in the hop taste that was good but just strong previously. Was worrying I might have overdone it, feel I can be a bit more adventurous now. Wonderful medicinal type aroma coming off the used pellets out the muslin bag that I haven't noticed before if it has been there.
Let us know how you get on with the Modifications ;).
Here is the latest,integrated cooling coil. Combined with the steam condenser I built a couple years ago, it should allow for a “closed system” after the final hops addition, greatly reducing any potential for contamination. And installed with food grade high temperature o rings and seals along with tri-clamp sanitary fittings for easy tear down and cleaning.
