What are you doing with homebrew today?

Ummm, ‘scuse me, but if you can’t do it any better, why on earth would you change it?

I’m doing something pretty close to this with flaked corn rather than the grits. Drinking one right now actually, and I’d get pretty mean if someone tried to take it away.
Making the temporary changes I made for this batch permanent
Ummm, ‘scuse me, but if you can’t do it any better, why on earth would you change it?

I’m doing something pretty close to this with flaked corn rather than the grits. Drinking one right now actually, and I’d get pretty mean if someone tried to take it away.
Change the yeast to a lager, and you have a Pre Pro. The corn, the Pils, and the Cluster Hops have you right on style for that. Well.. If something really good does get changed:)
Making the temporary changes I made for this batch permanent
AHHHH, I get it. Sorta like me being rather dull in my name selections and just adding numbers. I had to modify your recipe to start with 'cause my LHBS was having some delivery issues when I first tried it. I liked what it was, and tweaked it a little just to try something different. It's a goodun to play with. Very flexible, with a really good base to tweak.
Change the yeast to a lager, and you have a Pre Pro. The corn, the Pils, and the Cluster Hops have you right on style for that. Well.. If something really good does get changed:)
Hmmmmm, might have to try that out.
Mine was a little different as I used 6-Row, Crystal Hops, and Flaked Corn but the same idea. The Pils will ferment better and probably won't create the foam bomb that I had. I did love that beer though.
Mine was a little different as I used 6-Row, Crystal Hops, and Flaked Corn but the same idea. The Pils will ferment better and probably won't create the foam bomb that I had. I did love that beer though.
I did it with 6-Row the first time, too. Most likely with Warrior for bittering. I don't remember having much problem with foaming. Can't remember, I've slept a couple times and I'm too lazy to look back. This batch I did with Maris Otter. MO's got a very unique flavor. Pretty sure I used S05 in at least one batch. I don't think I've ever used a lager yeast, or just don't know if I did or not. Someone's already written a book about what I don't know about yeast yet, I'm sure. It's a fun hobby learning all this stuff, not to mention good rewards for spending the time on it.

I might go with the pils this time (even cheat a little and use DME) and bump the malt bill just a little to see what happens. Maybe some Mosaic or Citra to give it that juicy hop. Any recommendation for the lager yeast?

One thing I've noticed is there seems to be a lot of overlap in different styles. I guess one thing all the styles have in common is that they're for beer. o_O
Indeed, now there's a bit of a row over a the second test of the Ashes. Seems Australia won by paying attention? I can't say, all this is outside my experience.
Yeah doesn't take much the wip the poms up into a bit of Fury over the rules of Cricket.

Old mate didn't ground his bat in the crease at the end of the over and walked up the pitch our wicket keeper knocked the stumps down with the ball and sent him packing.

Well the poms rekon this isn't in the "spirit" of the game and old mate shouldn't of been out.

Well if the shoe was on the other foot the poms would want the same;).

Rules are rules Robbo!
I did it with 6-Row the first time, too. Most likely with Warrior for bittering. I don't remember having much problem with foaming. Can't remember, I've slept a couple times and I'm too lazy to look back. This batch I did with Maris Otter. MO's got a very unique flavor. Pretty sure I used S05 in at least one batch. I don't think I've ever used a lager yeast, or just don't know if I did or not. Someone's already written a book about what I don't know about yeast yet, I'm sure. It's a fun hobby learning all this stuff, not to mention good rewards for spending the time on it.

I might go with the pils this time (even cheat a little and use DME) and bump the malt bill just a little to see what happens. Maybe some Mosaic or Citra to give it that juicy hop. Any recommendation for the lager yeast?

One thing I've noticed is there seems to be a lot of overlap in different styles. I guess one thing all the styles have in common is that they're for beer. o_O
Hard to go wrong with 34/70 about the most forgiving clean lager yeast I’ve tried. I’d still be using it if dad wasn’t allergic to it.
Cricet is a crazy game to try and figure out.......we play hockey in Canada :D
And cricket our Captain Steve Smith went over there to play cricket when he was in excile band from playing cricket in Aus when he and two other Aussie Cricket players were caught up in the Sand paper cheeting saga back a few years ago in South Africa.

He's come along way since then and once again as is his brilliant form scoring Hundreds against the Poms in the Ashes.
Transferring my "brown ale" looks a bit amberish

Time will tell.

Early sample pours wernt positive that popcorn thing i had roasting that rice malt in the pan has sorta come through in the beer ...
Taken my fermenter out of the fermentation fridge and now we are both resting ;)
Me to have a cup of tea, and the fermenter to let the trub settle.
I'll transfer to an oxebar keg later today.

Going back to cricket: it took me a long time to understand the rules. Quite like it now. At least the 50 over and 20/20 cricket. Tests are just too long.
And Holland qualified for the world cup 50 over cricket. Yeah!
I did it with 6-Row the first time, too. Most likely with Warrior for bittering. I don't remember having much problem with foaming. Can't remember, I've slept a couple times and I'm too lazy to look back. This batch I did with Maris Otter. MO's got a very unique flavor. Pretty sure I used S05 in at least one batch. I don't think I've ever used a lager yeast, or just don't know if I did or not. Someone's already written a book about what I don't know about yeast yet, I'm sure. It's a fun hobby learning all this stuff, not to mention good rewards for spending the time on it.

I might go with the pils this time (even cheat a little and use DME) and bump the malt bill just a little to see what happens. Maybe some Mosaic or Citra to give it that juicy hop. Any recommendation for the lager yeast?

One thing I've noticed is there seems to be a lot of overlap in different styles. I guess one thing all the styles have in common is that they're for beer. o_O
34/70. Pitch the living sh** out of it.
I did it with 6-Row the first time, too. Most likely with Warrior for bittering. I don't remember having much problem with foaming. Can't remember, I've slept a couple times and I'm too lazy to look back. This batch I did with Maris Otter. MO's got a very unique flavor. Pretty sure I used S05 in at least one batch. I don't think I've ever used a lager yeast, or just don't know if I did or not. Someone's already written a book about what I don't know about yeast yet, I'm sure. It's a fun hobby learning all this stuff, not to mention good rewards for spending the time on it.

I might go with the pils this time (even cheat a little and use DME) and bump the malt bill just a little to see what happens. Maybe some Mosaic or Citra to give it that juicy hop. Any recommendation for the lager yeast?

One thing I've noticed is there seems to be a lot of overlap in different styles. I guess one thing all the styles have in common is that they're for beer. o_O
Doing some research for a beer for the holidays and noticed the same thing: Marzens, Viennas, Dortmunders... All beers I love and have never made, all with close to the same ingredients. Josh sent me something else that gave me a different theory and more understanding. I think I have an idea of what I want now and have worked out a compromise based on my reading from several sources. It is a fun hobby.
Tried to finish off the last of the best bitter last night. Still have a few pints to go in keg #2. Kegged an English brown last week. Its meh, We'll see in a month.
Well, I didn't duplicate, and I didn't even get anything hard to do. Decided to grab something that's quick and easy make, and give my stocks a little boost. The brown I have in the fermenter will likely be ready to bottle early next week, and I'll get a Rapier Wit going in a bucket in a dark closet by then as well. Worked before, it'll work again. Don't have to keep it cold, just don't let it get warm. After that, I've got an extract version of Bell's Brown that I wanna try before I do it with malts.
That really is amazingly clear!
