What are you doing with homebrew today?

Checking on the 2 brews fermenting under pressure. A few more points to go yet. More OTCB experiments. A Sour under pressure no ferm temp control and German malt bill with Mexican yeast. No idea how these beers will come out. Also checked on my ginger beer 2 weeks in. Still has krausen.
Checking on the 2 brews fermenting under pressure. A few more points to go yet. More OTCB experiments. A Sour under pressure no ferm temp control and German malt bill with Mexican yeast. No idea how these beers will come out. Also checked on my ginger beer 2 weeks in. Still has krausen.
Wow alot going on there Clint
I know. I'm trying to build a bit of homebrew inventory but drinking as fast as they come on tap. Currently, there is no homebrew on tap. I broke the homebrewer's doctrine. "Never run out of homebrew."
Makes you realise how hard the pros have gotta brew to keep their taps charged and ready to go.

Imagine ten of you at the bar Clint:D!
I know. I'm trying to build a bit of homebrew inventory but drinking as fast as they come on tap. Currently, there is no homebrew on tap. I broke the homebrewer's doctrine. "Never run out of homebrew."
Uh oh, another one of those rules I didn’t know. Guess I’m gonna wind up a total home brewing disgrace.
Bottled the Smoked Porter today. Missed FG by 1 point, so I'm not gonna cry. VERY clear in the filler hose. Poured a sample off the yeast in the sediment bulb from the fermenter, and didn't get even a tiny bit of yeast in it. Apex London cleans up VERY well. Drew the batch slowly to avoid krausen pulling loose in the fermenter and getting in the batch this time. Didn't see so many chunky bits in the bottom of the bottling bucket, so slower it is. This is an extract recipe, but if it turns out to be decent, I may replicate it with all grain.

Cleaned up the fermenter, and brewed another Rapier Wit.

Busy brewing day.
Mashing in

Without these enzymes this brewday wouldn't be so cruisy.
90% brew house on average I get with these little puppies:)
All I'm doing is raising the temperature on my inkbird by 0.5 oC ;)
En thinking of what to brew next and when to keg.
I want to build up some stock of homebrew
Today I am wondering when and if my Hefeweitzen gravity will stabilize. Brewed on Sunday and, like @Josh Hughes wondering if there's something wrong. Never had one go this long or this low, BUT the data is coming from a Tilt, so we will see.
Fermentation on my Helles has stopped. I’ll wait a few days then keg it, as long as it’s good. Need to drink some Bitter to open up a keg for it so timing should work. Going to Lowe’s today to buy some house stuff so I’ll drop by a liquor store that typically has a few decent imports so I’ll see what they have. They have a few homebrew supplies so I’ll check that out and see if I need anything. They do not have much really extract supplies but did have some fresh hops last time.
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How quickly do you normally keg?
Looks like a lot of folk just ferment for about a week?
Today I am wondering when and if my Hefeweitzen gravity will stabilize. Brewed on Sunday and, like @Josh Hughes wondering if there's something wrong. Never had one go this long or this low, BUT the data is coming from a Tilt, so we will see.
View attachment 26024
The temp hasnt dropped so I would think it has a way to go..
Just labelled my Bonfire Toffee Stout which I bottled yesterday on Day 10 static at 1.013 three days - nods @ Josh Hughes. I don't detect any sweetness that I was slightly expecting but it is a softer kind of dryness compared to what I am used to. Man the oak is very prominent, I might have overdone it with those chips. Too early to judge of course but stout is the one thing I struggle with re: patience and will probably crack and test a bottle early as I have none in matured at the moment. Fourteen days conditioning underway, well sort of.
The temp hasnt dropped so I would think it has a way to go..
It is in a temperature controlled chamber. I set it to that temp.

so my curiosity got the best of me, and I moved it out of the chamber a bit to peer in through the clear lid. Still plenty of Krausen, but nothing near what it was at its peak, and some kind of a clearish white bubbly coating, I guess, is the best word.

I'm almost certain it's a pellicle. I suppose I could look it up, but I wonder: is it pellicle good, bad, or a don't care condition?

The blowoff tube smells normal, not foul. I am not really worried, but have not seen a pellicle before.
It is in a temperature controlled chamber. I set it to that temp.

so my curiosity got the best of me, and I moved it out of the chamber a bit to peer in through the clear lid. Still plenty of Krausen, but nothing near what it was at its peak, and some kind of a clearish white bubbly coating, I guess, is the best word.

I'm almost certain it's a pellicle. I suppose I could look it up, but I wonder: is it pellicle good, bad, or a don't care condition?

The blowoff tube smells normal, not foul. I am not really worried, but have not seen a pellicle before.
It'll be fine don't do what most newbs do and start taking samples and opening up the fermenter to Oxidation.

Stay the course Don have faith in yourself man!
@Donoroto im having a flashback. How much more attenuation do you expect? How I missed this earlier I don’t know.
@Donoroto im having a flashback. How much more attenuation do you expect? How I missed this earlier I don’t know.
Thanks Josh. I expected it to stop at 017. I am guessing that pellicle was influencing the tilt. It went down to 008, but then jumped back to 014 and is kinda staying there.

The slimy-clear layer is unsettling to me, but really, I almost never get to see the fermentation because I use a stainless fermenter, with a 4" TC viewing port in top that can't be seen without taking the fermenter out of the chamber (think larger dorm fridge) so I never look.

I'm going to give it 2 or 3 more days and keg it. I'll measure the gravity at packaging.
