What are you doing with homebrew today?

Kegging day
My wife and I went to our first meeting as members of the Cascade Brewers Society. We got to learn about acids and their impacts on beer and other beverages. She won a raffle prize (and promptly gave it to me), including a book on sustainable homebrewing, a logo hat and a packet of Irish moss. After the raffle, there was a grab bag of expired dry yeast - I collected a Lallemand Farmhouse Hybrid Saison-style expired 2/23. Then it was time for sharing of homebrew and conversation. It was a fun night with a good group of people.
A little outdoor bottle washing. Had to repair the washer because both pumps broke off the molded connectors. I threader the plastic and put hose barbs on both the washer and the pumps to isolate the washer from the weight of the pumps. Took longer to fill the tub and get the bottles out here than it does to wash (rinse with sanitizer). I rinse’em good after I empty them so rarely do they have anything to scrub and inside. Just dusty from our renovations.


Can see version 1 and 2.0 of my crates in this photo. V2.0 weighs about half of Version 1.0

Just a little prep work for the fermenting batch of smoked porter. I’m strongly considering mini kegs for packaging in the not so distant future.

It’s currently 98 with a feels-like of 112, and I’m doing this outside. Proof positive I ain’t the sharpest pencil in the box
Final planning on lager season. Tomorrow will be no rain so I’ll brew outside. Taking my Helles, lowering the gravity and adding some red x. I’ve had cans of Weihenstephaner Munich session lager that is under 4% and super tasty. So im riffing on that. https://www.brewersfriend.com/homebrew/recipe/edit/1386412
Final planning on lager season. Tomorrow will be no rain so I’ll brew outside. Taking my Helles, lowering the gravity and adding some red x. I’ve had cans of Weihenstephaner Munich session lager that is under 4% and super tasty. So im riffing on that. https://www.brewersfriend.com/homebrew/recipe/edit/1386412
That looks like an absolutely fantastic beer for late summer afternoons. I'm diggin on the low IBU and ABV. I might just try that one, if I can get the Hallertau. Last time I tried, my LHBS didn't have any. That was post-COVID end of the world supply chain interruption, though. Maybe things have picked back up and he's not having so much trouble re-stocking. I may take this to him and see how much he subs. The last three recipes I've got from him have all been subbed for something, so that makes it harder for me to brew what I really wanted to try. Might be time to remedy some storage issues and just bite the bullet for a mill and order what I want so I don't have to substitute unless I just need to use up inventory. I've got a nice cool closet in the basement that really isn't ideally located for storing anything else. Right now, it's just full of old computer junk that I need to get to recycling. I got a couple really nice heavy duty totes for my b'day that are black and would make excellent grain storage. I just need to make sure they seal well enough to keep out bugs/critters lest I attract more in. I've got plenty fridge space for yeast and hops. Even freezer space if I need it. Might have to declare imminent domain on it again, though. The missus has been storing other stuff in the fridge "since I don't have it full of home brew". Hmm, wonder why that is? I've got 11 cases of empty bottles that need filling, and I want to try some things I haven't done yet. Maybe smaller batches so I can try different things, but the problem with that is space for fermenting. A small batch takes just as long to brew and ferment as a big batch. I need some fermenter hardware that fits better in the fridgideezer so I can ferment two different things at one time, obviously pending the same temperature for the yeast.
Went out to the shed and checked on the smoked porter this morning. Good thing, too. Apparently when the lights were flickering yesterday, it caused a GFI outlet in the shed to trip and shut off the fridgideezer. (For those of you that don't know, fridgideezer is a George Carlin word. I was a huge fan of George Carlin). Reset it and found the batch was at 21.4 C, so only about 2 degrees above the 19.5 midpoint I set the controller for, and well within the temps for the London yeast. So no real biggie. I probably should have bucketed this batch in the basement and left the FF7.9 for something a little more temperature sensitive. I'll never get my stocks built up if I don't do something to get a couple brews going at one time. Time for some research to find a couple brews that I can run around 20C and get in the bottles quickly. Any suggestions? Maybe just use a different yeast on something I already do.
Went out to the shed and checked on the smoked porter this morning. Good thing, too. Apparently when the lights were flickering yesterday, it caused a GFI outlet in the shed to trip and shut off the fridgideezer. (For those of you that don't know, fridgideezer is a George Carlin word. I was a huge fan of George Carlin). Reset it and found the batch was at 21.4 C, so only about 2 degrees above the 19.5 midpoint I set the controller for, and well within the temps for the London yeast. So no real biggie. I probably should have bucketed this batch in the basement and left the FF7.9 for something a little more temperature sensitive. I'll never get my stocks built up if I don't do something to get a couple brews going at one time. Time for some research to find a couple brews that I can run around 20C and get in the bottles quickly. Any suggestions? Maybe just use a different yeast on something I already do.
Maybe a plain old ipa? S04 yeast and a buncha hops like citra or mosaic. Thinking of Sierra Nevada.
I just took a gravity sample on my Ginger Ninger, and it’s a couple points above projected FG. Given that this has been fermenting for 6 weeks, it has to be finished. In any case, the sample smelled good, and had a little ginger bite on the tongue. To finish, I added 100+ grams of peeled and thoroughly pulverized ginger. My plan is to bottle this batch on Wednesday.
I just took a gravity sample on my Ginger Ninger, and it’s a couple points above projected FG. Given that this has been fermenting for 6 weeks, it has to be finished. In any case, the sample smelled good, and had a little ginger bite on the tongue. To finish, I added 100+ grams of peeled and thoroughly pulverized ginger. My plan is to bottle this batch on Wednesday.
Your a patient man Herm I hope it turns out great.:)
Had to repair the washer because both pumps broke off the molded connectors.
Had the same thing happen to my Fast Washer. Since I got one when they first came out I was actually contemplating buying another with the hope that they worked the bugs out. Apparently they haven't. When did you buy yours @RoadRoach?

(In addition to the pump thread connection breaking off, it leaked like a sieve, whether the screws were barely tightened on cranked down tight.)
Darn rain. I opened the door to take stuff outside and a pop has turned into 30 minutes of pouring rain. So I’ll brew this afternoon. Got grain and salts measured out at least.
Darn rain. I opened the door to take stuff outside and a pop has turned into 30 minutes of pouring rain. So I’ll brew this afternoon. Got grain and salts measured out at least.
Rain seems to be having a cheeky day, waited until I started cleaning my windows here and stopped within minutes of me finishing. Lovely breezy sunny day since just after lunch.

The 2 gallon plastic keg with my golden ale in is behaving better now since I purged and stored yesterday. It wasn't just about pressure that a leak was forming. The closure is about done in as the opening handle is now turned almost as far over as it will go without beer coming out. Apart from that which I have to put down to shelf life and reasonable level of usage it seems okay. So even if this keg holds up for the full three months that I am giving golden ale to mature on the outside based on previous results, I will replace the tap with one of my spares from the dud kegs I stripped down for parts. All in all this has been a saga and I have learned from it, includiing about myself LOL

The one gallon aluminium mini-kegs are so far a lot more reliable and cheaper considering they count as freebies. All the ones I have so far came filled with beer from two different breweries although pint for pint cost a lot more than what they charge for either cans or bottles which seems a bit odd to me as it counts as far less packaging and filling process. Overall though it counts as a double bonus as they fit in my fridge whereas the 2 gallons do not. Makes up for the headaches from the above and I reckon if offered that result at the outset would have taken it.
Well I trusted the weather app I use….going to get a pop up. Great
