What are you doing with homebrew today?

Ima have to jump on this hop growing bandwagon. They should do well here, at least some of the varieties. Apparently Centennial does very well in these climes. BUUUUUT, the missus got me out house hunting the last few days. Would kinda tick me off to plant hops bines and then move somewhere.
Ima have to jump on this hop growing bandwagon. They should do well here, at least some of the varieties. Apparently Centennial does very well in these climes. BUUUUUT, the missus got me out house hunting the last few days. Would kinda tick me off to plant hops bines and then move somewhere.

Confirm this but I believe they are easy to move. I did a little homework because we weren't sure where we wanted them. Best I remember is that moving them wouldn't be an issue. Fair warning, I haven't had to moved them yet but....
I filled 7 bottles of sort of De Koninck plus 1 small pet. Orange caps.
Remainder in the oxebar keg (about 7.5 litres)
Checking in on buckwheat drying in the Dehydrator should be done by this arvo.

I'll pop em in after My pizza:)

I'll turn the lot into brown malt and make a brown ale type thing after the Q2 beach brew:)

And there she be

15mins 220c
20mins 180c
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Kegged/bottled my Bavarian Wheat as it was stuck on 1.016 over at least 48 hours with minimal visible activity. Aroma, mouthfeel and taste already developing from previous reading. And clearing from top of bottles within a couple of hours. First batch I have done with swing tops barring a few testers. Got used to them very soon. No way are those 0.5L Grolsch ones going to accept labels so I copied what I have seen folks doing on here and coded the top of the caps: WB for Wheat Beer, about to write BW then realised I might one day mistake them for Barley Wine, Also dropped the priming in the mini-kegs from 3 to 2.5 teaspoons as the latest one I opened was foaming out the grommet on top of the can at one point.
View attachment 25476
Kegged/bottled my Bavarian Wheat as it was stuck on 1.016 over at least 48 hours with minimal visible activity. Aroma, mouthfeel and taste already developing from previous reading. And clearing from top of bottles within a couple of hours. First batch I have done with swing tops barring a few testers. Got used to them very soon. No way are those 0.5L Grolsch ones going to accept labels so I copied what I have seen folks doing on here and coded the top of the caps: WB for Wheat Beer, about to write BW then realised I might one day mistake them for Barley Wine, Also dropped the priming in the mini-kegs from 3 to 2.5 teaspoons as the latest one I opened was foaming out the grommet on top of the can at one point.
I bet the swing tops take some of the labour out of bottling looks good.
I bet the swing tops take some of the labour out of bottling looks good.
Nah, not really. With a good capper, it goes pretty quickly, especially if someone is capping while someone else is filling. Me and the missus knock out a 5 gallon batch in about a half hour. Takes a lot longer to prep for bottling and then cleaning up than it does to actually get the beer into the bottles.
I fell asleep trying to post this is what I did with home brew today! I gotta clean up the brewery some time this week!

There's a quart of harvested slurry already in the beer fridge too! Check in with me in about 3 weeks to a month and we'll see if we can read the headlines through a pint glass!
I am halfway through mashing my version of @Trialben Ginger Ninger. Yesterday I bought a bunch of good looking fresh ginger at the local market ($3.89 per pound), and decided to add some galingal that was in the fridge. So in each of the 3 boil additions calling for ginger, I have subbed in some galingal. I am excited to taste how this comes out.
View attachment 25510

Grinding up grain for a Northern Brewer recipe, Permafrost White IPA.
That's a pretty healthy size motor you put on that mill. I'd be willing to bet it's a lot quieter than a drill, though. Nice rig that. Considering getting into 'grinding my own' as well, so if ya made any drawings for that, I'd like to see 'em. What mill is that? 3 roller or 2?

AND YES, gorgeous car.
