What are you doing with homebrew today?

Started my very first Bavarian Wheat Beer. OG 1.050. Yeast with this extract kit (M20 Bavarian Wheat by Mangrove Jack's) smells absolutely fantastic. Apparently it produces aroma of Banana and aftertaste of Cloves and one sniff had me believing. No activity in airlock yet 6 hours down the line but it is early days. This is the first named specialist yeast I have used. Before that Munton's Gold was my most adventurous with mostly favourable results. I guess I have led a relatively sheltered life all these years of brewing. It seems like another path of adventure is about to unfold.
I’m marveling that these 2 sprouts from a rhizome planted just a few weeks ago might have me swimming in Centennial hops cones in a few months. Thinking of fresh hop ales!
I need a whole lotta beer to catch up with the water, then. In the past two days I've poured at least 5 gallons of water through me doing some rough cut yard work. And it ain't even hot yet. Then again, a couple of AndyGator's did a pretty good job. Wouldn't wanna have many of those on an empty stomach. WOW that stuff's strong, and as advertised, will sneak up on ya like a gator. Tasty, though.
I always drink the equivalent of 5 bottles of water a day out of habit. So when I drinking it’s not a huge adjustment.
I always drink the equivalent of 5 bottles of water a day out of habit. So when I drinking it’s not a huge adjustment.
I rarely drink more than 3 beers on any given day anyway, unless I'm watching a ball game with someone, and even then, I limit myself to one beer per half, and never more than 6 in a day. Usually by the time I get to the first beer , if I've been working outside, I've probably had about 4 gallons of water poured through me, too. I take my 2-gallon Coleman water cooler with me in the morning, refill it at lunch, and maybe again before the afternoon is over. RARELY do I ever pour any water to waste out of that cooler. When I stop to clean up for dinner and cool down is when I usually have the first beer. The next is with dinner, and MAYBE a 3rd after dinner. Today's total was exactly 1 beer, an Andygator. If I don't have any in the fridge, I will typically just do without, or pop the cork on a bottle of homemade wind and have ONE glass of that. I still drink a lot more than I used to simply because I make it and enjoy trying different things.
The top just returns to the fermenter from the gas post. There is a tee with a zip lock bag. Just to add a little surge capacity for CO2. Keeps any vaccum from forming in the fermenter. (Has happened for whatever reason)
Done some unplanned cleaning. Looked like there had been an explosion in my fermenter this morning. Inner lid was almost fully caked. The M20 Bavarian Wheat yeast got going overnight. Only a small bit actually came into the airlock, however. Cleaned up, reset lid and airlock, bubbling nice and steady since but already noticeably slowed up some. Must say it looked about the healthiest head in the bin I have yet seen. Nice aroma too. I was having to operate too quickly to take any piccies - no point taking any more risks of contamination than absolutely necessary. Should now be plain sailing until day 6 gravity reading.
I am preparing to bottle AC Pale Ale.
Earlier, I made a few minor changes to my iteration of the Community Quarterly Brew, namely to use Magnum to get 30 IBU’s at 60 minutes, reducing the 30 minute Tettnanger, adding a 20 minute dose, then twice that much at 5 minutes, instead of at 3. Since Tettnanger is not something I use regularly, I am going to use a whole 1 ounce package in this brew. Later I will head to lhbs to pick up grains and hops.
Checked on my Frankenbeer, and it's still happily bubbling along at 16C. Still a bit of a mess in the fermenter, but should see it start to settle out in a couple days. Will drop the temp to 12C then to start clarifying, then 6C for another week. Lotsa stuff in suspension, but seems I remember the same from the last brew. I've slept twice since then, though.
AC Pale Ale is in the bottles, and will likely condition pretty fast, given the unseasonably hot weather. The representative sample is murky from trub dregs. And there is another full bottle (PTE to check for carbonation). Dry hopped with Azacca and Citra, this has a nice citrus aroma. This has a much higher abv than projected, as BRY-97 attenuated all the way down to 1.006 (projected 1.015).
With 2 empty fermenters, it’s time to make another batch, and @Zefram Beach Brew is up next.
Hooked up at the trailer! Need a longer beer line, coming out pretty foamy! Maybe I will try reducing pressure first, the mini reg may not be all that accurate...
View attachment 25433
I do like that mini-keg. What size is that? It looks like a couple of those would probably hold a 20L batch. I'd do another batch, but it's too warm here now to try to ferment without the fermentation fridge. Frankenbeer's still chugging away out there after a week. I'm hoping this one dries out some because I want the Citra hops to pop in it. Maris Otter can be a little sweet on the finish. I like it, but perhaps it's hiding something that I'd like to taste? Maybe time to switch back to a good pils for my summer brews.
Hooked up at the trailer! Need a longer beer line, coming out pretty foamy! Maybe I will try reducing pressure first, the mini reg may not be all that accurate...
View attachment 25433
Yup purge it out set the psi like 5 and the foam should settle out.

As your drinking the carbonation my drop a bit but before bed tonight just turn it back up to carbonation pressure that's how I'd roll with it.

Either that or get a.bigger mug:D
Hooked up at the trailer! Need a longer beer line, coming out pretty foamy! Maybe I will try reducing pressure first, the mini reg may not be all that accurate...
View attachment 25433
I really like these. I have 2 actually
Picnic Tap 2.1 - aka Better Tap - All-in-One Super Liquid Disconnect for tight space, no beer line | no foam waste | no drips | no equal, ready to pour great glasses of beer directly from a keg or growler without beer line and drip tray. Made in USA. Low Profile Ball Lock https://a.co/d/cZat4TN
